The hug line

Started by Dagger-6, May 26, 2009, 06:54:26 PM

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Fanime is a private event, so the first amendment can be limited.

That is why the "preachers" are required to do their thing out on the public sidewalk.  If they enter the convention grounds, we can have them leave.

Banning all signs is one route to go, which many conventions have done.  However, it would be nice to find some compromise so that people who want to have fun in that way can still enjoy themselves, without it being an issue to other congoers.  Hence this thread and my appreciation to everyone providing their feedback.


Costume\Tail grabbing: If you get your tail or any other part of your costume innappropriately touched/grabbed/pulled, please report this to Rovers so that we can talk to the person doing this to make sure it does not continue.

Forced Hugs: Once again, report the offender to Rovers and we will approach the individual to discuss the matter.

Hug Mob: Again, report it to Rovers if it is getting out of hand so that we can get someone over there to control it.

Innappropriate Signs: Signs asking for money for services, offering services that go beyond just a hug, etc. Report these individuals to Rovers. (Are you noticing a theme here? :D)

Rovers are there to help ensure all con-goers have a great time and that bad things do not happen to good people. Any problems you have during con you should report to us. Wether it be with staff members, other con-goers, vendors, etc. We are here to help. :)

Otherwise, I have no issues with huggers. I got many hugs this weekend. I did have one scary moment where I was walking around in my black suit on my way to the dance to check up on things and I accepted a hug from some dude and got mobbed by 20 people at once, but once the initial shock of it was over I was actually laughing about it. :D

Tyler R. - Fanime Staff
2009 & 2010 Rovers - Suits
2011 Rovers - Graveyard Base
2012 Rovers - Second & Head of Suits
2013 Con Ops - Assistant Trouble Shooter


I think it just got kind of hectic this year, and like, when walking through the hallway with he hug line I was purposely ignoring them because I didn't exactly want a hug but they just kept asking and kind of getting in my face or calling names because you either denied or ignored them. If it was more under control I think it would've been alright, but how it was this year was pretty freaking annoying. The people who walk around with signs seem fine to me though because they aren't pestering you or anything, and also if someone just comes up to you and politely asks to hug you because of your cosplay or something too then that's also fine by me as long as permission is given and they aren't too persistent about it.


Honestly, I LOVE hugs and I thought the line was hilarious the first time I walked past..

However, I had my daughters with me and they were kind of scaring them as while they didn't come UP to them and stayed in their line, they did call out to them multiple times to get them to go over and get hugs.

Instead of hugging them, I blew kisses at them from the beginning of the line to the end lol.

Overall, I don't think it got out of hand when I saw it. I prefer to have a huge line like that towards the side, than clogging up walkways, getting in the way and glomping.
2009 Costumes
Pita Ten ~ Shia
Rozen Maiden ~ Hina Ichigo
Gijinka Pokemon ~ Plusle
Salt5 ~ Abe Natsumi


My friend suggested said I should make a sign saying Free Ass Kicking after seeing all those signs. Too bad I didn't do it :P.

So yeah the Signtana Row was a bit much and should have been taken elsewhere like by the light rail station on 3rd street.


Quote from: lyricaldanichan on May 27, 2009, 05:12:26 PM
My friend suggested said I should make a sign saying Free Ass Kicking after seeing all those signs. Too bad I didn't do it :P.

You would have been asked to remove it. :P
Tyler R. - Fanime Staff
2009 & 2010 Rovers - Suits
2011 Rovers - Graveyard Base
2012 Rovers - Second & Head of Suits
2013 Con Ops - Assistant Trouble Shooter


Quote from: Liquid on May 27, 2009, 05:24:30 PM
Quote from: lyricaldanichan on May 27, 2009, 05:12:26 PM
My friend suggested said I should make a sign saying Free Ass Kicking after seeing all those signs. Too bad I didn't do it :P.

You would have been asked to remove it. :P

Not to mention gotten a good long talking to for wearing something inappropriate while being staff if your badge was visible.

