Bleach Gathering 2009!

Started by Yukari Kaiba, June 19, 2008, 06:38:00 PM

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How did you like 2008's gathering?

awesome! :D
34 (36.2%)
alright :/
10 (10.6%)
it failed DX
1 (1.1%)
didn't go
49 (52.1%)

Total Members Voted: 88


Happy Easter to everyone who celebrates it in.....fourteen minutes.

@ Lordsnow

...I signed up for Cosplay .com solely for the purpose of cosplay chess. :D Yuu did too. ^__^
Though you might be able to contact her through her Fanime name-thingy and ask her there too, but I'd check with Yukari on that one. She knows a lot more about this then I do. XD

@ Waffle-lover

There's maps all over the place when you get there, you won't be lost. >_< And there's absolutely no way you can miss the gatherings. @__@;; They're literally right outside in front of everything . And the park is directly across the street. You can see it from the Gathering spot for one, and two, everyone goes there at the same time. Watching a giagantic group of Bleach cosplayers crossing the street is quite an incredible sight. XD

@ Wren

See above ^

@ chaosbark

.....thirty-nine days in a few hours! 8D
Okay, I'll stop now, I just really wanted to get into the thirties, but I claim twenties to announce again....>.>.....
Catch the Barrel/Prize:,10013.msg255958.html#msg255958

Cosplay 2010
~Bleach: Yadomaru Lisa
~Soul Eater: Gorgon Medusa
~Naruto (Shippuden): Hyuuga Hinata
~CardCaptor Sakura: Mirror Card
~Fairy Tail: Lucy


Well thats reassuring. Luckily in the ride home from Sunday school my mom agreed that when we go out shopping for more clothes this week  we can get fabric and supplies for my cosplay. FINALLY!!!! WOOT
I used to keep an open mind, but my brains kept falling out.
If you don't like my driving, than get off the sidewalk.

*proud member of Prop Whores United <3*

Dragon Ninja

The Bount arc is now over and we start on the Arrancar arc in America next Saturday and they'll be show two episodes every week.

Here's the cover of this week's chapter.  ;D

Fanime 2013:
Naruto Uzumaki (Naruto Shippuden)
Ichigo Kurosaki (Bleach)
The 9th Doctor (Doctor Who)

Downloads & Fansubs are evil. Support the Anime industry. Buy DVDs NOW


Yeah! The arrancar arc! I'm going to watch and laugh at Ulqui's voice actor (when he shows up). I just watched this weeks episode and Shinji's voice actor is... decent (from what I could tell from his one line at the end of the episode).

And now we know where Nel is, starting a successful modeling career.
I used to keep an open mind, but my brains kept falling out.
If you don't like my driving, than get off the sidewalk.

*proud member of Prop Whores United <3*


 Ill concern myself with the last few pages worth of posts of later.

Now is time for Sakuracon crap.

Didn't take any pictures, I always forget.

First of all- worst con EVER. Soo boring you gahs..soo boring.  I was disappointed that I didnt get to hang out with Charis as much as everyone else since they were all sharing a room.  The Bleach shoot was the highlight of the con even though Id mysteriously re-injured my foot just prior.
( Lies. I KNEW it would but what horrid timing.)

Charis pointed out a seriously fail 'spoiler' Ichigo. His helmet thing was kind of cool but well..he NEEDED to be wearing a shirt or at the very least shave.

He liked my Bankai Renji and wanted a picture with me.  I didnt realize that everyone was taking the picture. I dont photograph well and it will be EVERYWHERE. Im frightened.

aaanyway, his costume was sooo awful that he 'horror' waves killed my costume. The second the cameras were put away my bandanna fell down, wig stopped cooperating, Zabimaru lost two spikes, and even an eye ( of coarse I saw him stab Zabi in the eye >_< ) and I mysteriously developed a nasty headache-no doubt from my wig being too tight not being able to 'unsee it'.

Unfortunately this was right at the beginning of the shoot so I had to keep readjusting everything for pictures and only AFTER I was able to escape Charis.
God forbid she show general concern and insist I stay off an injured foot. Even in the pictures she kept reminding me to  do so.
Seriously, how rude caring for my well-being. ( Ya know I appreciate it Cap'nMom)

Unfortunately I myself have no pictures Ill try and find some.   I also lost my phone JUST before the con. >_<

Aside form re-breaking my foot I now have a nice bloody gash all across  my rib cage.
Eh, itll heal but finding a some better material might be a good idea.

Heres looking forward to faniime which I know will be more exciting.

