so anyone heard of this "PS Company"?...

Started by Jerry, August 13, 2008, 10:05:41 AM

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so yah, I was given this link by a random friend....

Anyone could help me translate this website pretty please?
so the parts that I understand that its some sort of 10th aniversary Jrock/Visual concert yes?

so whats the big deal?  :P ( I iz a retard and would like to know more about this )

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Kthanks people. :)

Games, Friends & Fanime oh my! :D


PS company is a managment company for like J-rockers such as Miyavi and some others, You have to go through them to request band members to do gigs. I belive and that on Jan 3rd is the 10 year anniversary concert for the managment and the following bands will be performing

The GazettE
Alice Nine

Its only going to be in Japan though
It is pretty big kinda like their birthday for PS company and these bands have been with them the longest, So the hype is big for them and the fans. I would love to go but I will be back from Japan before new years


I have a friend that got to work with Miyavi in Australia. *so jealous* >:(

Sorry, useless fact, but I felt the urge to type a response anyways.

2010 cosplay...?
Zero:80% Kadaj:?? Sisen:??


Hmm, looks like fun, if I could do this, I would.
Kono bangumi wa, goran no sponsor teikyou de, o kurishimasu ka