17418; ?> Get to know your fellow forum members~! ♥

Get to know your fellow forum members~! ♥

Started by Vensy, August 06, 2009, 01:52:50 PM

0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic.


Stolen from Skai from the AX Forums, cuz that's another place I regularly post on.. and I love that thread over there, so I figured I'd bring it over here for everyone to enjoy as well. XD

Q - Question | P - Previous Poster | F - Fact | N - Next Question.
Q: ^ Answer the question the previous poster asked
P: < You, yourself say something about the previous poster or what you think of them (Ex: You have a nice name )
F: > Tell us a simple fact about you :3
N: V Ask the next poster a question (Ex: What's your favorite anime?)

Here's an example..will answer my own question as the example...

^ Currently my favorite anime is probably Gurren Lagann. =3 I love the story and stuffs, and Yoko is my fav cosplay atm~
< Went to Fanime 2009 and cosplayed as Pikachu! (Completely random example, considering no one posted before me lol duh)
> Is working on remaking her Yoko sniper rifle prop!
V What's your favorite thing to do at Fanime? =3

Have fun~ hope you guys like this game. XD
Go to http://vensy.net for cosplay and art updates! :3
2011 Cosplay: Miku Hatsune, Flandre Scarlet, Black Gold Saw, Suika Ibuki~~[/center]


^ I like Fanime because of making new friends and taking pictures of the cool cosplayers out there. :)
<  Vensy is pretty cool & awesome. She's very photogenic and is really pretty in all her cosplay pics. I R jealous  ;)
>  I randomly cosplayed as Roy Mustang simply because he wanted to start a miniskirt army [ i know nothing else about the series :P ]
>  I am currently working in an insurance office, but am helping out with a new start up company this September, wish me luck! ;D
V  If you could start your own epic business / store / fashion / video game / anime / etc. What would it be and why? :D

Fix'd because Vensy noticed I am a 'nub cake'

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jerry.pang

Games, Friends & Fanime oh my! :D


^ Ha I already did start my online business, it deals with image optimization and compression. lol nerdy I know
< Has awesome parties and is a chill dude
> Working and going to community college and go to Fanime every year  ;D
V Have you ever crossplayed before?  :o
Mario '06. Sven '08. Jared '09. Gai '10. Cobra '11. Kenji '12. Spike '13.
irc.rizon.net #fanime Click here to connect to IRC


@Jerry: lololol xD

^ Temporarily. XD I stole my boyfriend's Soul Eater cosplayer for a day and wore that around. It was pretty amusing.  A lot of people told me I made a good guy. o.O ... XD
< Sounds like you have a busy schedule! School and work! But you save time for fun (Fanime)! ^-^
> Has been way too lazy recently about everything. D8 It's 2pm and I'm barely starting to get stuff done, lolz. >w<
V Same question~ hahah
Go to http://vensy.net for cosplay and art updates! :3
2011 Cosplay: Miku Hatsune, Flandre Scarlet, Black Gold Saw, Suika Ibuki~~[/center]


^ yes. I cosplayed as Hiei once and got hugs.It was great and I hope to cosplay next year again. ;D
< Seems nice and not as bussy as some of us.Working 8 hours and going to school for 6 hours is not in her schedual.
> Since I'm bussy all the time, I usually read manga's in my free time.Just Being online is rare.
v Do you preffer Sub or Dub?


^ Both
< Seems to like Family Guy
> I'm still getting used to this thread
v What operating sytem do you use?
Also a Proud Fanime Con Attendee since 1998!
Yay, Haruko.


An AX member... a regular on the AX forums...

On *MY* forums? At *MY* convention?!


Cool, glad to have you.  ;D

^ Vista Home Premium 64, XP Pro, OS X, couple of Linux distros...
< Seems like he's been around a long time. FanimeCon veterans make this job fun!
> Running FanimeCon is, on average, a part-time job.
V Do you have a regular breakfast, and if so, what is it?
Tyrannical Board Admin, 2003-2015
Webmaster, 2003-2007
Head of MusicFest, which has the best damn staff out there, 2005-2008
Convention Chair, 2009-2011
Director of Guest Relations, 2012
Something with Guest Relations, 2013
Father, 2014


^ I usually have a yogurt every morning. =3  Yummy, healthy, and filling~ (I have a small stomach lol)
< :O! Runs Fanime!  Oh snap. XD
> Stomach is sore today from sit ups yestiddy. ;n; Curse me for going so far for the sake of being fit for anime. >n<
V What's your dream cosplay?
Go to http://vensy.net for cosplay and art updates! :3
2011 Cosplay: Miku Hatsune, Flandre Scarlet, Black Gold Saw, Suika Ibuki~~[/center]


