Fanime Forum Badges 2009 (Get your badges!)

Started by Suspicious, April 21, 2009, 09:06:26 AM

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Heya. I'm gonna just throw my image here in there...

Mine will be this image.

Use this as the ava. If you want, you can cut out the blue parts and make it transparent.

Fan-name, Jun-Watarase a.k.a. Chuhai or choose whatever you think works best.

For Pyron...

Use this one as his image.

And this for the ava. OOOOR... his current avatar, if you prefer.

And fan-name is PyronIkari, of course.

And again, thanks Suspi! Thanks Tsubasa! :]

EDIT: The danbooru links might not work if you just click on them. Just enter them again on the URL box, or copy paste and it'll work. :V

Email me at [email protected] if you want to be a maid! Sign ups close in March! Hurry!


Hi, I'd like to jump in on this too.

Fan name: Lexy

For my image:

and for my avatar:

Please adjust wherever necessary. Thanks!
Let's Play Channel
PSN: Lexy-


There ya go! If you wanna spiff it up a bit feel free, it's kinda plain. It's Tank Girl btw.<3

and suprise me with an avatar. lol I couldn't find anything cool.

Fan Name:

2010 cosplay...?
Zero:80% Kadaj:?? Sisen:??


Suspicious, i meant i'd like the forum badge name changed to the same as well... my forum name. it's different than my fan name. i know that they are not official badges.
Brevity is the soul of Wit.
Confusion is the soul of Runewitt.


Just paid for mine via PayPal, hurray PayPal!

Sunara Ishi

Gah. I'm really sorry about this.

If it works with the design, can you use this image for me instead?
I finally found a usable picture of him. D:

"Doesn't break even when run over by a tank! The most durable ballpoint pen in world!"-Nebula


Quote from: Runewitt on May 07, 2009, 11:27:44 PM
Suspicious, i meant i'd like the forum badge name changed to the same as well... my forum name. it's different than my fan name. i know that they are not official badges.

Aha, I couldn't find your post saying what name you were.  Sorry and changed.
»Jrock Con »LJ »MySpace »Website


I finally found a picture!

Avatar = Same
Picture =
Fan Name = abcbadcat (all lowercase please)



So I don't know if this has been answered or not already, but I figure I'll ask anyways.
Where abouts at the convention center do you plan on handing out the forum badges?

Fanime is coming up pretty soon and I don't wanna forget about the forum badges..

sorry to bother you.


Sorry for the delay on the image. Here's mine.

You did great capturing last year's image, so full trust in your style of approach.

Also, good thing I didn't choose my other image choice:

Since apparently Meirin already took it XD.


Su-Cool. There's Not Enough Of It.
Fanime Panelist (Pangya: 2007, 2008; Vocaloid: 2009, 2010)


Time And Relative Dimension In Space.


Is it too late to get one made for myself? Here's my info:
Fan Name: Otakuya
Avatar: (look left, currently it's Tiger Woods)
Badge Art:

If badge art can't be used, please find me a good Lina Inverse one!


Quote from: Otakuya on May 11, 2009, 08:59:38 PM
Is it too late to get one made for myself? Here's my info:
Fan Name: Otakuya
Avatar: (look left, currently it's Tiger Woods)
Badge Art:

If badge art can't be used, please find me a good Lina Inverse one!

That picture is pure awesome.   :D  Gotta love Slayers!! 
Sometimes I'm glad I became a teacher.  Other times I wish I had simply become a ninja.


Thanks for doing this again. Loved my badge from last year.

For this year, I'll let you choose either this one:

or this one:

Fan name = StarKiller


Quote from: Zirphex on May 08, 2009, 08:53:16 PM
So I don't know if this has been answered or not already, but I figure I'll ask anyways.
Where abouts at the convention center do you plan on handing out the forum badges?

Fanime is coming up pretty soon and I don't wanna forget about the forum badges..

sorry to bother you.

Hey all! I've been swamped with work, but I hope to get everything printed and done this weekend.  My friend (Chu of Slightly Damned) has an artist alley table that I be with the badges for pick up.  Once Fanime releases a schedule, I can let everybody know when we could meet up to pick them up.

Also, feel free to paypal me your $1 ahead of time.  It'll help out with the printing costs.

-Added Spiritsnare
-Added PyronIkari
-Added Lexy
-Added XpHoBiaX
-Added otakuapprentice
-Added Otakuya
-Added Starkiller
-Updated Kasumi
-Updated Sunara Ishi
-Updated abcbadcat
-Updated Zero_Kirby
-Updated Chun
-Heeroyuy135 Paid
»Jrock Con »LJ »MySpace »Website


Here's my image.

Expect a separate PM shortly on the specifics of placement. PM sent.
epic progressive



Ok, I'm back with the pictures?
Fan name: iAnimePHr34k
Picture links:
Personally, I'd be happy if you could use the second picture. ^___^;
Thank you. >w<


Get me in one of those batches! I don't wanna be in queue. :D
Tyler R. - Fanime Staff
2009 & 2010 Rovers - Suits
2011 Rovers - Graveyard Base
2012 Rovers - Second & Head of Suits
2013 Con Ops - Assistant Trouble Shooter


So I'm just curious but hows mine coming along? I'm just wondering because I remember how awesome mine looked last year, and you were able to make it that badass with just a few of my posts on the forums. Thats why I once again left it up to you to choose my image again.
A hero forever loyal to the flames of war now rests in Outer Heaven

RUDE: Rub Up Desperate Elephants- Thanks shy-cosplayer