Code Geass 2010 In the Name of Zero, I order you~!

Started by konataFTW, May 26, 2009, 06:11:17 PM

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@ hikari_midorichan,

i actually posted this a page back but here it is again:

i definitely want to do the stab scene at the end, i have a special plan of how to renact that, but its going to be a bit hard....

i have my chess board, so zero and schnizel can play chess,

kallen punch between black knights kallen and Knight of seven suzaku KALLEN PUNCH!!

Zero's 'harem'

the wedding scene with the chinese federation

i have a spare pizza box and we can do pizza hut scenes, i did one at ALA and it was hilarious

euphie's knighting of suzaku



@Rukazu: Aahh I must've missed it somehow D: Those are some good scenes. ^^


I'll be in Rollo & Suzaku Knight costume throughout the convention~



I'm coming as Kanon Maldini too!
i'm very confused tho, where and when exactly is this going to be? I see there's the gathering, chess, and pizza lunch, but I don't see a final official time on any of them ><
i'm seeing some people say 4 and others say 9:30. is it still TBA?


The chances of me finishing my Kaguya cosplay looks pretty dull...I'm probably going to switch to Anya if I can't get it done in time. e.e


@RobotPengiun:  The gathering is at 4pm on Sat.  Rukazu will order pizza as the gathering winds down, which will be determined by the cosplayers ^^  As for chess, thats not looking like it will happen.  So its just gathering and pizza.

@hikari_midorichan:  Thats fine ^-^  I'm kinda scrambling to finish cosplays too Dx
Fanime 2019


thanks! i'll be there. i'll pitch in for pizza
what about the location tho? is it still TBA? i'm guessing it will be easy to spot


the gathering was really small. compared to the forums list of attending people.
My cosplay list (still going to be updated)


Really?!? well it was my very first gathering I had ever attended. I was Anya....Most people who where dressed up as code geass didnt want to be in the shots so there were more people but they didnt participate......... I hope to be in the '11 gathering next year too! Ima find a nunally to bond with since Anya is tecnically her knight. lol

I hope I can see other code geass goers at SacAnime 2010 in September!
Cosplay for Fanime 2012

Anya Alstreim - Code Geass
Cinque - Final Fantasy Agito(Type-0)
Sayaka Miki- Mahou Shoujo Puella Magi Madoka Magica
Allen Walker -maybe- D.gray-man
Milla Maxwell- Tales of Xillia


Late post is late o____<

To everyone who showed up to the gathering, THANK YOU SO MUCH!!  I was really nervous taking over and running this gathering, but help from some cosplayers and everyone's overall AWESOMNESS made it really worthwhile!  I hope everyone had an equally great time =)

I'm thinking of starting a new thread for '11, if you're interested in bringin' the Geass back next year!!

@ livi-chan:  Oh, were you the Anya who gave me the great ideas for group shots???
Fanime 2019


heck Ya!
I order you to bring back Code Geass '11! :)

@Kanna-chan......Yes that was me.....i didnt think they were all that great but.....anyway i feel praised
Cosplay for Fanime 2012

Anya Alstreim - Code Geass
Cinque - Final Fantasy Agito(Type-0)
Sayaka Miki- Mahou Shoujo Puella Magi Madoka Magica
Allen Walker -maybe- D.gray-man
Milla Maxwell- Tales of Xillia


@livi:  Haha noo they were really helpful!  I was drawing a major blank, not to mention there weren't a lot of characters to do the planned groups o___o  I was like, "Wait, where are all the Euphies?  Where are the Suzakus??"
Fanime 2019


Exactly! and what about the Gino's? and the Cornelias? lol. Thanks for this year by the way! I feel liked ive gained another friend. I hope I see you at SacAnime this year or not. :)
Cosplay for Fanime 2012

Anya Alstreim - Code Geass
Cinque - Final Fantasy Agito(Type-0)
Sayaka Miki- Mahou Shoujo Puella Magi Madoka Magica
Allen Walker -maybe- D.gray-man
Milla Maxwell- Tales of Xillia


@livi:  Glad you had fun!! =)   I'm a "maybe" as far as SacAnime goes, but I'm hoping! 
Fanime 2019


Okay then..... T.T               well if you do go then let me know! we could meet up possibly
Cosplay for Fanime 2012

Anya Alstreim - Code Geass
Cinque - Final Fantasy Agito(Type-0)
Sayaka Miki- Mahou Shoujo Puella Magi Madoka Magica
Allen Walker -maybe- D.gray-man
Milla Maxwell- Tales of Xillia


@livi:  Sounds like fun!  If you spot me, I'll be the one dying of heat in Russia's coat xD  Who will you be that weekend?

@everyone:  I'll be starting up the new Geass thread sometime in the next few days :D  Hope to see you there~~
Fanime 2019


Eh?!?!?!?!? R-russia?  I love russia! hes my absolute favorite character for reasons unknown. Next to Leit of course.

I will most likely be Anya and ginjinka Zoura...but if possible I might be Lithuania as well.
Cosplay for Fanime 2012

Anya Alstreim - Code Geass
Cinque - Final Fantasy Agito(Type-0)
Sayaka Miki- Mahou Shoujo Puella Magi Madoka Magica
Allen Walker -maybe- D.gray-man
Milla Maxwell- Tales of Xillia


@livi:  Lithuaniaaaaa xD  That would be quite fun, for obvious reasons!!  And Russia is my favorite, too, with his pipe of doom sunflower~~!

@everyone:  New thread is up~!,14764.0.html
Fanime 2019


Yes! Join the faucet club! and you too will become one with Russia
Cosplay for Fanime 2012

Anya Alstreim - Code Geass
Cinque - Final Fantasy Agito(Type-0)
Sayaka Miki- Mahou Shoujo Puella Magi Madoka Magica
Allen Walker -maybe- D.gray-man
Milla Maxwell- Tales of Xillia