Fanimaid Cafe Feedback 2009 + Thank you!

Started by Jun-Watarase, May 25, 2009, 11:04:06 PM

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Just wondering. If there also going to be a host cafe? Just wanna know.



There's like 4 other threads concerning this already.

But I'll reiterate.


Host clubs in the sense are impossible to do because they'd break huge numbers of laws. Most people that find an appeal of a host club, really have no clue what a host club is. A host club is not a counter part to a maid cafe. A host club is a counter part to a hostess bar. A hostess bar is where you sit down, and a girl acts like your date. She flirts with you, she drinks with you(though you're paying for the drinks) and basically acts really slutty so you can enjoy your time. A host club... is the exact same thing, only the roles reversed.

It's basically an escort service without the (almost guaranteed) sex pay off at the end.

Then you'll ask, well what's a counterpart.

A butler cafe would be the closest thing.

Will you have a butler cafe?

No. A butler cafe appeals to an extremely small fujyoshi audience. While sitting with cute maids who are cheery and fun and conversational... is something anyone can enjoy, butler cafes aren't the same. Butlers are supposed to be very well mannered, protective and stern of their master. They aren't extremely conversational, and aren't "fun". They're proper. The appeal of butlers is that they're proper and sophisticated looking men that don't do anything out of line but are there to serve you. It's a sexual appeal of being so proper that you want to break that mold of them. Like... (though it's not the BEST comparison) how some guys fantasies about nuns.

In addition to all this, a male counterpart DETRACTS from the maid cafe itself. So unless you want to find an entirely different group of people to run this... that will run it accurately (because I know maid cafe staff will rage if it's done poorly) then by all means go ahead.


Im really sorry. if I upset. I get this message before and I am really sorry. Thank you for letting me know. They did this in yaoi-con, but I didnt get a chance to go. but im really sorry to upset. but I understand now and I wont ask again. I keep this in mind.


Sry. I mean I didnt get this message before. sry for mistype.


how do we apply to be in the maid cafe for 2010? :)


Quote from: nono on November 26, 2009, 09:48:17 PM
how do we apply to be in the maid cafe for 2010? :)

send an e-mail to maidcafe at fanime dot com

Tryouts for the cafe will take place sometime in January-February. There should me multiple, at least one in SF and one in SJ. Further details will be provided later.


I really do think we should make a sticky or a post saying that Maid Cafe tryouts aren't happening until a later date, and the email address to ask since were getting a ton of inquiries.