^ - Probably Miroku from Inuyasha - Gives me a semi legitimate reason to grope a cute Sango with various results :P
< - works very hard and learning several dance routines and works out for an epic Cosplay body! Woot :)
> - trying to inspire myself to also lose some pounds to some day have a semi-decent cosplay reputation  8)
V - Where would your dream vacation be and why?  :D
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jerry.pang

Games, Friends & Fanime oh my! :D


^ New York: just exploring alone around Manhattan for hours and hours....
< Lives close to where I used to live
> I'm getting the hang of my credit card
v Alternative, metal or punk?
Also a Proud Fanime Con Attendee since 1998!
Yay, Haruko.


^ Metal.No doubt about it 8)
< Seems younger then me.And nice and not anoying.
> I hate it when people bash on dubs.Dubs are great and only bad when 4Kids get's its hands on them.>_>
v What's you're prized posession as far as anime related?


^ My kuroneko backpack. :3 I use it everywhere.
< Likes dubs, except when they're done by 4kids. xD
> Started remaking my Yoko sniper rifle today. =D Gonna make it a lot nicer this time~
V Favorite drink? (Alcoholic or non alcoholic)
Go to http://vensy.net for cosplay and art updates! :3
2011 Cosplay: Miku Hatsune, Flandre Scarlet, Black Gold Saw, Suika Ibuki~~[/center]


^Irish Creame
<Wants to perfect her Yoko sniper rifle
>Thinking of what new game to buy for Xbox 360
v Your favorite TV Show series?
- Shall I leave my mark whether it's good or bad?
- As long as people remember me famous or infamous,
- I  will remain and roam in this world Alive or Dead.


^ America's Most Wanted
< Has bumped some threads around here
> Is reading "Hell's Angels"
v Have you ever read anything by Hunter S. Thompson? If so, what?
Also a Proud Fanime Con Attendee since 1998!
Yay, Haruko.


^ No, i haven't sorry. D: I'm not a reader..
< Seems to like reading quite a bit.
> Happy to see my Yoko gun taking form again.. It was very depressing seeing it in pieces. D: But at least this time it will be so much more epic. :D
V Favorite AMV?
Go to http://vensy.net for cosplay and art updates! :3
2011 Cosplay: Miku Hatsune, Flandre Scarlet, Black Gold Saw, Suika Ibuki~~[/center]


^ technically I'm hooked on the "the Guild" and their new music video called "Do you want to date my avatar?"
But if your talking about Anime music Videos, the first thats comes to mind is the Chobits-> Internet for porn music video :P
< Still working as hard as ever on her Yoko and her prop cosplays... lets hope she keeps her injuries to a minimum :D
> Just glad its Friday - another weekend of random adventures await. :)
V  Favorite random video or webisode series on the internets and why?  ;D
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jerry.pang

Games, Friends & Fanime oh my! :D


^ Dr. Horrible - Because it is hilarious and the songs are awesome.
< He is great at hosting parties.
> I do tech support for a living.
V What originally got you into watching anime?
Tyler R. - Fanime Staff
2009 & 2010 Rovers - Suits
2011 Rovers - Graveyard Base
2012 Rovers - Second & Head of Suits
2013 Con Ops - Assistant Trouble Shooter


^ Escaflowne. I saw the 9 episodes it ever aired on Fox and that got my attention.
< Sems like a guy I would hire to fix my Big screen TV.>_> and maybe have a beer with if he does a god job.>_>
> I had my second dream last night of attending Fanime 2010. last one was like 3 months ago.>_>.
v Do you like Pepsi or Coca Cola?

michiko nakano

^ coca-cola!!
< your name is cool!
> I love Shigure Sohma from fruits basket because he's a pervert
V How did your most recent batch of baked goods turn out?


^ The last thing I baked were meow mix cookies, and when I took them to the event I made them for... they were gobbled down really quick, so I guess they were good. =D
< Likes pervert characters? XD
> Finally can start ordering some of the materials for my Miku cosplay. o.o Yay.
V Favorite snack?
Go to http://vensy.net for cosplay and art updates! :3
2011 Cosplay: Miku Hatsune, Flandre Scarlet, Black Gold Saw, Suika Ibuki~~[/center]