Just for fun.... LIST TIME

Started by Mango Bunny, April 22, 2009, 08:39:57 PM

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Mango Bunny

Quote from: konataFTW on April 23, 2009, 09:00:32 PM

-eat less cakes >_>

I work as a cake decorator. I literally eat cake 5 days a week. You're probably doing better than I am.


Quote from: Mango Bunny on April 23, 2009, 10:30:46 PM
Quote from: konataFTW on April 23, 2009, 09:00:32 PM

-eat less cakes >_>

I work as a cake decorator. I literally eat cake 5 days a week. You're probably doing better than I am.

I would LOVE to eat cake even once a week. I'm lucky if i get a peice twice a year ;_;
Please, don't feed the moogle.

Nina Star 9

- Finish cosplays:
  Ningyou PV (Amano Tsukiko):
  Finish sewing a coat (make/attach detailing, attach trims + zipper, set in sleeves)
  Make large, decorative shoulderpads
  Modify a helmet
  Make gloves

  Ryth (Jet Set Radio Future)
  Buy fabric/make a dress out of it
  Make armwarmers
  Modify boots into "skates"
  Make... boob cones (I don't know what else to call them...)
  Buy wig

- Choose music for karaoke contest
- Pack (haha)
- Don't panic too much

Yukari Kaiba

-continue saving monies from paychecks
-buy food stuffs
-schedule photoshoots
-touch up Slifer cosplay
-make wish-list for dealer's room
-find & edit music for masquerade
-finish up Noitora (make pants, top, scythe, ordering contacts next week)
-double-check with roomies for their share of hotel room
-make packing lists
-get car check-up
-need hair cut

probably more needed, but this is about it
-Gundam Tanaka (Super Dangan Ronpa 2)
-Tetra (Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker)
-Levi (Attack On Titan)
-Wanderer (Journey)


i just find it pretty hilarious that most of the lists provided are by girls...

mostly because us boys have nothing better to do.


1) enjoy life til fanime
2) party @ fanime
3) repeat step one.

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jerry.pang

Games, Friends & Fanime oh my! :D


1. Make Shinigami top.
2. Find cheap hakama pants
3. or make the hakama pants
3.Bring up math grade.
4. Find patterns for costumes.
5 Get hair cut.
6.Finish fan art for my friends B-day.
7 Find costume for dance tonight. *cough* RAVE *cough* NEON *cough*
8.Find a ride or get my dad to drive me.
9. Go to fabric store for ribbon
10. Finish Sode no Shirayuki
11. Make Haruhi Headband
12 Get my friends to come to FAnime
13 ----and------ convince my dad to let me go :'(
Yes I can go to Fanime!

Sunday:Shinigami Rukia- Bleach
*proud member of Prop Whores United <3*


Quote from: MikoChika on April 23, 2009, 11:44:02 PM
Quote from: Mango Bunny on April 23, 2009, 10:30:46 PM
Quote from: konataFTW on April 23, 2009, 09:00:32 PM

-eat less cakes >_>

I work as a cake decorator. I literally eat cake 5 days a week. You're probably doing better than I am.

I would LOVE to eat cake even once a week. I'm lucky if i get a peice twice a year ;_;

uwah so far I'm failing lol XD I just went to a birthday party yesterday and well... it was rocky road cake u_u so irresistable~!
Fanime Cosplays 2010:
-Saku of dotHack
-Rin [default] of Vocaloids
-Rin [Magnet] of Vocaloids
-Sakura [jumpsuits] of TRC
-Sakura [uniform] of CCS
-Anise of Tales of Abyss


seem like a lot of people needs to get their car ready for the trip.  :)


Make RX-78-2 Gundam horns for my Laughing man mask.

Repair said mask.

Get 25 extra bucks.

Get food within the last few days.
A.K.A. "Mr. Zeon Flag" Laughing Man MK. VI: with Power Ranger Gloves, Mustache and Zeon Flag in hand is 100%


- Save up more money
- Cut hair shorts
- Make finishing touches on costumes
- Pack stuff T.T
- Make up testing
- Get some #'s and Bus schedule
- Check with roomie
- Make sure they are packed XD
- Get some food
And Finally!
- Get to Fanime!


Yes I can go to Fanime!

Sunday:Shinigami Rukia- Bleach
*proud member of Prop Whores United <3*


Quote from: BumbleB on April 24, 2009, 02:54:17 PM
1. Make Shinigami top.
2. Find cheap hakama pants
3. or make the hakama pants
3.Bring up math grade.
4. Find patterns for costumes.
5 Get hair cut.
6.Finish fan art for my friends B-day.
7 Find costume for dance tonight. *cough* RAVE *cough* NEON *cough*
8.Find a ride or get my dad to drive me.
9. Go to fabric store for ribbon
10. Finish Sode no Shirayuki
11. Make Haruhi Headband
12 Get my friends to come to FAnime
13 ----and------ convince my dad to let me go :'(

I would think that #13 should be #1? lol
Tyler R. - Fanime Staff
2009 & 2010 Rovers - Suits
2011 Rovers - Graveyard Base
2012 Rovers - Second & Head of Suits
2013 Con Ops - Assistant Trouble Shooter


TOO MUCH STUFF.  T_T  In no particular order, despite the numbers ...

