2015 Hetalia Gathering

Started by Miraculous Cosplay, April 02, 2015, 09:01:44 AM

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Miraculous Cosplay

This event will be hosted by Rome and Germania

If you have any questions please ask them on this thread or
Here: https://www.facebook.com/events/1586292911630102/

We have some rules that you can check out in the description of the link above

Miraculous Cosplay

Please don't be afraid to post on this thread


I'll be there as nyo!italy  :)
Plans for fanime 2014
Sat- Tsumiki Mikan, Ren (DMMD)
Sun- Sasha Blouse, 3am Jade at the starlight ball


Really Excited-Will be there as 2p!America. 

Much thanks to those running this, you guys are the bees knees.



I will also be there as Romano :)

Miraculous Cosplay

reminder that the gathering starts at noon and ends at one
