Prop 8 debate

Started by L3sli3_Lov3s_Chu, November 04, 2008, 02:41:14 PM

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If not to for your own personal reasons, do it for the kids! >:(


But what if your children turn out to be homosexual? You'd be screwing them over with their personal right to love and marry who they'd personally choose. Good job~

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Thats fine. I still say vote 8. It's not more on the marriage part more on the teaching the kids about it. They should just wait.

TC X0 Lt 0X

So suddenly its wrong to teach kids about same-sex marriages?
If the kids are not taught about it, they will grow up thinking it's a bad thing (its not, just a choice on how someone want's to live there life), and 'gay' kids in schools will be picked on because there different.
And if they should wait, then I want talk about regular marriage to be postponed as well.

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One of my closest friends is a Lesbian, and she has been picked on at school for being one. She used to live in a town where apparently being gay is a sin. She had to hide it all her life untill she moved out of that town, It makes me sick that people think like that, that some people are so closed minded. It makes me sick that kids keep saying gay or queer and picking on someone for being gay.

Honestly marriage isnt taught in schools, But you know thats like saying if we remove sex ed in schools so we should let the kids not know what a penis and a vagina is or that they shouldnt be taught safe sex?

Kids should be taught to treat all equal regardless

Hey the same situation happened with inter-racial marriages and now gay-marriage is the next step up. I want to see equal marriage for everyone regardless of sexual orientation.

I already voted No on 8, my friend says people who vote yes on 8 vote for hate

Edit: funny for someone who has a yaoi-esque avatar for this debate

I smell hypocrite


Quote from: L3sli3_Lov3s_Chu on November 04, 2008, 03:06:57 PM
Thats fine. I still say vote 8. It's not more on the marriage part more on the teaching the kids about it. They should just wait.

Why shouldn't they have the right to know, when children are already exposed to much more outside of homosexuality? If you personally don't want your kids to learn too extensively into these sort of things, then it's YOUR responsibility as a parent to filter out what you think is wrong and teach them what you think is right. It doesn't mean that you should choose to discriminate others by denying their right to marry whomever they love and want to marry.

Let's bring it to a perspective you could possibly understand. You're African-American, but you want to choose to date people outside your own race. What if that was a huge social-taboo and you were discriminated against to the extent that you are denied your right to date them? It was a social taboo, by the way, and at some point, it wasn't allowed until people started realizing that dictating others' lives based on race was wrong.

Shouldn't people be able to marry other people, as long as they love each other regardless of race, gender, sex, and sexual orientation? Why do you feel so strongly about taking away those rights from other people that don't even concern you? Your children aren't in risk of harm by being educated and taught to have a more open mind than you do.

And what ARE they waiting for? For people like you to finally realize that people deserve their right to love and marry one another? I don't understand why that can't happen now, in this generation.

P.S. Isn't your avatar and user title a bit ironic for this sort of debate.

Email me at [email protected] if you want to be a maid! Sign ups close in March! Hurry!


Jun and Kazuko make the point very eloquently. For the longest time in American history, interracial marriage = wrong. People always take the rights that they have for granted, not really understanding the history of why people can do what they can do. If Prop 8 Passes, we might as well make interracial marriage illegal. It's basically the same concept.

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TC X0 Lt 0X

Yes, they both made really good point. I wish I was able to make good arguments like them.

Quote from: Kazuko on November 04, 2008, 04:15:59 PM
One of my closest friends is a Lesbian, and she has been picked on at school for being one. She used to live in a town where apparently being gay is a sin. She had to hide it all her life untill she moved out of that town, It makes me sick that people think like that, that some people are so closed minded. It makes me sick that kids keep saying gay or queer and picking on someone for being gay.

Honestly marriage isnt taught in schools, But you know thats like saying if we remove sex ed in schools so we should let the kids not know what a penis and a vagina is or that they shouldnt be taught safe sex?

Kids should be taught to treat all equal regardless

Hey the same situation happened with inter-racial marriages and now gay-marriage is the next step up. I want to see equal marriage for everyone regardless of sexual orientation.

I already voted No on 8, my friend says people who vote yes on 8 vote for hate

Edit: funny for someone who has a yaoi-esque avatar for this debate

I smell hypocrite

Hey, I reserve the right to say Gay and any other profanities.

"Never beg. You earn. By Winning.
Or else you won't get anything..."

