The Moment Of Truth - Fanime Vs. AX

Started by heeroyuy135, July 03, 2008, 12:17:21 PM

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I'll probably go to AX in the future, if only for the musical guests. At least, if they continue to have artists I care about as much as the last couple years. Especially this year, I'm still kind of bummed to have missed Nakagawa Shouko and Jyukai.


i thought they both had their good and bad points, but i cant really say much for anime expo because i was sick for two days and the remaining time i was basically just avoiding getting sick again. the cosplay at anime expo seemed to be of better quality, but on the other hand it was mainly based around certain shows which was a bit of a letdown. there were more people and a bigger dealers room, but that isnt necessarily a good thing. i did have this one girl randomly come up to me in the dealers room to read my shirt, which i ironically bought at fanime, and watch her walk off going "oh no, no, no" when she finally realized the end of the equation was "girls=evil." that was a pretty funny experience

for the most part though, id say fanime is more of a "get together with everyone" type of deal, where anime expo kinda goes into the clique of "im cosplaying this anime!" maybe next year ill have a better understanding of both, assuming i dont get sick again


There's always good and bad for both. For me, it was just nice to return to Fanime since I skipped it last year because I was so busy with school work ;_;

AX's lines are always going to be long, but it's pretty much a must to pick up badges on day 0 so that you can just wait to get into the place the next day. Last year and the year before that's registration system was bad...sending them out was chaos because people received their badges late (or not at all) and it added to the mess of printing them out in a separate line because of it. I have to say though, this year was good with the bar code scanning and all because that made it a lot quicker :)


Akiba > any con in terms of swag, so my trip to japan this year was the highest tier on that aspect. :P

Anyway, since I didn't go to AX this year (which was replaced by said trip), I'll say it's definitely who you hang out with that determines how much fun I have IMO. A con can have the best guests in the animeverse, but it will still suck if you go alone. In a sense, I can't really put AX above Fanime, or vis versa since I got to hangout with cool people either way. ;o

On a side note, didn't Yoko Ishida come to this year's AX? BAAAAAAAAWWWWW
New sn = Meirin


Wtf, it sounded awesome. I should have gone this year. D:

Ugh, next year, I PROMISE I'll go. Maybe. >.>;;
Ellie S.
Head of Registration
FanimeCon - "By Fans, For Fans"
FanmeCon: Twitter | Facebook


I had a really good time at AX this year, I also had a lot of fun at Fanime. You really can't compare the too since they are both very different cons.  AX has the concerts, panels and guests i want to see. The dealer's room was way bigger and had so much stuff I  wanted to buy. While Fanime has hardly any panel I  want to see, and way smaller dealer's room. But all my friends go to Fanime, and they make it fun for me. Cosplaying is more fun for me at Fanime too.


Quote from: pockystix on July 20, 2008, 02:47:43 AM
Akiba > any con in terms of swag, so my trip to japan this year was the highest tier on that aspect. :P

Anyway, since I didn't go to AX this year (which was replaced by said trip), I'll say it's definitely who you hang out with that determines how much fun I have IMO. A con can have the best guests in the animeverse, but it will still suck if you go alone. In a sense, I can't really put AX above Fanime, or vis versa since I got to hangout with cool people either way. ;o

On a side note, didn't Yoko Ishida come to this year's AX? BAAAAAAAAWWWWW

quick question, did you happen to cosplay rangiku at the san fran gathering about a month back?

oh, and ill have to remember about akiba for when i go in a year or so


Quote from: pockystix on July 20, 2008, 02:47:43 AM
Akiba > any con in terms of swag, so my trip to japan this year was the highest tier on that aspect. :P

Anyway, since I didn't go to AX this year (which was replaced by said trip), I'll say it's definitely who you hang out with that determines how much fun I have IMO. A con can have the best guests in the animeverse, but it will still suck if you go alone. In a sense, I can't really put AX above Fanime, or vis versa since I got to hangout with cool people either way. ;o

On a side note, didn't Yoko Ishida come to this year's AX? BAAAAAAAAWWWWW

Yes, she did. She also attended AX some years ago too (can't remember which one >_< ).


