What are your holiday plans?

Started by Gatsby, December 13, 2008, 10:04:52 PM

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Nothing is happening until Christmas. I'm first going to my grandma's house for our annual family gift unwrapping. But my main excitement is getting on the train that night to head up to Washington so I can see my girlfriend for the rest of break. This year looks like I'll be doing on something for New Years. :)

What are your plans O Great Dwellers of the Fanime Boards?


My very first Christmas in my own apartment...it's so exciting!  I have my very own Christmas tree up already.  It only has decorations I like on it.  It's beautiful!  :)  My kitten is kind of confused by it, but thankfully it doesn't look like she'll try climbing it or anything...yay smart kitty!

I also got the all time BEST Christmas movie ever on DVD this year.  The MST3K version of Santa Clause Conquers the Martians.  Let's ALL have a Patrick Swayze Christmas this year.  :)

I'm going to have a nice dinner for Christmas, and my sister and her boyfriend are going to come over to do gift exchange that day. 

I never go out for New Years.  Reno is full of young, drunk tourists on New Years and there are always huge fights downtown as well as some huge car crashes.  Instead I sit at home and enjoy dumb movies.  :-)

I'm really looking forward to this Holiday Season.  :D
Sometimes I'm glad I became a teacher.  Other times I wish I had simply become a ninja.


hahaa well due to this superawesomecool economy my christmas will be small but still joyful none the less, Im making people gifts and baking as usual I love to bake so much during the holidays unngh it makes me happy <3. We have our tree and stairway decorated so people love it x) because it is very decorated.

Oh and my mom makes KILLER tamales <3 soooo goood I love making it because its all the women getting together in my family to make so many (@O@)

my family and I open gifts on christmas eve at midnight its customary in Peru and in some latin cultures. We have hot chocolate and Panetonne :d so f-ing good

for new years its going to be a small party filled with dancing and drunk people as usual~


Lets see we still have to get the Tree and we do that by going to a tree fram like 2-3 miles away, we also see my Grandpa after Christmas and we got to Church (which is the only time we ever go) on Christmas Eve.
A.K.A. "Mr. Zeon Flag" Laughing Man MK. VI: with Power Ranger Gloves, Mustache and Zeon Flag in hand is 100%


I've never had x-mas celebration once.

Don't get me wrong, it's not like I'm too poor to. X-mas is usually at a Chinese restaurant in Oakland Chinatown. Only reason is cause that area is the only area opened with food..>_>;;

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; ; aww poor kefka~ you should get ice cream cake for your holiday, I usually give baked goods to people :d totally I would give some to you

Oh i forgot to mention ~*MAKING GINGERBREAD*~ Houses and then pretending to be godzilla and just act like im attacking the delicious house. My friends and I are going to make one soon and my sister and her bf are going to make their own to be creative apparently involving fetuses with top hats and moustaches


My plans?  I work retail.  My plans are to survive the holidays for another year running.
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Going to Lake Tahoe with the family after Christmas and before New Years cos I have bad experiences with drunk crazy people hanging off trees. And then attending a wedding reception after New Years day. :D

Otherwise, sitting at hime, "studying" for finals and getting my arse bigger from just sitting at my computer all day. :D
Ellie S.
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Quote from: Kazuko on December 13, 2008, 11:32:58 PM
; ; aww poor kefka~ you should get ice cream cake for your holiday, I usually give baked goods to people :d totally I would give some to you

Oh i forgot to mention ~*MAKING GINGERBREAD*~ Houses and then pretending to be godzilla and just act like im attacking the delicious house. My friends and I are going to make one soon and my sister and her bf are going to make their own to be creative apparently involving fetuses with top hats and moustaches

Mmm~~ baked good =D~. Sounds like you make them like a pro =P

and OMG! gingerbread houses!!!...@.@;; I miss my childhood days when they were a common thing for school during this time...;-;
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I plan to sit in a corner and cry about being broke.  (I get carried away with buying people things~) I'll have a plate of cookies beside me, ofcourse.


Before I leave to moms', I'll probably chill with the crew and my friends before I go.
We're having a "Recession Christmas" at Moms', so I don't know what is going on.
I know I'll be wanting to leave after xmas. O_o I don't do family gatherings well.

I may be going to Vegas for New Years. O_o

2010 cosplay...?
Zero:80% Kadaj:?? Sisen:??


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Quote from: LordKefka on December 14, 2008, 10:31:23 PM
Lewl... recession x-mas

Seriously, I am expecting Halloween candy and popped popcorn in cling wrap.

2010 cosplay...?
Zero:80% Kadaj:?? Sisen:??


Being frugal is never a bad thing...I guess...>_>;
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It sucks. XD

Actually, my family can't buy me what I want. O_o
So I'll prolly end up with the popcorn and halloween candy. o_o

FRICKEN A! I deleted what I previously typed. >:/

This is why I shouldn't smoke. @_@

2010 cosplay...?
Zero:80% Kadaj:?? Sisen:??


Wtf wii and telescope? =.=
Ellie S.
Head of Registration
FanimeCon - "By Fans, For Fans"
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Quote from: XpHoBiaX on December 14, 2008, 11:02:46 PM
My lil bro is getting a 360 (or a Wii) and a telescope. Thats well over $200 bucks.
And my bro is getting a new Razor phone.


I think "frugal" is a horrible misconception...but it may just be me.

THAT'S a recession x-mas?... I wonder what x-mas is like without the " recession" part..~_~;..*imagines you receiving a house and a new car from parents*...xD
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Anime Expo Press, 2008-2012
Anime Central Press, 2008
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Christmas is giving ppls presents.

New years will most likely involve going over to a friends house, then probably down to SF to a sexy party....but that's if we don't get too drunk first.
Time And Relative Dimension In Space.


Quote from: LordKefka on December 14, 2008, 11:07:37 PM
Quote from: XpHoBiaX on December 14, 2008, 11:02:46 PM
My lil bro is getting a 360 (or a Wii) and a telescope. Thats well over $200 bucks.
And my bro is getting a new Razor phone.


I think "frugal" is a horrible misconception...but it may just be me.

THAT'S a recession x-mas?... I wonder what x-mas is like without the " recession" part..~_~;..*imagines you receiving a house and a new car from parents*...xD

F*K ctrl command keys @_@

I failed to mention...I got a photo frame. >:/
Apparently, that is the families' way of telling me "We don't want you around."

I sorta hate xmas. >.>

2010 cosplay...?
Zero:80% Kadaj:?? Sisen:??


Time And Relative Dimension In Space.