Quote from: trooper715 on May 27, 2009, 11:32:19 AM
Banning all signs is one route to go, which many conventions have done.  However, it would be nice to find some compromise so that people who want to have fun in that way can still enjoy themselves, without it being an issue to other congoers.  Hence this thread and my appreciation to everyone providing their feedback.

I still see signs that are not soliciting for money and not advertising something inappropriate (such as a "free ass kicking" :P) as being alright and would be very upset if ALL signs were banned.  They can be fun and, at times, are essential parts of costumes.

I was terribly annoyed at Otakon when I was there back in 2005 that signs were banned no matter what they said.  A friend had on a costume that a sign was necessary for her cosplay to make sense, but because it was a sign, she had to ditch it.  Many other cons, as you mentioned, have followed this route.

I would rather see rules put in place to regulate things like signs and the "hug line."  However, the biggest problem I've seen in the years I've gone to cons is many people wait until after a convention to voice their discontent rather than doing so at the convention when something could actually be done about it.

The rules for signs are already fine as they, if I recall correctly, already ban the inappropriate ones.

Rules could be put in place for these "hug lines" to limit where they can be formed, how people are allowed to ask (ie, not block paths of others while asking, no heckling, etc), what clothing is appropriate, how they may hug, and maybe they could even require all of those involved in one to bathe regularly ::coughs:: <3?

There are several other things that could be regulated as well for these, but those are just a few suggestions :).  My only request is PLEASE do not ban ALL signs.  Some of them are quite hilarious of the appropriate ones and I'd be awfully sad to see them go.

Maybe we need to make "If you have a problem, find a Rover!" better advertised XD?  So few people seem to remember that once con hits... Ohohoh!  Like how on the back of Staff badges we have the "when in doubt, call Con Ops!" stickers, how about something similar for attendees telling them to look for a Rover if they have a problem with another attendee(s) ;) <3?
"We don't stop playing because we grow old.  We grow old because we stop playing."


Quote from: trooper715 on May 27, 2009, 11:32:19 AM
Fanime is a private event, so the first amendment can be limited.

That is why the "preachers" are required to do their thing out on the public sidewalk.  If they enter the convention grounds, we can have them leave.

Banning all signs is one route to go, which many conventions have done.  However, it would be nice to find some compromise so that people who want to have fun in that way can still enjoy themselves, without it being an issue to other congoers.  Hence this thread and my appreciation to everyone providing their feedback.

It is NOT private.  Anyone that pays and registers can attend the event.  A private event would be invite only such as the Electronic Entertainment Expo.


Quote from: Kender on May 27, 2009, 05:52:15 PM
Maybe we need to make "If you have a problem, find a Rover!" better advertised XD?  So few people seem to remember that once con hits... Ohohoh!  Like how on the back of Staff badges we have the "when in doubt, call Con Ops!" stickers, how about something similar for attendees telling them to look for a Rover if they have a problem with another attendee(s) ;) <3?

I love this idea.
Tyler R. - Fanime Staff
2009 & 2010 Rovers - Suits
2011 Rovers - Graveyard Base
2012 Rovers - Second & Head of Suits
2013 Con Ops - Assistant Trouble Shooter


I think it's cool. It was NOT cool how the would come at people and yell out "FREE HUGS" "HUG ME" etc. etc.
It got uncomfortable walking through the hall.

If people just stood to the side and offered a kind smile with the sign, I'd hug them! Reaching out to spread the looove.
But it got a little aggressive after a while and just got freaking creepy.
FanimeCon attendee: 2008-


Quote from: kaizoku on May 27, 2009, 05:56:17 PM
It is NOT private.  Anyone that pays and registers can attend the event.  A private event would be invite only such as the Electronic Entertainment Expo.

Fanime is private in the legal sense pertaining to free speech as it rents out the convention center, and as you mentioned requires people to be registered to attend.  It does not have to be invite-only to qualify as private.

Therefore, as a private and not a public entity, Fanime is allowed to make rules for its event space that abridge freedom of speech to protect the use and enjoyment of its property space.

I am not a lawyer, and so please keep that in mind with anything I say here.  Those of you who are crazy enough to study law, feel free to jump in and correct me.

