Fanime Forum Badges 2009 (Get your badges!)

Started by Suspicious, April 21, 2009, 09:06:26 AM

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I'd like to give this a go. Will make a new post with my picture once my commission is finished :3

Some questions:
This badge replaces our official fanime badge, correct? (I don't mean that we won't have to buy the real badge) Or will we have to wear both badges?
Please provide me any information regarding that topic ^

Will shipping be free, if the mail option becomes available?
When will the way to pick up your badge be announced?
Does the badge picture require a background?

Sorry if any of these questions have been answered throughout the topic. I've only red up to the second post of the first page.
I also tend to forget things, so could somebody please pm me if I do not re-post in a week? :c
on my way to steal yo gurls
Fanimaid Cafe Department Second Head


::steps up::
i'm just posting from what i've seen in this thread, and if i am incorrect, i am sorry.

Quote from: sakuranoyuki on May 14, 2009, 09:19:31 PM
Some questions:
This badge replaces our official fanime badge, correct? (I don't mean that we won't have to buy the real badge) Or will we have to wear both badges?
Please provide me any information regarding that topic ^
This badge is just a way for forum members to identify themselves and have a personal keepsake from the con, it is not an official badge, and does not replace what you will get from registration. you can choose to wear the forum badge, or not. you do not get to choose if you'll wear the required official badge.

Quote from: sakuranoyuki
Will shipping be free, if the mail option becomes available?
When will the way to pick up your badge be announced?
Does the badge picture require a background?
I dont believe the mail option will be available this late, as most people wouldnt recieve their badges before the con. Suspicious recently posted a map of artist alley showing where he wil be with the badges, he's sharing a table with Slightly Damned, and is waiting for fanime to release a schedule before posting when people can go and pick them up. if your picture doesnt have a background, it'll probably end up with a white background.

again, i'm just posting from what i've seen in this thread, and if i am incorrect, i am sorry.
Brevity is the soul of Wit.
Confusion is the soul of Runewitt.


Thaaaanks X3 I'll try and get a paypal payment to you asap...but I might end up just paying at the con. @_@

2010 cosplay...?
Zero:80% Kadaj:?? Sisen:??


i would like these for my badge if its not to late.thanks


Quote from: Chun on May 09, 2009, 10:39:03 PM
Also, good thing I didn't choose my other image choice:

Since apparently Meirin already took it XD.

That is a pretty crazy-awesome picture. Understandable why it'd get taken so quickly.


Quote from: mDuo13 on May 15, 2009, 03:19:47 PM
Quote from: Chun on May 09, 2009, 10:39:03 PM
Also, good thing I didn't choose my other image choice:

Since apparently Meirin already took it XD.

That is a pretty crazy-awesome picture. Understandable why it'd get taken so quickly.
Agreed. *_*

Thanks for the help. I'll search the topic for the map.

Is there an end date by which we must have our pictures in by? Because I'm getting a background made for my picture.
If the end date is really soon, here's my information anyway:

Fan name- Pocky
on my way to steal yo gurls
Fanimaid Cafe Department Second Head


Okay, I'm making a soft deadline for submissions today and I'll get the badges done throughout the week.  I meant to finish by Saturday, but I ran into some computer issues.  Any more submissions from now on are subject to not finishing on time.
»Jrock Con »LJ »MySpace »Website


I will personally pay you for the lovely badge @ Fanime.
Time And Relative Dimension In Space.


epic progressive



Yeah... what ^ and ^^ said



Quote from: otakuapprentice on May 17, 2009, 09:18:44 PM
I will personally pay you for the lovely badge @ Fanime.

That is my plan as well.  :)
Tyler R. - Fanime Staff
2009 & 2010 Rovers - Suits
2011 Rovers - Graveyard Base
2012 Rovers - Second & Head of Suits
2013 Con Ops - Assistant Trouble Shooter


errr might be too late but im throwing out my picture now. Gonna keep it simple this year since I couldn't find a satisfying picture.


thanks a lot.


TC X0 Lt 0X

"Never beg. You earn. By Winning.
Or else you won't get anything..."

Pro-Pocky Movement





Hopefully I can get one in before your deadline...

Name: Jyunishinsho
Avatar: The same as the one posted, just without the movement

If it can't be done, s'all good.


Me pay cash too...or a drink, whichever you want


I'll pay you as well Suspi at con. see ya then and thanks for the badge.
My own Cosplay Photography Page:
AnimeCraft Entertainment LLC

Velveteen Rabbit

I'd like in too! If it's not too late!

Fan Name: Velveteen Rabbit
Picture: Picture
Avatar: Same as regular avi!

I'll pay at the con!



I will pay at the convention as well.
Thanks so much for your hard work!