1) Unpick all of the bias tape on my Trinity Blood habit.
2) Take up hems on petticoat and habit dress.
3) Reline front habit panel and take up hem.
4) Resew all bias tape.
5) Make cross for primary rosary.
6) Style wig.
7) Remake Captain Mom haori.
8) Remake Captain Mom obi.
9) Make Minazuki.
10) Make pants for JK cosplay.
11) Make boots for JK cosplay.
12) Fix sister's black kosode.
13) "Screenprint" sister's Kanjani8 shirt.
14) Make sekrit crack thingy.
15) Bake lots of cookies for the Bleach crew.
16) Bake tasty snacks for Trinity Blood tea.
17) Acquire miscellaneous foodstuffs for trip.
18) Print all paperwork (reg, hotel, etc.).
19) Make sure everything's set at work so that nothing explodes while I'm gone.
20) PACK.  (Not forget Saizo, in spite of the fact he does not belong to any of my cosplays.  If I did, piggy would eat me.)
21) DRIVE.
24) ... not get an ulcer over the lack of time to accomplish the items above.
25) Time permitting, do more work on Trinity Blood cosplay.
2012 Plans:
  • Gypsy Queen / Kaya Syokka (Trinity Blood)
  • Risai (Juuni Kokki/Twelve Kingdoms)
  • Shusui (Saiunkoku Monogatari)
  • others TBD


Okay new list

- Convince mom for some spending money
- Buy a long black wig
- Finish my Sailor Mars Cosplay
- Finish my Burst Angel Sei Cosplay
- Pack
- Buy white gloves & shoes for sailor mars
- Buy Food
- Force my mom to let me out of school an hour early on the 22nd
- Make rave/dance outfit
- Put together a closet lolita outfit for the black & white ball
- Make 2 CDs for the karaoke contest
- Make sure I can go to all of my gatherings
Cosplays for Fanime 2009
- Sei from Burst Angel
- Sailor Mars
- Yoruichi from Bleach
- Lolita
- Team Magma Grunt from Pokemon Hoenn Season
- Rave/Dance Outfit


@PrincessCake- I have white gloves if you want 'em. They go right below the elbow. o:

-Monies monies
-Find that one costume I needed to wear
-Buy camera memorystick/borrow camera from bro
-Buy food, like... not snacks...
-Skip school on the 22nd or at least, half the day.

Ellie S.
Head of Registration
FanimeCon - "By Fans, For Fans"
FanmeCon: Twitter | Facebook

Mango Bunny

Ok. Entire current list:


havok rt

My List:
1.Get new ID<---Really important
2.Finish work on my cosplay
3.finish my set for fanime stand up
4.decide whether or not to shave my head
5.Make sure my room is in order.
6.Buy a ton of snacks, glow-sticks, and Red Bull
7.Pack it all up
8.not die.

and that's outside my normal life work, skool, etc...
Fanime Staff:2010 Social Gaming, 2012 Tabletop Gaming

Cosplay for 2012: Walking around with "The Most Interesting Man In the World" (aka the dos equis guy)


- Make Hammer
- Finish King Dee Dee Dee costume
- Start Kenpachi costume
- Make Jiraiya costume
- Get better in Smash Brothers (XD)
- Buy Jiraiya and Kenpachi wig
- Get Kenpachi sword
- Get in "Fanime" mode
- Tailor Jiraiya costume (lost weight! :D)
- Work extra hours at work T_T
Tsunade! Where are you?!! I promise I don't bite.

Fanime 2010 Costume:
King Dedede


Quote from: konataFTW on April 23, 2009, 09:00:32 PM
My list XD:
-Get my hair cut for easier wig fit =___=
-Babysit? :P
-Finish my cosplays.... uhhh T^T
-get my Otaku bag ready :D
-eat less cakes >_>
-lower expenses to be able to buy more at the dealers hall :D
-get a new camera
-edit my song for the karaoke contest
-keep my 4.0 GPA :D (my parents thretened me if that lwered they will take away my main events coplays O_O)
-help my friend with his coplays
-practice my songs
-get a new charger for my phone u_u
-find my psp............ cuz it'll be a trip ^___^V

and I guess more that I can't think of right now :D

wooot what an accomplishment XD

but adding more u_u:

-buy a new luggage bag lolz mine fell apart wtf XD
-attend more end-of-school parties to keep my social life alive^______^v wooot
-deal with dramas at home and school (oh I'm not the drama I just getcaught in between and become the "sensei" lol)
Fanime Cosplays 2010:
-Saku of dotHack
-Rin [default] of Vocaloids
-Rin [Magnet] of Vocaloids
-Sakura [jumpsuits] of TRC
-Sakura [uniform] of CCS
-Anise of Tales of Abyss


Quote from: MikoChika on April 23, 2009, 12:32:48 AM
Make sure to have friend's car checked out, ( will be driving a good eleven hours, don't need anything going wrong along the way)
make sure everyone in my group knows when we are leaveing in the earily thursday mornin.

Haha, yes, check out the car XD If I get my way, we'll be taking the same one *crosses fingers* Early early leaving!

For me, I have to...
-finish working to get money
-withdraw money
-Get the dolls ready
-Withdraw and divide up the money between me and my sister...
-finish school, subsequent four papers and scholarship nonsense
-A whole bunch of things I can't think of right now lol