Pro-Pocky Movement



I already voted NO! on 8, but if the prop dose pass you can bet that there will be a law suit.  Oh, and what's this crap about traditional marriage needing protection? It's not going anywhere!  And Gay marriage is not going to change that. Prop 8 will just make gay people be treated like second class citizens.
The sun was raising up above the high
and dense entangled spider's web.  The dew
was dripping from the silky strings and down
through canopy to underbrush.  It splashed
the puddle making one more fountain spring.


Yes, I knew someone would make a topic about this.

How does this hurt you? How does this hurt the kids? They'll know about it eventually, it's just like sex. I say the younger you are when you learn about certain things, the better it is. I'm honestly a bit of a homophobe, but I have no problem with gays/lesbians getting married, nor do I think that people should push this aside. It's their right.

Also, I hope this is NOT a troll topic.


I voted NO on 8.
First of all, isn't equality part of what America stands for? Does it not say in the Declaration of Independence

"all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness—That to secure these Rights, Governments are instituted among Men." 

Are gays not people too? Should they not be able to persue happiness simply because YOUR religion is against it? Besides, 8 doesn't force anyone to believe that same sex marriage is right - it just makes it legal.  If your religion is against it then you as an individual can still not recognize the marriage. 

Also, as far as teaching about gay marriage in schools, I hope you know that the children will one day *gasp* find out anyway.  It's just like swearing, you can't stop kids from acquiring knowledge.  Don't be ignorant.


I voted NO on 8.

I figure, if public schools can teach kids about drugs, sex, and tell them that God is dead, they they can tell kids about gay marriage. If you really think about it, if kids are being tuaght how to put a condom on a zucchini in the 6th grade, it's no worse then explaining why Donna really is a Danny.

And it's not like you're promoting gay marriage. It's awareness. Like sex Ed in the 4th grade explains to little kids how their bodies growing and will function sexually.

2010 cosplay...?
Zero:80% Kadaj:?? Sisen:??


Quote from: L3sli3_Lov3s_Chu on November 04, 2008, 03:06:57 PM
Thats fine. I still say vote 8. It's not more on the marriage part more on the teaching the kids about it. They should just wait.

This is why I hate the majority of people. Ignorance is awesome, and the fact that they regurgitate crap they hear despite not understanding it is, great.

Teaching the kids about... what? How does prop 8 do anything for children?

The basis of prop 8 is that, traditionally, marriage was a joining of man and woman for life. This is what the bible stated right? Here's some things the bible also said about marriage in the same vein. If a woman cheats on her husband, she should be stoned to death, and the person she cheated with, should also be stoned to death. Should we make this a law too? The bible says it... and it's said almost right after how it is a sanctity between a man and a woman. It also says that if the husband dies, then the woman has to pretty much has to live solely for god and that doing anything with anyone else results in death as well.

So divorce = death. Cheating = death. Remarrying=death.

AWESOME... because we totally believe in the sanctity of marriage right? If you really believe in the sanctity of marriage...

You wouldn't be reading "yaoi". You wouldn't be enjoying it, talking about it, reading it, or anything of the sort, because it goes against the sanctity of marriage.

That avatar and caption... yeah, you're belittling homosexuality, which is a sin.

Anyways, the basis of of prop 8 is hypocritical to something else supported by the people that want prop 8 to pass. Right to bear arms anyone? It's God's given right to bear arms, or atleast, that's what they tell us. By banning guns your stripping people of a right to live how they want. OH WAIT... THAT'S WHAT PROP 8 DOES!

In the end, it's just ignorance. The OP is just repeating what she hears on TV, and what her parents are telling her. She really has no concept of what's going on.

As for education. Isn't it obvious? Ignorance is good. That's what prop 8 is all about. It's about forcing kids to be ignorant. Kids are too stupid to learn and to understand things. We shouldn't teach them anything.

We need more people like the OP. Intolerant, ignorant, kids that repeat what their parents tell them.

Totally fer sure.


Quote from: PyronIkari on November 04, 2008, 08:52:17 PM
Quote from: L3sli3_Lov3s_Chu on November 04, 2008, 03:06:57 PM
Thats fine. I still say vote 8. It's not more on the marriage part more on the teaching the kids about it. They should just wait.

This is why I hate the majority of people. Ignorance is awesome, and the fact that they regurgitate crap they hear despite not understanding it is, great.

Teaching the kids about... what? How does prop 8 do anything for children?