As for Rover visibility, we're working on ways to improve that.  I personally would prefer not to have Fanime ban all signs also.

At the very least people should be required to wear shirts if asking for free hugs though! =P


Quote from: trooper715 on May 27, 2009, 07:54:00 PM
At the very least people should be required to wear shirts if asking for free hugs though! =P

FanimeCon attendee: 2008-


It was all in jest, Kender. Tho I am not sure what you mean by wearing something inappropriate from holding a sign?

Quote from: Kender on May 27, 2009, 05:52:15 PM
Quote from: Liquid on May 27, 2009, 05:24:30 PM
Quote from: lyricaldanichan on May 27, 2009, 05:12:26 PM
My friend suggested said I should make a sign saying Free Ass Kicking after seeing all those signs. Too bad I didn't do it :P.

You would have been asked to remove it. :P

Not to mention gotten a good long talking to for wearing something inappropriate while being staff if your badge was visible.


Quote from: lyricaldanichan on May 27, 2009, 10:38:01 PM
It was all in jest, Kender. Tho I am not sure what you mean by wearing something inappropriate from holding a sign?

Quote from: Kender on May 27, 2009, 05:52:15 PM
Quote from: Liquid on May 27, 2009, 05:24:30 PM
Quote from: lyricaldanichan on May 27, 2009, 05:12:26 PM
My friend suggested said I should make a sign saying Free Ass Kicking after seeing all those signs. Too bad I didn't do it :P.

You would have been asked to remove it. :P

Not to mention gotten a good long talking to for wearing something inappropriate while being staff if your badge was visible.

Joke or not, had it been done it would have been inappropriate.  As Liquid also noted you'd have been asked to remove it so I'm not the only pointing out if you'd followed through with the joke, there would have been a problem.  Advertising you are giving out "free ass kickings" is highly inappropriate, especially for a staff member.

Not only is the sign making use of a swear word (albeit, one of the more minor ones that could have a different meaning if you're referring to a donkey), but it is offering to give physical harm to those reading it.  Honestly, it's common sense something like that would be seriously not cool to do.

And it's just semantics.  The sign would still be on your person in some form.  And whether you're wearing it on a string around your neck, have it written on a shirt, or are simply holding a sign: it would still not have been appropriate.

Staff gets a lot of flack already, please do not even joke about exacerbating it further =/.

And, to stay on topic, signs like that would certainly only encourage the all mighty rule makers of the con to ban all signs.  I really do not want the humorous ones to be taken away as well.
"We don't stop playing because we grow old.  We grow old because we stop playing."


If I wasn't busy with the Japanese Momoists (well, Momoists and Momoi-related event stuff - one of the Japanese Momoists who flew out from the Osaka area stayed at my house), and I had nothing better to do, I THOUGHT about doing the Deluxe Hugs thing right next to that line and quoting the video to see if anyone got it...  :D if you don't know what I'm talking about.


Quote from: Priz on May 28, 2009, 12:07:12 AM
If I wasn't busy with the Japanese Momoists (well, Momoists and Momoi-related event stuff - one of the Japanese Momoists who flew out from the Osaka area stayed at my house), and I had nothing better to do, I THOUGHT about doing the Deluxe Hugs thing right next to that line and quoting the video to see if anyone got it...  :D if you don't know what I'm talking about.

Oh god I was thinking about that video too when I saw all the free hug signs, that vid is so lulzy.
Although there were the people doing some trolling of their own with the other random 'free' signs, or when some people would flip over the "Free Hug" to "jk"
Mario '06. Sven '08. Jared '09. Gai '10. Cobra '11. Kenji '12. Spike '13. #fanime Click here to connect to IRC


Quote from: trooper715 on May 27, 2009, 07:54:00 PM
Quote from: kaizoku on May 27, 2009, 05:56:17 PM
It is NOT private.  Anyone that pays and registers can attend the event.  A private event would be invite only such as the Electronic Entertainment Expo.

Fanime is private in the legal sense pertaining to free speech as it rents out the convention center, and as you mentioned requires people to be registered to attend.  It does not have to be invite-only to qualify as private.