Quote from: chaosbark on April 10, 2009, 01:38:02 AM
I'm half pleased and have disappointed. UlqHime was kind of touching, though. Now save Ishida! >.<

I actually agree on both levels. It was ...a LITTLE touching. If he hadn't have immediately died I would have been unhappy about it, so it worked out alright.

And Goddamnit Ichigo- "you should cut of my arm and leg too. See, if he wanted to be 'bad ass he would have done it himself without announcing IT.  This way he may as well have yelled " PAY ATTENTION TO MEEE!! IM BEING A JACKASS  MARTYR!!"

Quote from: chaosbark on April 10, 2009, 01:25:30 PM
At least he was angry at himself - that redeemed him a tiny bit.

I annoys me that no one cares that Ishida it massively injured. He's just left on the side in a pool of his blood as people get weepy over Ulq (I like Ulq, but I like Ishida more).

Did not. There is no redemption for him.

I dunno for me at least Ishida doesn't have enough personality for me to pay attention.  It isnt as though I dislike him. For me hes just ..kind of 'there'.

Quote from: BumbleB on April 09, 2009, 11:56:59 AM
Have fun at Sakura Con Yuu!!!! (hope you heal up soon)  :-[

On a somewhat related note:
Has anyone noticed that the English Dub for Bleach sounds different? I was watching all the Bleach episodes I recorded recently (yeah I know it's just filler) but they sound a little funny. :(
Sheesh I hate fillers, but at least some of our fillers are epic...BWAHAHAHAHAHA. :D

Thanks but dont worry about me. Im a fast healer...if by 'heal' you mean 'ignore' until ti causes more problems later XP

Sounds 'different'? Compared to what?
I do think that the English Wii game sounds different than the TV series.
ie Yah, Byakuyas VA is pretty decent in the series but SUCKS in the game. Maybe they arent paid enough for games?
" Your aren't taking sides if you spread out violence evenly"


*steals her brother's laptop again*

@Midnight: My cell phone has a countdown timer for Fanime.  Panic, YES.

@Yuu: I have that one picture of you and Paul I snagged that I'll put up where you can get to it.  Not a full shot, but it's something. (And yay, I got to cuddle Zabi.  Mwahahaha!)

On the beard discussion: crepe hair and spirit gum are a theatrical standby.
2012 Plans:
  • Gypsy Queen / Kaya Syokka (Trinity Blood)
  • Risai (Juuni Kokki/Twelve Kingdoms)
  • Shusui (Saiunkoku Monogatari)
  • others TBD


Quote from: Charis on April 12, 2009, 09:58:35 PM
On the beard discussion: crepe hair and spirit gum are a theatrical standby.
Great. i've looked into it, and itll be easier than not shaving and hoping something will grow in time. now all i need is my new debit card so i can order some
Brevity is the soul of Wit.
Confusion is the soul of Runewitt.


Quote from: Charis on April 12, 2009, 09:58:35 PM
*steals her brother's laptop again*

@Midnight: My cell phone has a countdown timer for Fanime.  Panic, YES.

Don't tell me to panic!!!! :o I'm already scared.  :-[

@dragon ninja:cool pic :)
Yes I can go to Fanime!

Sunday:Shinigami Rukia- Bleach
*proud member of Prop Whores United <3*


Aww, poor Yuu. If I we're in your shoes right now, I would be using all those injuries to get out of PE.
I used to keep an open mind, but my brains kept falling out.
If you don't like my driving, than get off the sidewalk.

*proud member of Prop Whores United <3*


I love the cover art in a couple places. Rukia... she just kills it. Nel looks kinda odd in that picture. Matsumoto just makes it awesome.

I'll sing up for the chess tomorrow after work then.
Old soldiers never die, and they don't fade away


OMG I'M SO EXCITED! This will be my first time at fanime! and my second bleach gathering! Woot!!!
Cosplays for Fanime 2009
- Sei from Burst Angel
- Sailor Mars
- Yoruichi from Bleach
- Lolita
- Team Magma Grunt from Pokemon Hoenn Season
- Rave/Dance Outfit


ah nice to see everyone busy with getting their costumes done in time for fanime. i am still in need to get done costumes ASAP mode *flails too much arms fall off Dx*

check out our site, we cover all the latest news on both anime and video games and also we have a podcast


I haven't even started on making my kimono top for my shinigami costume!!! Pants are DONE :) (sigh of relief)
I can't find a pattern to make the kimono top anywhere! *PANIC!* DX
Oh well if I can't finish it I'll just do a closet cosplay of Rukia's school uniform.
Yes I can go to Fanime!

