Flash Files

Started by KimaLucifer, November 12, 2003, 08:38:07 PM

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I'm thiking that this goes under Anime.




They're both different in their little ways but they're AWSOME.
Doll Collecting Frenzy.
MSD#2, SD13#16, YSD Kuuta, MSDOne-offSwDMiuBoy
AoD Lele x2

MSD#17 coming home soon

Living my life away in Japan...hopefully to return for fanime next NEXT year.


mwhahaha...that's funny as hell Kima...thanks for putting it up
My own Cosplay Photography Page:
AnimeCraft Entertainment LLC


i like the toilet part XD
Official Katsuhiko Jinnai Myspace Page

Katsuhiko Jinnai "The Anime Convention Experience" - NEW ORIGINAL CD - COMING SUMMER 2009.

AnimE'xcalibur/Shinoda Sound Recordings



I have more flashes but they aren't all parodies of Azumanga ;.;

But they're cool anyways :3
Doll Collecting Frenzy.
MSD#2, SD13#16, YSD Kuuta, MSDOne-offSwDMiuBoy
AoD Lele x2

MSD#17 coming home soon

Living my life away in Japan...hopefully to return for fanime next NEXT year.


ooohhh me want to see XD
My own Cosplay Photography Page:
AnimeCraft Entertainment LLC


I'm going to dork and say I might cosplay as Sadako because of this:

Doll Collecting Frenzy.
MSD#2, SD13#16, YSD Kuuta, MSDOne-offSwDMiuBoy
AoD Lele x2

MSD#17 coming home soon

Living my life away in Japan...hopefully to return for fanime next NEXT year.


2ch is evil.. like 4chan.net evil :O


I don't talk on that sled much. I only bother with the Characters created there.

*goes off to watch Golgo 13 and Yoshinoya"

*Yoshinoya = Beef Bowls*
Doll Collecting Frenzy.
MSD#2, SD13#16, YSD Kuuta, MSDOne-offSwDMiuBoy
AoD Lele x2

MSD#17 coming home soon

Living my life away in Japan...hopefully to return for fanime next NEXT year.


Whoa that was incredibly cute, evil and funny i give it a 9.1 out of 10 and the song was pretty catchy, I love how it was normal then it went crazy like the little cats or whatever on the balloons trowing knives haha and then the wrestlers were weird and cool i loved it. THANK YOU KIMA

Updated Version


tis no problem. :3

I'll put the link for the Golgo v.s. MechaGolgo flash.

Doll Collecting Frenzy.
MSD#2, SD13#16, YSD Kuuta, MSDOne-offSwDMiuBoy
AoD Lele x2

MSD#17 coming home soon

Living my life away in Japan...hopefully to return for fanime next NEXT year.


Whoa i've seen some pretty uninteligible stuff in my time but that takes the cake, i like the fact that it was golgo but i couldn't understand it but there were some funny parts like when he tried to download the pic of sakura and tomoyo, the only thing that was wrong with it was that everyone was using Macintosh computers.

Updated Version


That's why Flash files are cool. :3
Doll Collecting Frenzy.
MSD#2, SD13#16, YSD Kuuta, MSDOne-offSwDMiuBoy
AoD Lele x2

MSD#17 coming home soon

Living my life away in Japan...hopefully to return for fanime next NEXT year.


This I found today while searching for the New Year Flash  File War:


It's technically not Anime I know, but the character kinda looked like one :3

If you've seen the flash Azumanga file, you might remember this :3

Doll Collecting Frenzy.
MSD#2, SD13#16, YSD Kuuta, MSDOne-offSwDMiuBoy
AoD Lele x2

MSD#17 coming home soon

Living my life away in Japan...hopefully to return for fanime next NEXT year.


Just reviving this with a new flash I found.

It's called Yukino, and this version has voice. (actually I just watched it because the background music if so PURTYFUL)

Doll Collecting Frenzy.
MSD#2, SD13#16, YSD Kuuta, MSDOne-offSwDMiuBoy
AoD Lele x2

MSD#17 coming home soon

Living my life away in Japan...hopefully to return for fanime next NEXT year.