2011 Kuroshitsuji: Gathering

Started by hellangel, December 06, 2008, 04:10:21 PM

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I think I'll be able to make this as Snake, so please add me to the list ~

I would like it if the gathering stayed on Sunday, or I probably won't be able to make it.
As for the time, someone mentioned 3 or 4pm, and that seemed like it could work out fine?
That sounds great to me; the farther away from baking noon sun the better.
I'd really love not to melt. x_x


Ok, so it sounds like Sunday at 3 or 4 is what is preferred.

Masquerade participants are required to show at 5pm.
Seating is at 6pm.
Masquerade starts at 6:30pm.

That being said, how about having the gathering at 3 (until about 3:30-ish) and the tea at 4 (until whenever)? This gives everyone enough time to prepare for Masquerade.

My apologies to Hell as I know she is organizing this gathering, but her absence is a bit of a set back in planning. If the majority is okay with these times, I'll see if BSaphire will allow me to submit the day/time for this gathering along with the tea.


@Chaos: I was thinking the same thing Those times would also be perfect for me! (and my sebby and ciel as well~)


Hmm, I guess those times would work~ :3

ETA: Ok, so I remembered that I have the Cosplay Battle gathering on Sunday to go to at 3:30, so I may leave the gathering at that time for a bit, since I'm first on the list for the Sunday Battle gathering, so I can just get my pics and come back~ X3
(ノ•ω•)ノ Cosplay List:
Rook Hunt
Ukyo (Ranma 1/2)
Satsuki (Totoro)
Omega (Bad Batch)
Giyu (KnY)
Rengoku (KnY)
Sheeta (Laputa)


Sunday at 3pm sounds good to me,
that and hopefully that will give people participating in the Masquerade enough time to get where they need to be.

I'm not sure if it's already been discussed,
but was a location for the gathering ever decided?
Or is it buried somewhere in the depths of this thread that I failed to miss. o _o;


Sunday at 3 sounds lovely!
I hope that everyone who wants to come can fit it in.

Last year we met on the bottom floor of the con center, right in the middle of everything. It was cool, but we were very disorganized when it came to getting any kind of tea party done afterwards. We could meet there, or outside, but we need a defined place to meet for tea.
2012 Cosplay List
Kuroshitsuji - Elizabeth Middleford

Fanime lover since 2008!


1st Floor Convention Center (Lobby Area by center pillar just inside the entrance) for the gathering? It worked out very well last year so why change it up? It appears to be free at this point in time for Sunday 3pm

Option for the tea would be:

Concourse level Patio Marriott Side: where the tea was for a short time last year.
Fairmont Hotel/Lobby: where the tea was held in 2009.
Or elsewhere outside/inside.



The gathering was fine, tea on the concourse patio was not. Less than 1/3 of the people showed up because it wasn't defined that we were to meet there.

I loved having it in the Fairmont lobby, but I don't know the size of those attending, so they might not be welcoming to a large group. We could have it on the patio if everyone is informed ahead of time and we all head up at the same time!
2012 Cosplay List
Kuroshitsuji - Elizabeth Middleford

Fanime lover since 2008!


Sorry for the late update, guys; I've been fully booked until last week orz (just had a collection debut)
....and for some reason, haven't been getting the usual email updates from this thread =/


List extensively updated.
Thanks to everyone for keeping the time/day discussion active (for some reason, this takes some pulling of teeth for some of my other gatherings >> )

Location is still up for discussion.
Upcoming events:

YCon | PMX | ALA | AOD | Fanime | AX



1st floor convention center would work for me, too, as it's near where the Cosplay Battle gathering is, I'm pretty sure~ ^^
(ノ•ω•)ノ Cosplay List:
Rook Hunt
Ukyo (Ranma 1/2)
Satsuki (Totoro)
Omega (Bad Batch)
Giyu (KnY)
Rengoku (KnY)
Sheeta (Laputa)


I'm cosplaying as Ciel Phantomhive. However, I am unsure whether or not I will be able to attend both gatherings since it is early before the convention. I shall see what I can do.
Fanime 2013 Cosplays:
The Bride class - Fire Emblem Awakening
Morgan - Fire Emblem Awakening
A full fursuit of my fursona Fayt
A full fursuit of my other character Shyla


I really like the convention center, marriot side (at least I think it's the marriot side... whichever side is on the left if your facing the convention center.