The basis of prop 8 is that, traditionally, marriage was a joining of man and woman for life. This is what the bible stated right? Here's some things the bible also said about marriage in the same vein. If a woman cheats on her husband, she should be stoned to death, and the person she cheated with, should also be stoned to death. Should we make this a law too? The bible says it... and it's said almost right after how it is a sanctity between a man and a woman. It also says that if the husband dies, then the woman has to pretty much has to live solely for god and that doing anything with anyone else results in death as well.

So divorce = death. Cheating = death. Remarrying=death.

AWESOME... because we totally believe in the sanctity of marriage right? If you really believe in the sanctity of marriage...

You wouldn't be reading "yaoi". You wouldn't be enjoying it, talking about it, reading it, or anything of the sort, because it goes against the sanctity of marriage.

That avatar and caption... yeah, you're belittling homosexuality, which is a sin.

Anyways, the basis of of prop 8 is hypocritical to something else supported by the people that want prop 8 to pass. Right to bear arms anyone? It's God's given right to bear arms, or atleast, that's what they tell us. By banning guns your stripping people of a right to live how they want. OH WAIT... THAT'S WHAT PROP 8 DOES!

In the end, it's just ignorance. The OP is just repeating what she hears on TV, and what her parents are telling her. She really has no concept of what's going on.

As for education. Isn't it obvious? Ignorance is good. That's what prop 8 is all about. It's about forcing kids to be ignorant. Kids are too stupid to learn and to understand things. We shouldn't teach them anything.

We need more people like the OP. Intolerant, ignorant, kids that repeat what their parents tell them.

Totally fer sure.

Damn mikey, I'm going to have to steal some of that material, it's good stuff.
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Quote from: Steve.Young on November 04, 2008, 11:47:43 PM

Damn mikey, I'm going to have to steal some of that material, it's good stuff.

You want some more fun biblical facts?

Not only is that woman who is now a widow not able to remarry... if she didn't have a child SHE HAS TO HAVE SEX WITH THE LATE HUSBANDS BROTHERS... ALL OF THEM(PS this is new testament) until a male child is born.

If a wife EVER touches the genitals of another man, her hand is to be cut off, no matter what. The reason why does not matter, even if she does it to save her husbands life(like if he's going to be stabbed so she punches him in the balls).

If a bride is found out to not be a virgin after marriage, she's sentenced to death as well.

If you want I can find the actual lines these are from, I don't remember them off hand, as these are things from my jr. high days.

Also along the lines of "kids learning about same-sex marriage in school" it's false anyways. Generally they don't even talk about marriage in schools during sex ed. etc. They already take about homosexual sex in a lot of schools. And furthermore, much like any sex-ed class... parents have the right to have their child not attend. There's a law that allows parents to remove their child from ANY CLASS for any reason. Sex-Ed is not a required class so not attending does not harm the child in any way shape or form in terms of their academic record.

I have tons of these, and hundreds of other misconceptions about PROP 8 as well. I kept this rather short though.


It's pretty close vote, 53% for yes, 47% for no. I'm sure it will change later on.
You tame a dog with food, you tame a man with money, but you can never tame the wolf of Mibu (Miburo).


every bay area county EXCEPT Solano has majority voting no on 8.
Time And Relative Dimension In Space.


For weeks now I seen mean spirited Ads and Protesters for Pop.8 tell how it would "protect religious freedom".  How does taking away rights from one group protect anothers rights?
Who would be the next group to have their rights challenged if Prop. 8 goes thru?


Quote from: otakuapprentice on November 05, 2008, 12:23:27 AM
every bay area county EXCEPT Solano has majority voting no on 8.

I bet
You tame a dog with food, you tame a man with money, but you can never tame the wolf of Mibu (Miburo).


Quote from: L3sli3_Lov3s_Chu on November 04, 2008, 03:06:57 PM
Thats fine. I still say vote 8. It's not more on the marriage part more on the teaching the kids about it. They should just wait.

I have nothing to add already that Jun or Pyron didn't say save for:

You're a God damned idiot.

Open up your mind. Do a little research. Perhaps then you wouldn't come off so ignorant. Kids aren't taught about marriage in school. Kids also aren't taught that being gay is or isn't ok. These are things that parents need to start taking responsibility for. Everyone is always so quick to blame someone else before they look inward. It's sickening and when people bandwagon things like this without actually knowing wtf is going on it just adds to the overall stupidity and bigotry of the world.