Creepy or not? Cosplayer/Photographer pointers for photos & cosplay

Started by BSaphire, April 29, 2009, 08:50:48 AM

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I actually will second the list as something that works against us.
In my opinion, many photographers are really awesome are left out. (shiroin come to mind)

if you want to add to the list:

me (I have my sig directly below every post that indicates I do cosplay photography if you didn't see it)

I also question point 1 being the press badge. As far as I know, the people I listed shoot great and they don't have press badges.
I think the press badge is an optional way to validate if someone is professional.
(if you want to debate press badge=higher skill in person at Fanime, let's do that. I am venturing into professional photography, and I have my own opinion on press photography.

Kei Tsubasa

haha, so i guess i'm labeled as a CP since i'm not on the list..... oh gawd.... o_o that's a disturbing thought....
but yes, i shall be handing out cards more often this time around... x.x;;
great guide!


BSaphire, I'll be taking photoshoots during evening hours when I'm not in the Artist Alley.  I'm new to this but it's fun. ^^
So yea, here's my bio:

I recently got into Cosplay photography due to friends always cosplaying (go figure huh? XD).  I'm looking to improve on my photography skills, so I'd like to put up an offer to locals and semi-locals between Solano County and Sacramento.  I will also be at FAnime, Anime Expo, and SacAnime so this will apply to both cons.

The Offer:
One (1) Hour Photoshoot Sessions for individuals or groups (up to five (5) people).
Available times:
SacAnime/Fanime - after 8pm
Anime Expo - TBA
Photo Samples:

Make sure to get my card and note/pm me, otherwise may take a while to get the pics to you.


Quote from: BSaphire on May 11, 2009, 08:47:42 PM
Seriously though it may help a few of them to locate professional photogs for some private group photos if the photog has time or maybe remind a few of them of someone that did have pics last year and they forgot to go look. ^^)

I'll grant that this list would help perhaps for those people looking.  There are just two problems:

1.  Finding known photographers to photograph groups and warning about other photographers who might be creepy are definitely two different topics altogether, and they really shouldn't be scrambled in one topic.  If the intent of the list really was to give a list of people who might be worth checking out to try to get pictures from, then really that list should be separated from this topic.

2.  I'd have less of an issue with this if it weren't for the fact that your statement presently comes as Fanime's cosplay gathering coordinator.  Stating an opinion as an individual is one thing.  However, as for the con, I'd have some expectation that the con would be  somewhat organization and individual neutral.  Classification-wise, there may be inequality (ie: press privileges over normal attendee privileges), but within such classifications, unless the con is going out of it's way to further classify individuals within the structure (say, cosplay photographers as a distinct group within press), my sense is that the con shouldn't be providing preferential treatment over and beyond that classification level.  And a list of individuals who do not carry a specific objectively determined set of criteria unique to only them has to be preferential to the individuals/organizations. 

Or in simpler terms, I dislike con staff treating one press organization as more important/powerful than another without particularly good reason, at least at the anime con level. Let the public and the organizations sort that out.
Jason, - Fanime 2008 coverage


Press Badge works great if you plan on doing coverage for the official con events.
However they aren't really a necessity if the photographer spend most of his/her time shooting cosplayers rather than attending events.

I find it rather amusing that people are going around dubbing photographer "professional". Just because some  of us have a .com or print our own contact cards, it does not make us any more "professional" than the next Joe on the street. It is simply a difference between do we want to have a .com or print a card. Last time I check, 80% of us aren't even making a dollar from taking pictures.

Someone who doesn't have a badge/card doesn't make them less trustworthy, just as someone isn't more trustworthy simply because they are "professional" by the standard given in this thread.

I applaud that you're trying to create a guide line, but they are rather misleading & confusing. Website are easy to make & business card takes maybe 20 dollar and a trip to Kinkos to make.


Quote from: Cole on May 12, 2009, 12:18:18 AM
BSaphire, I'll be taking photoshoots during evening hours when I'm not in the Artist Alley.  I'm new to this but it's fun. ^^
So yea, here's my bio:

I recently got into Cosplay photography due to friends always cosplaying (go figure huh? XD).  I'm looking to improve on my photography skills, so I'd like to put up an offer to locals and semi-locals between Solano County and Sacramento.  I will also be at FAnime, Anime Expo, and SacAnime so this will apply to both cons.

