Black and White Ball Attire Questions - Post them here

Started by tkdteo, January 06, 2009, 10:51:48 AM

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Hi there.  Jim here.  Just wanted to respond to a few things.

Mephistopheles: Outfit looks ok but the shirt would probably need to be a button up one at that.  A T-shirt would be under dressing for the event.  You do not need to bring a whole different suit with you, but the short needs to be button up.

Kuromi_Kat: Outfit looks ok.  The length may a bit short though.  As a rule of thumb we would like the length of the dress to be at most 2 inches above the knee.  Anything beyond that would be a little to high.  I hope that helps.  As for the black and white part of the ball that is just a suggestion.  You do not have to dress in black and white and have it be that formal.  There are plenty of cosplayers that go to the event as long as their costume meets the criteria set for the ball. 

As for definite no no's - jeans, shorts, t-shirts, sneakers, tube tops, mini skirts.  We will try and update the forum and the Fanime page in the upcoming months with more on proper dress and etiquette for the ball.  Thanks for everyone's responses.

- Jim
BWBall head 2010
2010-2012 BWBall Head
2009 BWBall 2nd
2008 BWBall Instructor


Staff Instructor since 2010. 
Staff Marketing Lead since 2018
Staff Marketing Second


Quote from: tkdteo on November 17, 2009, 11:24:18 PM

As for definite no no's - jeans, shorts, t-shirts, sneakers, tube tops, mini skirts.  We will try and update the forum and the Fanime page in the upcoming months with more on proper dress and etiquette for the ball.  Thanks for everyone's responses.

- Jim
BWBall head 2010

ok so pretty much for women is ball gowns or something along the lines of "homecoming" attire?


Business casual sounds close to the dress code.  As far as homecoming attire, that would work for females.  I will be releasing a full dress code post by the beginning of 2010 to let everyone know what is appropriate and what is not.  Also if you go to the dance lessons during Fanime, the dress code will be posted there and you can ask the instructors there about the dress code.  The dress code will also be posted at the door for the BWBall on the day of the event. 

- Jim
2010-2012 BWBall Head
2009 BWBall 2nd
2008 BWBall Instructor


Hello, this is my first Fanime and the B&W ball sound great, I want to attend the lesson as well. I am pretty clear on the attire. But I want to know if we have to sign up or register for this event in advance?

Nina Star 9

Will the dress code be enforced more this year? I noticed that last year, by the middle to end of the dance, there were many people in rather quesstionable attire for a more formal event.


Quote from: J_Chen on November 24, 2009, 02:30:36 PM
Hello, this is my first Fanime and the B&W ball sound great, I want to attend the lesson as well. I am pretty clear on the attire. But I want to know if we have to sign up or register for this event in advance?

You do not need to sign up or register in advance. As long as you are registered for Fanime you can attend.


Since I'm planning on helping out B&W ball I actually don't mind the dress code check to be enforced more and I still like to help out on that.  It wouldn't be called a "formal event" like Fanime 2007.  Plus I also helped out with the dress code check with Masquerade Ball at AX and I wish they did the dress code more especially towards staffers who came in jeans and regular clothes which kind of defeats the whole purpose of calling AX Masquerade Ball as a formal event.
FanimeCon E-gaming Room Staff
Kraken Con Staff

Cosplay: DDR Pad/Box, Brain Age, Andross (SNES), Formal Totoro, Master/Crazy Hand


I had issues with the AX Masquerade Ball this year beyond just unenforced dress code...especially compared with the ones from years past.
Staff Instructor since 2010. 
Staff Marketing Lead since 2018
Staff Marketing Second


So I was curious; I'm not certain if I will do this or not; but is it allowed for the Black & White ball that we wear a "Mess Dress" type outfit see: if we're cosplaying from Axis Powers Hetalia to keep the formal-Military type look for our respective cosplayed country? -There is also a picture on there for the female messdress as well as the male.

(I used the search and came up with nothing so that's why I've posted this; if it's already been answered could someone direct me to the area? Much thanks)


I would say wait for the dress code when it's posted next month, but I'm pretty sure that would be okay.
Staff Instructor since 2010. 
Staff Marketing Lead since 2018
Staff Marketing Second



The messdress looks fine for the BWBall.  I do not see any problems with the outfit if that is what you are going to be cosplaying.  Hope that helps.

- Jim
BWBall Head 2010
2010-2012 BWBall Head
2009 BWBall 2nd
2008 BWBall Instructor


Thanks tkdteo~ The outfit may not exactly be those colors but if my boyfriend and I do decide to do a messdress it will be the formal military dress.

Cosplay Cyborg

So I'm here to double-check on behalf of a cosplay group I'm part of. We're all dying to know if Steampunk attire is acceptable for the Black & White Ball, since the style of clothing is based on the Victorian era and all. Aside from that, any guidelines you have for us would be appreciated, since our Steampunk Hetalia group has a wide variety of clothing styles in itself even. XD

I can provide the design sketches upon request.

Thanks to anyone who can help!

- Cy


Cosplay Cyborg,

I was looking through some of the characters of Steampunk and the dresscode seams fine.  To get a definite answer send pics of what you or your friends are going to cosplay in and I will let you know.  Usually if you stick to the rules of no shorts, no mini skirts (anything above 2 inches or more above the knee), no tshirts, no jeans etc. you should be fine.  To get the final ok, send pics to [email protected].  Thanks.

- Jim
2010-2012 BWBall Head
2009 BWBall 2nd
2008 BWBall Instructor

Cosplay Cyborg

Thanks so much Jim! You guys on the B&W Ball thread are always so helpful~


So I take it the dress code hasn't been changed. I hope I can attend the BxW ball. :) This'll be my first time going to Fanime. ^^;

I'm wondering, is this outfit ok?

(ノ•ω•)ノ Cosplay List:
Rook Hunt
Ukyo (Ranma 1/2)
Satsuki (Totoro)
Omega (Bad Batch)
Giyu (KnY)
Rengoku (KnY)
Sheeta (Laputa)


AngelX - Your cosplay outfit looks fine.  I dont think there will be a problem with the cosplay.

- Jim
BWBall Head 2010
2010-2012 BWBall Head
2009 BWBall 2nd
2008 BWBall Instructor


Ok. Yay. ^^ I just didn't know if it was formal enough. xP

But now I have a reason to bring it. :D Hooray. xD

And what day is the ball usually on? o_O
(ノ•ω•)ノ Cosplay List:
Rook Hunt
Ukyo (Ranma 1/2)
Satsuki (Totoro)
Omega (Bad Batch)
Giyu (KnY)
Rengoku (KnY)
Sheeta (Laputa)
