The Swine Flu: The Next Big Outbreak?

Started by heeroyuy135, April 28, 2009, 12:10:56 AM

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News about the Swine Flu gets worse and worse everyday, prompting governments to call medical emergencies and take severe actions. Luckily there have been no reported deaths outside of Mexico, but that could all change in a matter of days if not hours.

There are some people who are already stockpiling on meds and masks. I was at Rite Aid picking up paper towels, and while I was in the checkout line a guy came up to the cashier and asked where the masks where. Shit's getting real.

So what do you think? Could this be the 2nd coming of the Spanish Influenza, or something bigger (or not as small)? For me, it won't change my daily plans unless everyone starts dropping like flies and it becomes a nightmare scenario.


Quote from: HeeroYuy135 on April 28, 2009, 12:10:56 AM
News about the Swine Flu gets worse and worse everyday, prompting governments to call medical emergencies and take severe actions. Luckily there have been no reported deaths outside of Mexico, but that could all change in a matter of days if not hours.

There are some people who are already stockpiling on meds and masks. I was at Rite Aid picking up paper towels, and while I was in the checkout line a guy came up to the cashier and asked where the masks where. Shit's getting real.

So what do you think? Could this be the 2nd coming of the Spanish Influenza, or something bigger (or not as small)? For me, it won't change my daily plans unless everyone starts dropping like flies and it becomes a nightmare scenario.

there's lots of ways to look at this. Mexico isn't exactly the healthiest cleanest country in the world... So spread of it is worse than it would be in America. However, that doesn't mean that it's safe either. As Cortana said just be relatively smart and safe. Being paranoid won't really protect you but acting as if nothing is wrong isn't smart either. I work in a heart lab so cleanliness and safety are hardcore.


Just learn to wash your goddamn hands and don't play tonsil hockey with a sick person. It's a bad, fast-spreading, high-mortality flu, but it's a flu. Hygiene and care'll get your farther than panic.


Quote from: Kaura117 on April 28, 2009, 09:02:51 AM
Just learn to wash your goddamn hands and don't play tonsil hockey with a sick person. It's a bad, fast-spreading, high-mortality flu, but it's a flu. Hygiene and care'll get your farther than panic.
What he said...                                       ... sorta.

Just remember, Mexico City is one of the most densely populated cities in the world (more opportunities to get exposed to more people).
Less than 1% of the population of Mexico City has has, or have had the swine flu since the outbreak, and only a small percentage of those people have died (I haven't heard if they're mostly elderly, very young, or sickly people yet thou.)


Gah! ONe of my friend friend got the Swine Flu at Braham HIgh School so now they close down that school for a week ;o; Hope no one else there gets it. I have friends there T_T


The real scare for me is for my family -- three out of four have compromised immune systems.  That's something that you can only mitigate so well, really, and while I don't live in the same home, I'm becoming more aware of things like handwashing the moment I get in the door, etc.  Really, as it's been said: hygiene's a huge step in the right direction.

There is also, as the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy advised so wisely lo those many years ago, one very good rule: Don't Panic.
Seriously, there's such a difference between being smart and being paranoid.  Buying up antivirals and piles of hand sanitiser will only do so much, and possibly hurt others in the long run.
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The Swine Flu is interestingly more virulent in people 20-40. This is because with those age groups the immune system is strong. The problem is that the Swine Flu can cause a cytokine storm causing a strong immune system to go into overdrive - a positive feedback loop. The immune system fails and you die.

Although I have not found any link between the C storm and age, so please rip my argument apart if you please...or add the missing connection:)
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personally i still think its a conspiracy or a test of the REAL "PANDEMIC" - the zombie flu.

I wont panic, but I definitely have plans in mind already.

Be ready yo. :P

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Quote from: Jerry on April 30, 2009, 10:33:58 AM
personally i still think its a conspiracy or a test of the REAL "PANDEMIC" - the zombie flu.

I wont panic, but I definitely have plans in mind already.

