Pet Peeves

Started by ewu, November 14, 2008, 12:19:25 PM

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I think I might've said this one, but I hate long, crappy jokes. If it can't make me laugh with in the first 30 seconds (or even 20) then I kinda loose interest.

I hate long download times. I get all antsy and stuff and keeping clicking the download hoping it's gotten somewhere close the being finished. >_<;



Oh, and stuck up people!

Might be a stuck-up bus driver or a snooty friend-of-a-friend. I can't stand it. Especially when I HAVE to put up with it.


I hate it when somebody invites me to eat out, then when the bill comes they tell you they have no money and expects you to pay for it. Gahhhhh it just happened to me recently at a sushi bar. He was a friend of mine from HS. He thought I would pay for him and his friends (I carry lots of cash around). The bill was $178 and there were 4 of us. I only ordered about $30 worth and they expect me to pay all of it!?  >:(

You know what I did? I got up told him "Some friend you are!" Went to the cash register told them to seperate the payment, paid my food and left. As I was leaving the drive way I saw one of his friends got up too and she threw water in his face. All I hear was yelling and then I just left. He had to be really embarress and probably kicked out of the store.  :P

Next day he text me that I was a jerk! What the hell? He invited me and expect me to pay their food! He deserved it.  ;D
- Shall I leave my mark whether it's good or bad?
- As long as people remember me famous or infamous,
- I  will remain and roam in this world Alive or Dead.


People who cannot STFU for two seconds, and noise in general.

My friends dragged me out to see Public Enemy.

We finally get outside, and being the first night of the HP movie as well there was a GIANT crowd producing incessant t chatter. So I GTFO rather quickly only to have my firends argue in unnecessarily loud voices over historical accuracy-specifically the guns and cars- on the walk to the car-on the way home-and the rest of the bloody night.

Dont think Ill ever want to see another gangster movie again. >_<
" Your aren't taking sides if you spread out violence evenly"


A real "PET" peeve:

Your asleep, and you feel that little paw  "Tap, tap, tap"   Followed by "Nyaaaaaa! (feed me!)".
Tap, tap, tap:   (Feed me!)
Tap, tap, tap:   (Feed me!)
Tap, tap, tap:   (Feed me!)

And this goes on until you finally get up and put the cat out or feed him because it is almost feeding time.


People who judge an anime by the first few minutes. God, a friend of mine does that, it drives nuts. If there isn't any violence within the first couple minutes he considers it boring or dumb.


This.  This is my new pet peeve.  Why must people do this?  (And no I'm not trying to rick roll anyone, just share the annoying video I've been sent 3 times today)
Sometimes I'm glad I became a teacher.  Other times I wish I had simply become a ninja.


Quote from: DentyneIce408 on July 16, 2009, 08:09:56 PM
I hate it when somebody invites me to eat out, then when the bill comes they tell you they have no money and expects you to pay for it. Gahhhhh it just happened to me recently at a sushi bar. He was a friend of mine from HS. He thought I would pay for him and his friends (I carry lots of cash around). The bill was $178 and there were 4 of us. I only ordered about $30 worth and they expect me to pay all of it!?  >:(

You know what I did? I got up told him "Some friend you are!" Went to the cash register told them to seperate the payment, paid my food and left. As I was leaving the drive way I saw one of his friends got up too and she threw water in his face. All I hear was yelling and then I just left. He had to be really embarress and probably kicked out of the store.  :P

Next day he text me that I was a jerk! What the hell? He invited me and expect me to pay their food! He deserved it.  ;D

Awesome! You handled that one well!
Tyler R. - Fanime Staff
2009 & 2010 Rovers - Suits
2011 Rovers - Graveyard Base
2012 Rovers - Second & Head of Suits
2013 Con Ops - Assistant Trouble Shooter


Quote from: JohnnyAR on July 20, 2009, 09:05:38 PM
People who judge an anime by the first few minutes. God, a friend of mine does that, it drives nuts. If there isn't any violence within the first couple minutes he considers it boring or dumb.

It's kind of like people who only like video games that have tons of gore and violence.  If it doesn't have any of that they're like "BORING."  That really annoys me.


People who try to take the long, hard, and stupid way out of a simple situation.
People who act disgusted for simple honorable things, because they were too lazy to do such things themselves.

if that the master a 'prentice have,
Entirely then that he him tell,
That he the craft ably may know,
Wheresoever he go under the sun.


People trying to sneak between movies and being really obvious about it.

today, four people tried to go from G-force to Orphan.. and they all kept their 3d glasses on. really? not obvious?
Brevity is the soul of Wit.
Confusion is the soul of Runewitt.


People putting down other people who are less fortunate or less experienced than themselves.