The Offer:
One (1) Hour Photoshoot Sessions for individuals or groups (up to five (5) people).
Available times:
SacAnime/Fanime - after 8pm
Anime Expo - TBA
Photo Samples:

Make sure to get my card and note/pm me, otherwise may take a while to get the pics to you.

Thank you Cole for posting this. I'm sure someone out there will contact you ^^)

Quote from: wonderfishOr in simpler terms, I dislike con staff treating one press organization as more important/powerful than another without particularly good reason, at least at the anime con level. Let the public and the organizations sort that out.
Jason seriously, I was NEVER doing that intentionally. I was trying to ask the photographers and cosplayers out there to step up and give advice, websites and links in hopes that cosplayers at Fanime could recognize a photographer easier. I also would not want a con to be biased against any photographer ESPECIALLY since I have been on the receiving end of such a situation. Your right though... It is up to each person to decide for their self about any photographer they meet and with that said I will leave it up to them.

I do appreciate everyone posting... really I do, however I decided to change the first two lists. If there are ANY photographers out there coming to Fanime who would like to list where they will be posting their photos then I will add them to the new place on the second post. This way after con people can find your website, cosplay photo gallery, or photo page and view your shot.

I am sorry if I have in any way upset some of the many photographers out there. My design of this thread was to get input from all aspects of cosplay and have a place to find pointers, tidbits and tips for better photos and provide some safety tips.

I thought the many photographers out there would like to offer up some of their secrets to the cosplayers (new & old) to help them with posing, make up tips & tricks, costuming tidbits and all of that stuff. However I managed only to make some of you feel unofficial, unprofessional, or unrecognized. That was not my intention to ANY ONE. For this I am sorry and I have deleted those two topics which have seemed to cause such an issue and lead this thread to focus on only those points. Again, I'm sorry.

Are there any tips, links, suggestions, etc. that the photographers out here would like to offer?  I welcome all the cosplayers to put their advice in here too. How about some pointers for posing with your props? How to tell which is your good side? Things photographers like to do?

Hopefully this post will get this topic back on track and provide a couple of helpful lists to the many cosplayer out there.

Cosplayer Gatherings Organizer 2005-2015
Cosplayer Gatherings Department Head 2009-2015
BSP - Cosplayer, Costumer, Photographer, Journalist


I tried doing my eyes like the girl in this tutorial before I took my test photo's this year.  It worked pretty well.
Sometimes I'm glad I became a teacher.  Other times I wish I had simply become a ninja.


Quote from: BrightHeart76 on May 12, 2009, 08:29:25 PM
I tried doing my eyes like the girl in this tutorial before I took my test photo's this year.  It worked pretty well.

That tutorial is amazing!  :D Might I also suggest this one.
Yes I can go to Fanime!

Sunday:Shinigami Rukia- Bleach
*proud member of Prop Whores United <3*


I have added to the 2nd post!

Sorry it took me so long but I just copied 1/2 your post Nina Star 9 and added it to the list :)

BrightHeart76 & BumbleB thank you for the links and helping to put this thread back on track. I didn't even know those You Tube videos were out there... interesting what one learns :P I'm sure someone will be helped by all this advice.

Squidges Cospeeps
Cosplayer Gatherings Organizer 2005-2015
Cosplayer Gatherings Department Head 2009-2015
BSP - Cosplayer, Costumer, Photographer, Journalist


For starter-
Cosers, you have the rights to refuse for photos, be it your not ready, do not feel like, want to wait till friend show up. Just because you're playing dress up doesn't mean you're obligated to be in a photo.

If you're gonna wear skirt, wear shorts under it.

If you're gonna wear a reveling top, tape down the side. Don't try to use duck tape, they won't stay on your skin. I recommend using the fashion double side tape they sell at Sally's Beauty supply.
Chances of random big commercial company want you to be a model on first sight is very little, so kill your hope first, else you're just allow yourself to be more vulnerable.

Photographer doesn't NEED you to be back at his room for photos (be it he claim he have all his light equipment in the room), hotel lobby? maybe, but hotel room? What make you think the photos will look any good with those ugly color carpet?

