2011 Kuroshitsuji: Gathering

Started by hellangel, December 06, 2008, 04:10:21 PM

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Quote from: BerrySinh on December 16, 2010, 05:55:41 PM
Fanime was my first anime convention this year and I stumbled upon the Kuroshitsuji gathering when you guys were taking photos I thought it was super thrilling to watch and to see you guys had so much fun! I was wondering if I can join the gathering next year but my outfit will be kodona base but not any character in particular is that alright?

Edit: -Opps sorry I didn't know if this thread is for the afternoon tea or the photo taking, I was aiming for the afternoon tea gathering- Any answers is much appreciated <3 :3

Hi Berry,

I don't remember seeing a post from you in the tea party thread, so I'll answer you here instead. I've no objection, and I don't believe that anyone else does. It seems that for the past teas we've had too much food for just the Kuroshitsuji tea guests (the first time especially). In my opinion: the more the merrier. What really matters is that you're a fan of the series.

Sorry for the double post, I forgot to answer this and then failed to edit my other post to add a response....


Upcoming events:

YCon | PMX | ALA | AOD | Fanime | AX


Erm.... I don't see myself on the list of attendees >< can you add me (as Grell)

Lowell P


@chaosbark & Hellangel

Thanks for replying to my post and anyone else I forgot to mention, very helpful! I will post on the other thread when the time is near :)


Hopefully, I should have a group.
"Don't give me any orders."


Erm... I'm actually going to be there as choir boy Grell not choir boy ciel >< sorry for the confusion!


The craziness of 2011 has begun! :) Hello there Kuroshitsuji cospeeps! Sunday will be a load of fun as several large gatherings are happening, so there might be some conflict in your schedule of gatherings to attend.

I am currently awaiting Submission Requests for the following returning 60+ gatherings: BLEACH, Kuroshitsuji, and Hetalia Axis Powers. You do not have to stay on Sunday if you wanted to change, and with that said I have tentatively scheduled Bleach in the Sunday 11 am slot for the FiF CE HS I am waiting for them to confirm this with Yukari's pm and they may move to 11:30 am. Hetalia is talking about Sunday 10:30 am and Jump is at 3 pm.

I know you also have a tea planned and I posted over there.
@ Hellangel: I know you have a couple of gatherings this year. Please pm me what info you can concerning this gathering and I will still give precedent to TWEWY and CLAMP over any small gatherings.

Thank you
Cosplayer Gatherings Organizer 2005-2015
Cosplayer Gatherings Department Head 2009-2015
BSP - Cosplayer, Costumer, Photographer, Journalist


If we were to do Sunday, I vote for later-ish. Or basically after the Bleach gathering.


I'm apparently cosplaying Hannah this year :/
I might not make it depending on time. I host the lolita picnic and that usually last til 3 or 4 on Sunday @_@


waw...never though sunday will be so crowded, crazy and fun. :)


The sun was raising up above the high
and dense entangled spider's web.  The dew
was dripping from the silky strings and down
through canopy to underbrush.  It splashed
the puddle making one more fountain spring.


I will be attending the Tea event and the gathering as Ciel (Vol. 6 cover version) and my friend will be accompanying me as Sebastian.


Just a heads up, my fanime forums name has changed :)

I used to be Souseiseki but now I'm Marisuga :)


I guess I will be there as Grell! ^^
Fanime 2014 Cosplays:
The Black and Silver Steampunk

My Cosplay Page


Im sorry. Do we already get the time and date for this gathering?


Ya, as I plan on going to both the Hetalia AND Kuro gatherings, could it not be at the same time as the Hetalia one~?? ;AAAA; Pretty, pretty please~??? DD:

But ya, I can't wait to see you all there~!! ^^
(ノ•ω•)ノ Cosplay List:
Rook Hunt
Ukyo (Ranma 1/2)
Satsuki (Totoro)
Omega (Bad Batch)
Giyu (KnY)
Rengoku (KnY)
Sheeta (Laputa)


Sorry for being missing, everyone!!

First off - Happy Valentine's Day!

And, as per usual, most people seam to prefer Sunday, as that is Black & White Ball day. Previous years we had it at 4 PM, which gave enough time to meet, take photos, have tea, and troupe to ball (or change, for those of you not wearing Kuro to the Ball or otherwise).

How does that sound for everyone?
Upcoming events:

YCon | PMX | ALA | AOD | Fanime | AX


If it's okay with everyone, I think I'll schedule the tea for a half hour after the gathering ends. This will allow for migration to the tea location without rush. Thoughts?

As for location... San Jose weather during Fanime always seems to change throughout the day, so inside is likely the more comfortable option for the tea. BSaphire has mentioned the possibility of using the Cosplay Hangout which is both close to the convention center and indoors. However, if we can't reserve this location, what would be everyone's second choice?


hmmm I'd probably be able to make all the meets on Sunday... I have a feeling my lolita picnic will end up on Sunday still at 11 am.
Then I'd be able to get changed come out to Kuroshitsuji at 4pm then the tea....