Not only is there a tree/grassy shady area there's also a staircase thing that has a little balcony on top (if that makes sense) here's a picture of the area from the Shugo Chara gathering last year: http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=4326545&l=89b9b459b0&id=646618530


Ah, yes, that's actually Hilton Side....I'm not sure if it's ideal for the gathering setting-wise, but it is an interesting, out-of-the way area.

Why don't we try in front of the fountain? I think that would make for better photos (using the fountains as a backdrop). Otherwise, I'm inclined to use a hotel lobby, but they're too small for a Kuro gathering, haha.

Of course the default would always be the Convention Lobby, as it was last year.
Upcoming events:

YCon | PMX | ALA | AOD | Fanime | AX


hi, I wandered over from cosplay.com. I'll be attending Fanime for the first time this year and bringing my Ronald Knox cosplay. I'd like to attend your gathering :)
- Failure to understand the importance of a Shinigami's glasses are reason for a pay cut! -

~*~ I make costumes! follow me on facebook: http://www.facebook.com/moonycouture ~*~


Quote from: Moony on April 12, 2011, 11:12:43 AM
hi, I wandered over from cosplay.com. I'll be attending Fanime for the first time this year and bringing my Ronald Knox cosplay. I'd like to attend your gathering :)


Prepare for random hugs from me as grell :3


Quote from: Marisuga on April 12, 2011, 08:11:50 PM
Quote from: Moony on April 12, 2011, 11:12:43 AM
hi, I wandered over from cosplay.com. I'll be attending Fanime for the first time this year and bringing my Ronald Knox cosplay. I'd like to attend your gathering :)


Prepare for random hugs from me as grell :3
Make that from two Grells~ 8DD
(ノ•ω•)ノ Cosplay List:
Rook Hunt
Ukyo (Ranma 1/2)
Satsuki (Totoro)
Omega (Bad Batch)
Giyu (KnY)
Rengoku (KnY)
Sheeta (Laputa)


Quote from: Angelx624 on April 12, 2011, 08:33:03 PM
Quote from: Marisuga on April 12, 2011, 08:11:50 PM
Quote from: Moony on April 12, 2011, 11:12:43 AM
hi, I wandered over from cosplay.com. I'll be attending Fanime for the first time this year and bringing my Ronald Knox cosplay. I'd like to attend your gathering :)


Prepare for random hugs from me as grell :3
Make that from two Grells~ 8DD

YAY! I know absolutely no one in California. I'm going to see Yuya Matsushita and figured, hmmm I should bring cosplay :D
- Failure to understand the importance of a Shinigami's glasses are reason for a pay cut! -

~*~ I make costumes! follow me on facebook: http://www.facebook.com/moonycouture ~*~


Hello, this is RikuCosplayer. But Im actually
attending and cosplaying as Alois Trancy
for Fanime and the Kuroshitsuji gathering.
This will be my first time cosplaying as
Alois...^^;; Ive cosplayed as Riku since 2009.
May you put me up on the Kuro list as
Alois Trancy please? My friend Angelx624
told me about this thread. Thanks if you do! :)
~Current Cosplays~ ~%Progress~

KH2 Riku: 100% Finished!
Alois Trancy: 100% Finished!

~Cons Attended~   ~Cons Attending~

-Yaoi Con 2009          Fanime 2012
-Fanime Con 2010
-Sac Anime Con 2010
-Fanime Con 2011 

I<3 Sora & Ciel Phantomhiv


My friend is going as Ceil ^^ She doesn't have an account so I'm posting for her.