90% of my shot are done outside of the convention hall, so yes, there are chances we would ask you to move away from the crowd for better quality background. However, process that for a second, take a friend, hell take a couple of your friends with you for it.

Ask for preview if you feel some shots are questionable, don't fall for the whole I don't like giving out raw or I dont like people see my work before I publish it. Hell is your face on the thing, you got every right to check it out. Be it before or after post process.
Most photographer listed on that page, be it official put on by Admin, or fan submitted. Have validity to it/
Is Shirion's site.
Andy's site
Jason & his crew's site


Quote from: Muze on May 13, 2009, 10:26:04 AM
For starter-
Cosers, you have the rights to refuse for photos, be it your not ready, do not feel like, want to wait till friend show up. Just because you're playing dress up doesn't mean you're obligated to be in a photo.

If you're gonna wear skirt, wear shorts under it.

If you're gonna wear a reveling top, tape down the side. Don't try to use duck tape, they won't stay on your skin. I recommend using the fashion double side tape they sell at Sally's Beauty supply.
Chances of random big commercial company want you to be a model on first sight is very little, so kill your hope first, else you're just allow yourself to be more vulnerable.

Photographer doesn't NEED you to be back at his room for photos (be it he claim he have all his light equipment in the room), hotel lobby? maybe, but hotel room? What make you think the photos will look any good with those ugly color carpet?

90% of my shot are done outside of the convention hall, so yes, there are chances we would ask you to move away from the crowd for better quality background. However, process that for a second, take a friend, hell take a couple of your friends with you for it.

Ask for preview if you feel some shots are questionable, don't fall for the whole I don't like giving out raw or I dont like people see my work before I publish it. Hell is your face on the thing, you got every right to check it out. Be it before or after post process.
Most photographer listed on that page, be it official put on by Admin, or fan submitted. Have validity to it/
Is Shirion's site.
Andy's site
Jason & his crew's site
Thanks Muze for the pointers ^^) I will update the list later to include a few of these :)
Cosplayer Gatherings Organizer 2005-2015
Cosplayer Gatherings Department Head 2009-2015
BSP - Cosplayer, Costumer, Photographer, Journalist

Tenchi Fan

Cosplayers should carry around a reference photo of the type of composition that they may want as this will help the photographer take the best photo that they can. Not every photographer knows every cosplay.

If you have a certain angle or side that you don't want photographed let the photographer know. Sometime part of the costume isn't finished or a certain prop just fell apart let the photographer know and most people would not shoot it. I shot an event and the honoree asked that we only shot him from the right side. No big deal.

Nothing wrong with asking the photographer if you can see the photo that they just took of you.


Going off of Tenchi Fan's last post, photographers please be aware of anything that doesn't look right and feel free to politely ask or let the cosplayer know before taking the picture. Examples I am referring to includes a wig being slightly off, item or article that is part of the cosplay that has been shifted or falling apart, etc.
The-O Network Online Executive Editor
Con Reports, Photos, News, Interviews, Reviews, and more!


BSaphire: Thank you very much for clearing up all the misunderstanding of the post. I really appreciate your effort in keeping this post as a tips for cosplayers as well as a general etiquette guideline for photographers.

I'd suggest cosplayers to always keep in mind that photographers are not your boss (nor your enemies  :P). Great photographs are products of great teamwork between the model (cosplayer) and the photographer. It is very important that you feel comfortable in order for us photographers to get the shot. If you don't feel comfortable doing a certain pose or to have pictures taken with a certain angle definitely let the photographer know. If in doubt, as many of us already suggested, ask to check the shot. If for whatever reasons you think the photographer is not trustworthy then don't let him/her take your pictures.

As Muze already suggested there is a high chance photographers might ask you to move to places outside of the convention hall for better lighting/location/etc. Definitely bring couple of your friends. Very likely the photographer would like the idea as it's always great to have extra helps when it comes to lighting  ;D ;D

Eri Kagami

I'd also advise cosplayers should they feel uncomfortable around a photographer, be sure to get their name / badge name / physical description of them. I know a few instances where a few acquaintances who have been in similar situations. It is just best to report them to a staff member like B Sapphire or the press department (if they have a visible press badge). Don't be afraid to speak up, because chances are, the creepy photographers are probably giving off the wrong vibe to other cosplayers. 

