The Dark Knight!

Started by Lactose, July 17, 2008, 12:02:50 AM

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*** SORRY IF IT SEEMS LIKE IF I HAVE SPOILERS AHEAD but I'll try my best to be vague ***

First off, I'm surprised that no one talked about Joker's "opening Magic Trick"
(not to give anything away) but PURE BRUTALITY... Freaking awesome.

Some critics say this movie was TOO REAL. I actually thought the Tech stuff and Stunts/Fights was freaking awesome!

Yes, I did also watch ALL the batman movies on Sunday, (Batman was on ABC family and TNT had they campy Batman Forever/ Batman & Robin). NO COMPARISON. Hands down Dark Knight.

Compared to the Jack Nicholson's version, keep in mind it was a different setting showing how Joker HAD an identity whereas the Dark Knight version had NO IDENTITY AT ALL. I'd go more into this, but I'd rather have someone else chime in on this first...
Even Health Ledger's Joker is just a "mad dog" (PURE CHAOS) he said so himself:

"I'm just dog chasing cars... But I wouldnt know what to do when i caught one?!?!?! "

I've already seen it twice, but I'm curious what stuff didnt work for you fans?

Hey Lactose, whats considered the "flaws" that you saw? I'm curious

Like the asian guy, I like to Calculate the numbers, but please dont let me get burned... OOPS maybe a little too much  ;)


Games, Friends & Fanime oh my! :D


Quote from: gmontem on July 20, 2008, 11:40:41 PM
Quote from: LordKefka on July 20, 2008, 11:26:16 PMI don't remember the Joker in the first Batman movie being like this..-_-;
Same here. I don't remember the Joker being that crazy in the first Batman movie (1966).
Are you serious? That Joker was hella crazy, I mean who puts makeup on over there mustache? j/k. And yes, Cesar Romero did not shave his mustache for the part.
A hero forever loyal to the flames of war now rests in Outer Heaven

RUDE: Rub Up Desperate Elephants- Thanks shy-cosplayer


Quote from: rude32 on July 21, 2008, 09:21:16 AM
Quote from: gmontem on July 20, 2008, 11:40:41 PM
Quote from: LordKefka on July 20, 2008, 11:26:16 PMI don't remember the Joker in the first Batman movie being like this..-_-;
Same here. I don't remember the Joker being that crazy in the first Batman movie (1966).
Are you serious? That Joker was hella crazy, I mean who puts makeup on over there mustache? j/k. And yes, Cesar Romero did not shave his mustache for the part.

Jack Nicholas' "magic trick" to the mob bosses in this movie was the Joy Buzzer that literally burned a person to death.

Not as cool as Heath Ledger's Joker's Pencil Trick, but still as Brutal (since it was the 80's after all)

Games, Friends & Fanime oh my! :D


As for tech stuff, I like the little use of CG in this film.  Was a little refreshing to see them actually blow up a building and flip one of Optimus Prime's siblings.
Fanimafia Avatar of the Week #15: Barnes
The Fanimafia Gallery (2002-3, 7)

i feel so loved!


from an HR perspective, Workman's comp is HELLA expensive.

It's not always easy being a stuntman...

As for random and desctruction, its amazing what they get to do by trashing large vehicles and watching or making things go Boom.  ;D

Games, Friends & Fanime oh my! :D


Quote from: Jerry on July 21, 2008, 11:02:57 AM
from an HR perspective, Workman's comp is HELLA expensive.

It's not always easy being a stuntman...

As for random and desctruction, its amazing what they get to do by trashing large vehicles and watching or making things go Boom.  ;D

Dont forget that you, Jenn, Alex, my brother and I are all going to hell for laughing at that destruction

"Even a demon can learn to love."


Quote from: DemonLordZabuza on July 21, 2008, 12:39:24 PM
Quote from: Jerry on July 21, 2008, 11:02:57 AM
from an HR perspective, Workman's comp is HELLA expensive.

It's not always easy being a stuntman...

As for random and desctruction, its amazing what they get to do by trashing large vehicles and watching or making things go Boom.  ;D

Dont forget that you, Jenn, Alex, my brother and I are all going to hell for laughing at that destruction

Hey I bet that hospital was old, and needed a replacement. Bruce can afford to build/buy a new one.

I do admit (NOT A SPOILER) that Bruce's home, the Wayne Manor still hasnt been rebuilt yet. which makes me curious. He's planning an expansion for his east wing (hence more room for his bat cave.)

