the flying car... no seriously.

Started by Jerry, January 22, 2009, 11:41:39 AM

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So, anything interested in getting one? :P Course this would mean i would need my pilot's license...

Also makes me wonder what the dashboard / control panel looks like.

What a world we live on :D

Games, Friends & Fanime oh my! :D


That shit ain't gonna drive in CA.

Needs license plates, side view mirrors, etc.

The cops will pull your ass over (assuming you don't fly away).

On a serious note, I would like more information on how the wings fold up and how it drives when its not flying =P
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*Looks at Steve's post*

Oh well, so much for my F-Zero fantasy  :(
Also a Proud Fanime Con Attendee since 1998!
Yay, Haruko.


now that you mention it, it sorta looks like a F-zero racer.

but i doubt it goes blazingly fast :P

Games, Friends & Fanime oh my! :D


that hovercraft design some other guy made a while back was much more sound.  running on 2 propellors seems much more conventional than needing a air strip to take off.

Anti-Pocky Movement 201X


As much as I love the concept of flying cars I'd be f'ing terrified of their mass use. Just think about it. Half the population can't drive properly already on flat ground, I can't imagine how worse it would be if these people now were in the air. Still that car is awesome! If I was filthy rich I'd own one. :P


The wings make me laugh.
It looks like it's already been in an accident.

I'd like mine to be all black please. Make it look like the stealth bomber.

But seriously, I'd be terrified of these things too...
Let's Play Channel
PSN: Lexy-

Sunara Ishi

Sounds interesting. Hopefully we will hear more if it gets past the test stages.

Though one major problem with the concept: Runway strips. Who except the rich will have that?

The folding wings make me wonder as well; I could see that having a lot of problems with them not unfolding or re-folding.

I agree with everyone above; I'd be terrified of the mass population driving those. @.@
"Doesn't break even when run over by a tank! The most durable ballpoint pen in world!"-Nebula


I'd rather go with what the aliens got going on. XD

2010 cosplay...?
Zero:80% Kadaj:?? Sisen:??


You mean a giant version of those hover cameras the military uses for recon? :P

Anti-Pocky Movement 201X