Sunday:Shinigami Rukia- Bleach
*proud member of Prop Whores United <3*


I think that Simplicity has a decent kimono pattern (I only saw it, didn't buy it). But if you don't want to buy the pattern, there's a decent one online here (this is a large file). Both will likely need modifications - I'll look over the kimono I just pulled apart to see if I can point out any big modifications that need to be made.

EDIT: For a guide without pictures (a very good guide too, if you don't mind reading) refer to here.


With all the talk of patterns, does anyone know a dress that is similar to the one Sun-sun wears? My mom and I are going to try and find one this week then alter it. And also, what type of fabric should I use? XD Thanks!
I used to keep an open mind, but my brains kept falling out.
If you don't like my driving, than get off the sidewalk.

*proud member of Prop Whores United <3*


@ waffle-lover26
hmm i havn't seen a lot of Sun Sun cosplayers, but you might have to make the top. The skirt you can buy as just any long white skirt and add the black belt things.

I'm making my "Zanpaktou" (Sode no Shirayuki) right now.

Everyone out there: what material are you using for your sword?

Mine is bamboo. The weapons policy is really strict this year
Quotewooden weapons [like your sword] will be changed to an ACCESSORY TYPE, meaning it will be peace bonded in such a manner it will NOT be able to be pulled or handled in a swining motion- meaning it will be permantently tied to your costume and not be used for hand held or posing positions.
Wait WHAT?!!? Peace bonded on my sash?? No posing for pictures??  :'( Oh well I can always bring my little sister's plastic one.
Yes I can go to Fanime!

Sunday:Shinigami Rukia- Bleach
*proud member of Prop Whores United <3*


I looked up Sun-Sun and her dress looks pretty simple. Typically the stores will keep the winter-ish patterns filed, but as it is spring I'm having difficultly locating the type of pattern you might want. I modify patterns far too much for my own good... For Ggio, just to give you an idea, I bought a fashion version of scrub (mandarin collar and side buttons). I measured how long I wanted the top (about to my knees) and used a second pattern (one that was for a robe) to see how I should cut the extended pieces. Then I raided my pile of patterns for a sleeve and modified it to match the original pattern. You could easily buy a jacket pattern and modify it in this way.

If you want to modify a dress, look for a long white one that is without any designs. Something that looks like a very long shirt would work best. With spring, however, it may be difficult to find.

These are no longer in print, but the store may have them still:
McCall's 2156: use pattern C for body/collar; use pattern A for sleeves but make them wider as you move away from the shoulder.

Butterick 4294: just have to make sleeves and body longer (not sure which pattern in the pack it is, in picture it is blue).

As for fabric, check the pattern. I used cotton for my top.


Quote from: waffle-lover26 on April 12, 2009, 11:33:41 PM
Aww, poor Yuu. If I we're in your shoes right now, I would be using all those injuries to get out of PE.

You could always break your own foot.

I cant use injuries to get of well..anything. Im so used to covering them up that I cant even 'fake it' properly. >_<

Charis- PLEASE use descresion posting any pics. I think I look really hideous in just about all of pictures. (A shame cuz my friend did an awesome job with my maake-up.)

Bumble- I wouldnt worry too much. Last year some  when I brought my boken to the Peace bonding booth and they tried to tie it to my obi I asked them " What abut posing for pictures. Thatd be LAME"  they let me carry it with a 'just be careful' warning.

Hehe I also remember when Fanime was chasing me around teh crowded hall and a staff mamber stopped us saying "..just dont kill each other"

Why I like Fanime SO Much bettert han the nazis at SC.
" Your aren't taking sides if you spread out violence evenly"


Yuu, sorry to disappoint but I won't be breaking my foot anytime soon >.>

@Chaos, thankms for the pattern ideas (hopefully they have my size XD) I can trust my mom to do a good job on it.
Now I'm off to the fabric store so I can get fabric for my bat'mitzvah and cosplay. Later!
I used to keep an open mind, but my brains kept falling out.
If you don't like my driving, than get off the sidewalk.

*proud member of Prop Whores United <3*


No problem at all, waffle. Oh, if you see this before you leave for the store: look through the pattern books - that's how raenef and I found most of our patterns

Peace bonding swords to obi... Doesn't that make it hard to sit? Not that I have to worry, not bothering with a sword/weapon/etc.

So sorry for continuously editting, but I found this pattern (which is still being printed):
Would the red jacket work with the pockets? (cut longer of course)