I wonder how the next Batman movie will make his bat cave look like this time around.

What would peoples 2 cents should be on Batman's next villian? or could they really dedicate another whole movie of  "Batman Vs. Joker"

Heh. that actually sounds like an interesting title. or more like a PPV event. :P

Games, Friends & Fanime oh my! :D


never in my life have I joygasmed over a movie like that! i have to admit heath ledger is one psycho bitch, and you get a basis of why he commited suicied if you analyze what he had to put himself through to become the joker. Clearly the dark humor that the director put into the joker :d he clearly isnt the same joker from the earlier adaptations. I loved the glassglow smile btw PERFECT for the joker!

It was his best movie ever I will admit!
and Ryan and I liked how very little cg was used

Spoiler in little text for the jerks who have not seen the movie yet

FUCK YEAH TWO-FACE!!!!! I knew it the whole damn time!!!!

:d Im kinda hoping a double team maybe subzero and poision ivy?

D< hollywood bring back my favorite villeness besides harley quin


Saw it opening day right after work, man Heath Ledger WAS the Joker. He was just too good. I loved the pencil trick (who didn't) and how he was laughing while getting his ass beat. Joker made the movie!
Kono bangumi wa, goran no sponsor teikyou de, o kurishimasu ka


okay, the flaws i found are also kind of spoilers, so here goes.

batman KILLS SOMEONE. that is supposed to be like, his one rule. batman. doesnt. kill.

also. two face? fucking bad ass villain. i was so excited that they set up such a cool villain for the next movie, and then what do they do? they kill him. which doesnt make any sense. there were about a thousand other things batman could have done besides kill harvey. ugh. i was a little pissed about that one.

and the scene with the boats? the whole movie is talking about how anyone can fall into evil and be tempted and all that. the RIGHT way to end that scene would have been to have the civilians decide to blow up the prisoners, but have the joker be lying, and they blow themselves up instead. the way they ended that scene made no sense at all. and i understand that ledger may have been dead at that point, and they might have been running out of joker footage, but still.

all in all though, i absolutely loved it. =D

and to whoever it was saying joker vs. batman? WHO IN HELL COULD THEY CAST THAT COULD GIVE A PERFORMANCE LIKE LEDGER?

my guess is maybe that harvey dent is dead, but two face is not? like maybe the villainous part of him is still alive but there is no semblance of himself left. i dont know. that would be a cop out, but i really cant believe that they would build up such a cool character only to kill him in the same movie. =(
Lactose = Liz


Quote from: Lactose on July 22, 2008, 01:00:27 PM
okay, the flaws i found are also kind of spoilers, so here goes.

batman KILLS SOMEONE. that is supposed to be like, his one rule. batman. doesnt. kill.

also. two face? fucking bad ass villain. i was so excited that they set up such a cool villain for the next movie, and then what do they do? they kill him. which doesnt make any sense. there were about a thousand other things batman could have done besides kill harvey. ugh. i was a little pissed about that one.

and the scene with the boats? the whole movie is talking about how anyone can fall into evil and be tempted and all that. the RIGHT way to end that scene would have been to have the civilians decide to blow up the prisoners, but have the joker be lying, and they blow themselves up instead. the way they ended that scene made no sense at all. and i understand that ledger may have been dead at that point, and they might have been running out of joker footage, but still.

all in all though, i absolutely loved it. =D

and to whoever it was saying joker vs. batman? WHO IN HELL COULD THEY CAST THAT COULD GIVE A PERFORMANCE LIKE LEDGER?

my guess is maybe that harvey dent is dead, but two face is not? like maybe the villainous part of him is still alive but there is no semblance of himself left. i dont know. that would be a cop out, but i really cant believe that they would build up such a cool character only to kill him in the same movie. =(
zomg lactose marry me D:
HAHA I want to say Zombie ledger!

Im guessing when the joker was in the cop car racing arround and it was silent i think it was a homage to ledger, but I think two face is still alive, i mean batman got up :U harvey is so awesome to be a villian and I was so happy that his character was so perfect, Man gordon is like immortal


Quote from: Jerry on July 21, 2008, 12:49:17 PM
What would peoples 2 cents should be on Batman's next villian?

There's no shortage of Batman villians.