Therefore, as a private and not a public entity, Fanime is allowed to make rules for its event space that abridge freedom of speech to protect the use and enjoyment of its property space.

I am not a lawyer, and so please keep that in mind with anything I say here.  Those of you who are crazy enough to study law, feel free to jump in and correct me.

As for Rover visibility, we're working on ways to improve that.  I personally would prefer not to have Fanime ban all signs also.

At the very least people should be required to wear shirts if asking for free hugs though! =P

You obviously don't understand that it is open to the public.  I have given you an example of a private convention, and you're just basically saying its private because you pay for it. Wrong.  You pay for public transportation, does that make it your private bus? No. Anyone can ride the bus as long as they pay.

I do agree that if huggers do hug you without your consent that is indeed inappropriate, but I don't think this should be banned because of a small group of kids misrepresenting another group.  You can't say all huggers are loud, annoying, and inappropriate because not all of them are.  That's just discrimination.
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Quote from: kaizoku on May 28, 2009, 01:22:21 AM
Quote from: trooper715 on May 27, 2009, 07:54:00 PM
Quote from: kaizoku on May 27, 2009, 05:56:17 PM
It is NOT private.  Anyone that pays and registers can attend the event.  A private event would be invite only such as the Electronic Entertainment Expo.

Fanime is private in the legal sense pertaining to free speech as it rents out the convention center, and as you mentioned requires people to be registered to attend.  It does not have to be invite-only to qualify as private.

Therefore, as a private and not a public entity, Fanime is allowed to make rules for its event space that abridge freedom of speech to protect the use and enjoyment of its property space.

I am not a lawyer, and so please keep that in mind with anything I say here.  Those of you who are crazy enough to study law, feel free to jump in and correct me.

As for Rover visibility, we're working on ways to improve that.  I personally would prefer not to have Fanime ban all signs also.

At the very least people should be required to wear shirts if asking for free hugs though! =P

You obviously don't understand that it is open to the public.  I have given you an example of a private convention, and you're just basically saying its private because you pay for it. Wrong.  You pay for public transportation, does that make it your private bus? No. Anyone can ride the bus as long as they pay.

I do agree that if huggers do hug you without your consent that is indeed inappropriate, but I don't think this should be banned because of a small group of kids misrepresenting another group.  You can't say all huggers are loud, annoying, and inappropriate because not all of them are.  That's just discrimination. It's a fucking hug, not a dick in your ass.

Unwanted physical contact is unwanted physical contact. And it's pretty obvious at this point that it isn't a select group of people that were made uncomfortable by the hug line, since a lot of people had things to say about it.

An unwanted hug, even though it's just a hug, is grounds for a sexual harassment case in a workplace, school or other professional environments. Saying that people need to lighten up because we're not being anally raped is totally missing the point that many people here are trying to make: regardless of your intentions, if you make physical contact with someone who is unwilling it is considered assault. Hug or dick in the ass, it's unwanted.
Fanime attendee since 2004
Swap meet staff - 2014
Swap meet co-chair - 2015


Quote from: Liquid on May 27, 2009, 06:12:27 PM
Quote from: Kender on May 27, 2009, 05:52:15 PM
Maybe we need to make "If you have a problem, find a Rover!" better advertised XD?  So few people seem to remember that once con hits... Ohohoh!  Like how on the back of Staff badges we have the "when in doubt, call Con Ops!" stickers, how about something similar for attendees telling them to look for a Rover if they have a problem with another attendee(s) ;) <3?
I love this idea.


On Monday there was a line down by the Dealers Hall and I have to say that even though I like hugs, I avoided a few. [Some from some pretty unattractive hug givers]. However, I did hug this long line of really cute guys and two of them were shirtless! xD They weren't begging for hugs, but dammit to me - in my mind - they were screaming "HUG ME"! So my friend and I did. o_o And we went back and did it again. And then a third time. xD They were just so smexy. I say the 'FREE HUGS' signs are okay as long as you are cute enough to get one. Seriously. Some pretty ugly people had those and they smelt and looked pretty bad. =/ Ew. Also no 'AND/OR KISSES' signs. JUST NO!!

FanimeCon Cosplay 2013