Night time stuff...

Started by ELDEMONIO, May 04, 2009, 11:44:59 AM

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ALright.So this year is my first and may be able to go to Fanime in the morning and at nights.
WHat happends in the mornings?I may stay their until 12 and then go back to my town and do some play for my college. Will I be able to see the opening ceremony?

Then I might go again at night.(yes,I'm planing on staying awake for a LONG time :( )
Around the 11pm to as much as my body can take. Then sleep for like 2 hours.

Saturday stay their for like 12 and then go back to my town and attend another play again.
Come back to fanime at 11pm and stay in fanime all night(I may stay up all day =| )

And it will be sunday morning and go home at around 2pm since many people say thats the time every one leaves and goes back to their normal lives.

WIll I miss allot or will I experience a good amount? That's my plan and yes, I will have a badge so I can party all night in the dance places the main page says they will have at nights. Thanks.


Monday is when all the people go home...Sun night still has super much stuff going on:)

remember long weekend, memorial day:)
Eric Wu
FanimeCon Chairman
FanimeCon Forums Moderator



O yeah, Memorial day. Thanks.

I'll look at the times when they come out and get ready.

Dam ewu, you're like the best mod in this place. :D


I'm just here to help:)

...and yell and mean people
Eric Wu
FanimeCon Chairman
FanimeCon Forums Moderator
