Pet Peeves

Started by ewu, November 14, 2008, 12:19:25 PM

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People who click/tap/shake things during class/near me.
@w@ D:<
Ellie S.
Head of Registration
FanimeCon - "By Fans, For Fans"
FanmeCon: Twitter | Facebook


People who have little to no appreciation for art and feel that there needs to be a filter in AA >_>


Did I ever mention guys who walk out of the restroom....................WITHOUT WASHING THEIR HANDS?!
(I get tempted to call them out, but...)
Also a Proud Fanime Con Attendee since 1998!
Yay, Haruko.


Quote from: Barnes on March 02, 2011, 09:11:45 PM
Did I ever mention guys who walk out of the restroom....................WITHOUT WASHING THEIR HANDS?!
(I get tempted to call them out, but...)
Papi is gonna personally make a pizza just for you!


When you see the guy you love flirting with other girls...
You haven't idealized mankind, you have deformed it, and that's the real practical joke.


Giant movie studios that get their hands on anime.


When I'm taking a shower or bath and I smell food like steak or meats being cooked coming through the window. It just makes me feel dirty again, like my hair sucks up the aroma of meat and the fragrance of soap disappears.

My boyfriend thinks its weird, but it something that really bugs me for some reason D:<


When guys tell me how beautiful a female celebrity is, then continue with saying "a girl who wears hella make-up is ugly."
Excuse me, but do you know how much foundation, eyeshadow, mascara, eyeliner, etc, that female celebrity has on? -___-
Tweet @ispyangie


People who fish for compliments on facebook.


* Inexcusably obnoxious a-holes
* People who text and drive
* All things Adam Sandler
* All things Kanye West
* poor personal hygiene
* people who push their beliefs of others (expecially religious beliefs)
* Facebook games
* crappy drivers
Join me at Ani-Jam 2011 in Fresno, CA.  August 20-21


People who complain that they got rid of the hug line/sexual harassment wall.


The Detroit Red Wings, then the Vancouver Canucks, then maybe the Philadelphia Flyers (basically any team against the Sharks)


Working hard and not being able to spend your money on yourself  :(
You haven't idealized mankind, you have deformed it, and that's the real practical joke.


Quote from: jackiemarie90 on May 01, 2011, 07:15:20 PM
Working hard and not being able to spend your money on yourself  :(
Brevity is the soul of Wit.
Confusion is the soul of Runewitt.


People who are too darned impatient and take it out on random people. >=\

The other day, I went to the drive-by mailboxes outside the post office to mail a stack of letters. When I stopped, there was no one behind me. I paused to recount them and then I dropped them into the box in groups of three to make sure I didn't miss any.

What do you know, some lady pulls up behind me, almost hits me, and essentially tells me to hurry it up, when she's been behind me for what, 10 seconds?

When I looked at my clock as I pulled out, it was a couple minutes to 5PM. Ok, so maybe she was running late for something.

BUT LATE OR NOT, IT'S YOUR OWN DARN FAULT. Don't go giving me a hard time for bothering to actually stop at the box.

Stop to smell the flowers once in a while, folks. It could do a world of good.  ;)

Ikki Yoneda

People who write "would of" instead of "would've".
People who say, "Me and her went to the store."
People who say. "have ran".

"Me and her would of ran the extension cord under the chairs"? "Me and her" can't do squat, but "she and I" can do most anything.

"She and I would've run the extension cord to the Moon"!   8)
~Doko ni mo nai sono basho e
~Ima hajimaru utagoe ga
~Todoite-iru, michibiite'ru
~Takaraka ni to heaven


Greasy hair. Including mine; yeeshhh. @w@~~
Ellie S.
Head of Registration
FanimeCon - "By Fans, For Fans"
FanmeCon: Twitter | Facebook


When people react to me in an annoyed fashion. I don't know what's so annoying about just saying "hello". I'm more sensitive than I look, I take being snapped at for no reason personally.

I also hate that people seem to be instinctively afraid of me. Just because i look like I can hurt you doesn't mean I can or have any intention of doing so >_>...

Did I mention girls who are always raving on about how un-datable they are. I think I get the short end of the stick in most cases, considering that no non-overlyflirtatious girl has ever expressed that i'm attractive in the least bit.  Come back and complain to me when you're continually surrounded by people going on about how attractive other guys are, all while pushing you into the gay bestfriend position. I'm not even gay, and if I was i'm pretty sure that assuming I'd fit gender/orientation stereotypes is as ignorant as assuming i'm obsessed with chicken because I'm black.

... rant rant rant ...
I'm me and I exist...


My dogs barking at the TV or some one walking on the other side of the street.


- People that chew with their mouths open.  Also, speaking when their mouth is full.
- Dirty fingernails.  (Yes, I'm a guy, but being hygienic is important to me)
- Sneezing in hands.

I'm sure I'll add more once I think of more.