Example: Geek Dating Thread.
Tyler R. - Fanime Staff
2009 & 2010 Rovers - Suits
2011 Rovers - Graveyard Base
2012 Rovers - Second & Head of Suits
2013 Con Ops - Assistant Trouble Shooter


Quote from: Liquid on July 30, 2009, 01:00:28 PM
People putting down other people who are less fortunate or less experienced than themselves.

Example: Geek Dating Thread.
^People who will post pages of reply to tell you why this is wrong.^   ;D  (in their opinion).


Quote from: G.I.R on July 30, 2009, 01:12:45 PM
Quote from: Liquid on July 30, 2009, 01:00:28 PM
People putting down other people who are less fortunate or less experienced than themselves.

Example: Geek Dating Thread.
^People who will post pages of reply to tell you why this is wrong.^   ;D  (in their opinion).

lol, I was gonna rant in the actual thread, but someone locked it.
Tyler R. - Fanime Staff
2009 & 2010 Rovers - Suits
2011 Rovers - Graveyard Base
2012 Rovers - Second & Head of Suits
2013 Con Ops - Assistant Trouble Shooter


Though in that vein, it does annoy me how the premise of that thread split people into a "geeks" and "norms" category.  The whole "us" vs "them" mentality annoys me since it's a ridiculously over simplified way to approach things.  Looking down on people that appear to have better experience than you and making a strawman out of them (assuming they're all sex fiends, etc.) won't help you improve yourself in the end.

It's a whiner's way of dealing with problems.


Quote from: trooper715 on July 30, 2009, 02:18:39 PM
Though in that vein, it does annoy me how the premise of that thread split people into a "geeks" and "norms" category.  The whole "us" vs "them" mentality annoys me since it's a ridiculously over simplified way to approach things.  Looking down on people that appear to have better experience than you and making a strawman out of them (assuming they're all sex fiends, etc.) won't help you improve yourself in the end.

It's a whiner's way of dealing with problems.

I agree, but put downs and name calling isn't going to help the person understand our view points on the topic or help them to change themselves. Hell, when I was much younger and inexperienced I had the same view points as that kid. Now that I am older and wiser I know that I was just inexperienced and lacked personality and confidence.

The reasons why a "geek" doesn't get the girl is most likely due to the fact that they do not have the confidence to speak to girls, like those with experience do...and most likely they are shy and timid not just with girls, but with new people in general. The only way to go about changing this is for them to be around those that boost their confidence and don't put them down. However, putting that someone down for having those inexperienced opinions isn't exactly the way to help them fix things....and calling them a loser really isn't going to help either. This just pushes them farther into their hole and justifies their opinions of some of the more experienced crowd.

Yeah, he may have warped views on things, but that's what he has gathered from his own experiences thus far. It should be our role to assist in adding our experiences to help reform his warped view, rather than just putting him down and making him even more wary about talking to anyone in the future.

These forums should be a safe haven for geeks, not a place to get flamed for having a different opinion. I have no quams with anyone telling the dude he was wrong (because he was) and the reasons why he was wrong. I just do not agree with the way things were said and the name calling that was done. Those who claim experience should know how to set better examples of how to treat people.
Tyler R. - Fanime Staff
2009 & 2010 Rovers - Suits
2011 Rovers - Graveyard Base
2012 Rovers - Second & Head of Suits
2013 Con Ops - Assistant Trouble Shooter


Quotebut someone locked it
Wasn't me. I still posted there. XD~! mod Powers ftw.

Anyways moving the topic along now...

Fleas. I HATE them. -_-''

2010 cosplay...?
Zero:80% Kadaj:?? Sisen:??


Pet Peeve: People who do not do their job...and then complain when they are asked to do it or do it correctly.

Quote from: XpHoBiaX on July 30, 2009, 05:37:13 PM
Quotebut someone locked it
Wasn't me. I still posted there. XD~! mod Powers ftw.

Was most likely the OP.
Tyler R. - Fanime Staff
2009 & 2010 Rovers - Suits
2011 Rovers - Graveyard Base
2012 Rovers - Second & Head of Suits
2013 Con Ops - Assistant Trouble Shooter


Quote from: XpHoBiaX on July 30, 2009, 05:37:13 PM
Quotebut someone locked it
Wasn't me. I still posted there. XD~! mod Powers ftw.

Was most likely the OP.
Nah, you don't say? j/k <3

My left side from hip to toe  went numb just as I sat down. -_-'' It does that everytime I sit in a hard chair. T_T

2010 cosplay...?
Zero:80% Kadaj:?? Sisen:??


Quote from: Liquid on July 30, 2009, 06:16:29 PM
Pet Peeve: People who do not do their job...and then complain when they are asked to do it or do it correctly.
Brevity is the soul of Wit.
Confusion is the soul of Runewitt.


I hate it when my room was dirty ants never came in it, but when its clean ants are like hey home coming