But I really would love to see some of the villians I haven'ts seen on the big screen before (Please God save me from another Catwoman...I don't think I could take it).  Someone like Blackmask or Hush or Clayface.  Heck, Mr. Zsasz was a bit player in the first movie I'd love to see more of him.  I'm fine with one big name villian (Poison Ivy or Bane or Riddler even), but if they're going to have a second villian let's do someone new.  At least that's my two cents on the issue.
Sometimes I'm glad I became a teacher.  Other times I wish I had simply become a ninja.



Remember in that the movie Batman got bitten pretty good. and Quote Lucious Fox:

" Are we talking Rotrillers or Chiwawas? ... ? Well, the armour is good against CATS.... " *smiles*

I heard this and wondering... whats he trying to get at?  :P

Oh and for the record, (or at least how the movie company was putting it)

the production of Dark Knight was DONE and Heath wasn't shooting anymore scenes... in fact he was reading a new script he had been given.

Games, Friends & Fanime oh my! :D


I saw it. It was good. People seem to be talking a lot about what villains will be in the next one. If there is one. Christian Bale is signed on for one but Christopher Nolan isn't yet, so I wouldn't call it a sure thing.

I suppose that it's, in a sad way, convenient that Heath Ledger won't be reprising his role as the Joker, because after this movie, I don't think you could have him appear in another Batman movie without stealing the focus of the entire movie.

And, Lactose:
Quote from: SpoilerEven though they made it seem like Harvey Dent / Two Face is dead, I don't think it's 100% guaranteed. Regardless of whether he is dead or not, Gordon and  company need to say that he is. He could very well show up in Arkham asylum, and encounter new villains in a third movie, such as The Great White Shark (whose alter ego apparently gets a mention in The Dark Knight?)

I don't think they can top The Dark Knight, though. Damn.


Quote from: mDuo13 on July 22, 2008, 03:32:23 PM
I saw it. It was good. People seem to be talking a lot about what villains will be in the next one. If there is one. Christian Bale is signed on for one but Christopher Nolan isn't yet, so I wouldn't call it a sure thing.

I suppose that it's, in a sad way, convenient that Heath Ledger won't be reprising his role as the Joker, because after this movie, I don't think you could have him appear in another Batman movie without stealing the focus of the entire movie.

And, Lactose:
Quote from: SpoilerEven though they made it seem like Harvey Dent / Two Face is dead, I don't think it's 100% guaranteed. Regardless of whether he is dead or not, Gordon and  company need to say that he is. He could very well show up in Arkham asylum, and encounter new villains in a third movie, such as The Great White Shark (whose alter ego apparently gets a mention in The Dark Knight?)

I don't think they can top The Dark Knight, though. Damn.

yeah, i agree. im about 70% sure thats whats going on.

and im pretty sure theres going to be a third, but without nolan. damn. =(
Lactose = Liz



I liked how, in contrast with your average super-villain, I didn't find myself HATING the Joker. 
And Heath Ledger's acting made the whole movie.  Literally.


Quote from: Jerry on July 22, 2008, 02:23:53 PM

Remember in that the movie Batman got bitten pretty good. and Quote Lucious Fox:

" Are we talking Rotrillers or Chiwawas? ... ? Well, the armour is good against CATS.... " *smiles*

I heard this and wondering... whats he trying to get at?  :P

Oh and for the record, (or at least how the movie company was putting it)

the production of Dark Knight was DONE and Heath wasn't shooting anymore scenes... in fact he was reading a new script he had been given.

Yeah Lee and I were talking about that quote too.  We definately think Catwoman is next, but probably as a sub-villian, and not the major one.  Kinda like Harvey was in the Dark Knight.  They're probably bring her in and do her backstory and how she bacame Catwoman.  etc.

Personally though I'd love to see the Riddler re-done.  :3


come to think of it, (minus Heath Ledger's Joker of course)
I think any new Dark Knight Movies should avoid "re-doing" any characters imo.

but i dunno, if there is hardcore talent like Heath, or better scripts, not campy like Batman Forever or Batman & Robin....

we all know how those were...  :P

Games, Friends & Fanime oh my! :D


I just wanted to say the the Dark Knight was f*cking awesome! :3 Thats all.
(>*0*)>Cosplays for 2010:<(*3*<)
{Soul Eater}-Mira Nygus
{Naruto Shippuuden}-7th Tailed (Shichibi)
{Bleach}- (Pendulum Arc) Yoruichi
{Teen Titans}- Bumble Bee
{Left for Dead 2}- Rochelle


I love this version of the Joker, his brutality made me smile. I knew that two face would be in it!