I consider Traveling Valentine to be more on the (fun) reporting side of the press. Though I do not consider myself as a cosplay photographer, I still take photos of cosplayers (in addition to those-creepy-but cute-doll shots,  attendee-dealer's room interaction shots, restaurant shots - gotta know what's around, staff-hard-at-work shots, and other fun this and that), and I'll always ask them politely if they want their picture taken.

Here's our site:

Scarlet Rhapsody press team (aka Traveling Valentine)

And a few others that have been accredited photographers / reporters:


Con Pix (Old Man Mike)

Team Misaki (Bart Boy & Friends)

Mr. Postman

Spooky Electric

If you're a photographer looking to get business cards, check out You can get a decent bundle for very cheap.

Tenchi Fan

Like I mentioned in the thread before it vanished we should have a photographers meetup like what happened last year, but have it earlier, so at least the photographers can meet each other


can anyone give me advice regarding having fans take pictures WITH you? (or when you, as a fan, take pictures with cosplayers) i know there are some fans who sometimes ask to take pictures with a cosplayer.  this one time i asked to take a picture with pyramid head (like standing next to him) and afterward he kinda invaded my private space a bit.  i've had some cosplayers politely ask if they can place a hand on my shoulder or something (like the one time i was dressed as yuna and asked a tidus cosplayer to take a pic with me.  it was appropriate for a "couple" like pictures and he didn't go any further than that), but the pyramid head was a bit...much.  (and yes, i know it's pyramid head of all people.  but still. not very cool).  are there any precautions to accepting fans (or even photographers for that matter) taking pictures with you?


I'm bringing this thread back to life due to some complaints I received from our Chief Photographer.

BIG advice, when people are in the middle of a photoshoot, DO NOT be RUDE and INTERRUPT them by trying to take photos around or on top of the photographer. This can be extremely distracting.

ASK FIRST!!! Please do not try to 'ninja' a shot.

It is VERY impolite to do so without first asking as you are being disrespectful to BOTH the cosplayer AND photographer.

The photographer will let you know when and if you can take a shot during the photoshoot after asking.
Else, the cosplayer usually will be more than happy for you to take their picture after the shoot.
The-O Network Online Executive Editor
Con Reports, Photos, News, Interviews, Reviews, and more!


Quote from: The-O on May 25, 2009, 02:42:31 AM
I'm bringing this thread back to life due to some complaints I received from our Chief Photographer.

BIG advice, when people are in the middle of a photo shoot, DO NOT be RUDE and INTERRUPT them by trying to take photos around or on top of the photographer. This can be extremely distracting.

ASK FIRST!!! Please do not try to 'ninja' a shot.

It is VERY impolite to do so without first asking as you are being disrespectful to BOTH the cosplayer AND photographer.

The photographer will let you know when and if you can take a shot during the photo shoot after asking.
Else, the cosplayer usually will be more than happy for you to take their picture after the shoot.
This is a good point to add for photographers and cosplayers alike.

I will update the 2nd post later on and would like everyone to post info that is helpful to each other here. Right now I am extremely tired still so I will need a little time. Thank you to everyone else that has posted since I was last on. I had good feedback on some of the tips, tricks, and advise that was posted in here so I know that it is a good thread to have.

I also wanted to say that it was a pleasure to meet many of the photographers on here over the weekend. Some of you I have met before but many of you this was the first time. Rest up and process all those wonderful shots from the weekend. I'm sure the cospeeps are anxiously waiting to see what you took.

Love to all
Cosplayer Gatherings Organizer 2005-2015
Cosplayer Gatherings Department Head 2009-2015
BSP - Cosplayer, Costumer, Photographer, Journalist

Tenchi Fan

With all this creepy or not talk I decided to only do private photoshoots this year. Unfortunately because of this I wasn't able to take picture of the cosplay that I really want to shoot :( Kind of regret not being able to help anyone in the "Did you take a picture of me" threads.

Instead I just introduced myself to a lot of the people that I have taken pictures of in the past. Chatted with a lot of the usual photographers that take pictures at cons, a lot of them being listed earlier in the thread.

The weekend still turned out great without doing any candid/hall/gathering/or masquerade photos with 8 photoshoots during the weekend.