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Messages - dreamerofpluto

I know this is a long shot--goodness only knows if anyone even reads these forums a solid three weeks after the con has ended, much less the person I'm hoping will see this--but I had to give it a try...

You asked me to dance at the Black and White Ball, and I was awful at it, and you reassured me that I wasn't--which was a lie, but very kind ^.~  I've been kicking myself and kicking myself ever since for not having asked for a second dance, for a name, for an anything...but I was just so overwhelmed with that fluttery teenage feeling I haven't felt in oh so long!

You wore a vest and boots and a little mask off to the side of your head.  I wore a spaghetti-strapped white dress and a short grey wig whose bangs kept getting in my eyes.  If there's any chance at all that you see this message, I'd love to hear from you.  If not...I'll be at the ball again next year, and I hope to get MY chance to ask YOU to dance ^.^