Be ready yo. :P

5 bucks says it's zombie flu.
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its kinda scary, i am worried about catching it. my cousin did. she lives in san jose, me in santa clara. so not to far off.

i think it will be ok. i mean we had a bird flu scare too... remember?


[chair hat on]
Serious Business, people...
As mentioned before, we're keeping an eye on it at FanimeCon and will act accordingly. Otherwise, it's business as usual.
[/chair hat off]

I'm personally not very worried. More people die of the typical, yearly strain of flu than this. That it may have mutations from animal sources, and the rate of mortality in healthy adults is alarming, as ewu pointed out. But keep clean, keep your distance, stay vigilant, and stay home if you feel sick.

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after talking about it with my older sister (who's an emergency ward tech in the ER at Children's Hospital), I'm not freaking out about it. From what she told me, the US strain of the swine flu is actually a milder form of the regular flu that has been currently going around (why the strand is stronger in Mexico hasn't been determined yet). The people really at risk are those with already compromised immune systems, so if you're generally healthy you should be fine. Otherwise just practice good hygiene - wash your hands with warm water and soap for at least 20 seconds, sneeze/cough into your elbow or sleeve instead of your hands, use hand sanitizer...just common sense, really. And the obvious if you feel you have symptoms (fever being the key one), call your doctor and stay home.
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Branham is actually pretty close to me. -.-; Oh well. If I'm screwed, I'm screwed. Might as well go down living my life how I want. No need to panic; just keep clean and not be an idiot in that sense. I might be screwed; I've never had a serious "flu" besides stomach flu. Just bad colds. But I'm hoping for the best for my friends at least if things get serious. D:

It better not. D: I want to watch my anime, play my games, and go to fanime. D:
It better not get bad enough for fanime to be called off. ~fume~

H1N1 I deny you reality! kthxbye. ~wishes~ Just keep clean and that includes fanime.

Zombie Flu is just Rabies; it was on a tv show today. XD;

"Doesn't break even when run over by a tank! The most durable ballpoint pen in world!"-Nebula


Well I hope no one freak out at Braham because there's a small chibi con that me and my friends are hosting there like in three weeks @_@


Quote from: Tony on April 30, 2009, 12:08:34 PM
[chair hat on]
Serious Business, people...
As mentioned before, we're keeping an eye on it at FanimeCon and will act accordingly. Otherwise, it's business as usual.
[/chair hat off]

I'm personally not very worried. More people die of the typical, yearly strain of flu than this. That it may have mutations from animal sources, and the rate of mortality in healthy adults is alarming, as ewu pointed out. But keep clean, keep your distance, stay vigilant, and stay home if you feel sick.

What he said.
I think people are making a bigger deal thatn it actually is.
Xenophobic republicans love this oppertunity that has come up right now.


Just take precautions when your out and about (Washing hands with soap and stuff) and watch your own health (There are several things that could make it swine flu, dont get it confused with something else.) Reminder, you need a fever in conjunction with a few other symptoms to be really worried.

I forget where that damn article is...
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Keeping safe and having a good hygiene routine is the best like everyone mentioned, washing hands

Keeping Hand sanitizers that is 60 percent alcohol is the best, Covering your mouth and nose when you sneeze or cough (the best method to cover a sneeze is to sneeze into your elbow but still wash your hands after just in case)

Aside from having a fever you need to also have either vomiting or diarrhea

I know that there is one case in San Francisco that broke out yesterday its been freaking out some of the people at my college, but so far no reports of anyone else.


my brother and sister in law are on a cruise to mexico and they spent one day there before the ship was turned around because fo the flu. they had to come all the way up to san fran and they're heading back down to san diego tonight. no cases on the ship, just a few people getting sea-sick.
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If I hear one more time about people refusing to eat pork because of swine flu...



Quote from: Kaura117 on May 03, 2009, 12:41:00 AM
If I hear one more time about people refusing to eat pork because of swine flu...

I know, that's the stupidest thing I have ever heard!
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