Quote from: Jebus on July 17, 2008, 09:46:45 PM
the cosplay at anime expo seemed to be of better quality, but on the other hand it was mainly based around certain shows which was a bit of a letdown.

It's the same at any con.  In fact, from my observations, AX had more a more interesting variety in cosplay.  If anything, it's cause there was simply more people/cosplayers.

Quote from: videogirlc on July 20, 2008, 02:43:03 PM
I had a really good time at AX this year, I also had a lot of fun at Fanime. You really can't compare the too since they are both very different cons.  AX has the concerts, panels and guests i want to see. The dealer's room was way bigger and had so much stuff I  wanted to buy. While Fanime has hardly any panel I  want to see...

Fanime panels have more character, IMO, because they aren't all industry panels.



I would have to say that I loved Fanime Last year it was so fun...This year is kindof Lacked excitment.
I would have to say that I was a bit bored this year. I missed the glompers [¬___¬ I know I am going to get bitched at for saying that. But oh Well] Most of the people where there for An Cafe [Which is my favorite Band XD]
And the cosplayers where lost upon simple Visual Kei people O_O and when I went back into the convention when An Cafe was about to play. There was like not that much Cosplayers there. like last year. I was like WOOOW O_O Looking around at everyone, Yeah This year at Fanime it was all about An Cafe The Big act.
But I love Fanime MORE XD
And I am coming back again next year.
Another Player has Entered the Game


After hearing their first full album with Takuya and Yuuki, I was really disappointed. I was originally planning to go watch them, but decided it wasn't worth it. Bou-kun, you are in my heart.


Bottom line, if we have this same thread next year, then I don't think Fanime has done its job.  The two shows should not even be comparable for you should have a completely different experience at both shows.  I have always felt that Fanime should be a show that caters to the fans while AX, and for that matter Otakon as well, are the huge glamor shows that provide a huge wow factor, but not much fan interaction with guests, staff, or input into what is being programmed.

At the end of the day, you should attend both shows because you will have a unique experience at each.  The Fanime experience will just feel more like a party in your own backyard with 10,000 of your closest friends.

The blamable one.
Jason Ebner
Fanime Staffer *retired*
I was blamed for EVERYTHING! :-)


Quote from: dealerJason on August 07, 2008, 01:15:00 AM
At the end of the day, you should attend both shows because you will have a unique experience at each.  The Fanime experience will just feel more like a party in your own backyard with 10,000 of your closest friends.

The blamable one.

Word. Quoted for emphasis.

And I dont blame you Ebner; I stil think its all Bush's Fault. :P

Games, Friends & Fanime oh my! :D


Quote from: Death_Note_Matt on July 23, 2008, 02:32:13 AM
I would have to say that I loved Fanime Last year it was so fun...This year is kindof Lacked excitment.
I would have to say that I was a bit bored this year. I missed the glompers [¬___¬ I know I am going to get bitched at for saying that. But oh Well] Most of the people where there for An Cafe [Which is my favorite Band XD]
And the cosplayers where lost upon simple Visual Kei people O_O and when I went back into the convention when An Cafe was about to play. There was like not that much Cosplayers there. like last year. I was like WOOOW O_O Looking around at everyone, Yeah This year at Fanime it was all about An Cafe The Big act.
But I love Fanime MORE XD
And I am coming back again next year.
pffft Visual Kei is dead I havent seen anything visual that has impressed me, it all looks the same now.


The concerts and dealers room are really amazing, I went last year. The bad thing is that the people over there aren't really friendly. I met Denis Rodman there,, dudes so freakin tall...He bowed to my friend and almost head butted him from across the table. It was ridiculous.
