Get to know your fellow forum members~! ♥

Started by Vensy, August 06, 2009, 01:52:50 PM

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> How pretty!
< Couldn't find her picture of the baked goods that she decorated into an Alfonse head. ;_;
v I guess.. more! 8D
Add my email on Faceboooook! 0:


>I wanted to see that :(
< Is eating sushi right now :)
V One more epic picture won't kill us??


^That's what you get for going to a bar. :D (that's not me)

< Draws better then me. :D
>3 more pages for my new essay.>.>
v How often do you take pictures when you go out?


^ I take quite a few :)
< has fun adventures in bars XD
> I didn't draw that. My roommate (Maki_Jaganshi) did.
V Weirdest event that happened unexpectedly when you were out one day?


^ Left my phone in my dorm by accident, then came back and found out that it was ringing with the One Missed Call ringtone and freaked out my room mates. :P Best unintentional prank ever.
< Not really sure if she put the said Tako picture back on the door yet. :]
> Yay for not going to bars!
V Are you cosplaying? If so, who?
"No matter how much you long for someone, if they're distant enough, there won't be any crazy hopes or broken hearts." --Masaru (Mogura to Taiyou)  


^Yes, yes I am. :'D As Ashley Graham from Resident Evil 4 + Shiny Red Gyarados.
< Has mad drawing skills.
> Needs a belt for said Ashley cosplay...
V Are you planning on taking any pictures or video at FanimeCon this year?
Attending FanimeCon for 15 years in 2019


^ I will be bringing a camera and taking pictures of at least a few cosplayers. I already know some I have to find.
< Is going to the pokemon gathering!!! Didn't you say it takes 2 people to operate that thing?
> Is only taking a brief brake before going to back to getting things done.
V Ever have a battle getting everything to fit in your vehicle for the trip to/from fanime?


^ I'm going to have trouble fitting Gyarados in the car for sure! Let alone everything else... And yes, it does take 2 or 3 to operate. I'm the main operator, with a friend or 2 popping in when I need to wear that particular cosplay. xD
< Looks like you have your plans all together!
> Has an essay to type up, but is putting it off in favor of watching Cosplay Complex and sewing her stuff together. xD
V Are you planning on eating out at the con, or bring your own food?
Attending FanimeCon for 15 years in 2019


^ Funny story, my dormie and I went to the mini mart on campus and used our meal plan dollars to buy tons of food. Mine is mostly snack food, though. ;]
< Will be an AMAZING red gyarados! <3 So looking forward to it now
> I'm getting a haircut before Fanime, and I'm so excited!!! ^o^
V Is your momma a llama?
"No matter how much you long for someone, if they're distant enough, there won't be any crazy hopes or broken hearts." --Masaru (Mogura to Taiyou)  


^ No She is bringing me my Seychelles dress tonight, I'll tell her what you think XD
< Is going out of her way to a nice place for her hair.
> Is cold. My room is semi clean now :D
V Friday Fanime plans?


^ So far I know I'm going to attend the group gathering, a b-day party, and part of the musicfest.
< is roomies with Maki_Jaganshi and has the other half of her room to clean.
> I'd clean my room but my brothers are playing game in there and my bed always ends up getting messy.
v How many siblings do you have?

In my left brain, there's nothing right & in my right brain, there's nothing left.


^Basically four... two stepsiblings that I did not grow up with or really talk to now, and two half-siblings that I grew up with and actually interact with.
<Lives with siblings.
>I only wear about a size 8 1/2 shoe at most.  Likewise I have very petite hands and have to wear women's gloves because they don't make men's gloves in my size.
v Do you have any planned purchases for the convention?
All love is elf love!

Princesses who choose the dragon over the white knight don't get to ride the dragon into the sunset; they get eaten, and from what the dragons tell me, they're crunchy.


^ no not really, some Arts from AA since I'll be spending most of my time there
< has small hands and feet
> got angry to the point where his stomach hurt....
v Anything you have planned that isnt really fanime related that you'll be doing at fanime?
Know much about purgatory? It's the world we live in now, and Halloween is the day a damned soul in purgatory can be released into heaven, if he prays hard enough. Say your prayers. - Vincent Volaju


^ Sleeping XD I dunno
< Shouldn't do that :(
> Dyed my hair... It's different... Apparently my eyes pop more now though.
V Ever dyed your hair? If so what color?


^Blond, actually.  This isn't my natural hair color. ;)
<Hair color brings out her eyes?  Cool.
>After 5pm tomorrow I'm off for the rest of the week!  Yay vacation time!
v How did your work handle you going to Fanime?
All love is elf love!

Princesses who choose the dragon over the white knight don't get to ride the dragon into the sunset; they get eaten, and from what the dragons tell me, they're crunchy.


^Long story.I got the days off by vacation hours and asked for the wrong days off.>.>Luckyly I was able to swap hours with a co-worker to go to fanime friday.Thursday I have teh day off and Saturday I work in the morning.Sunday I need to be at my bro's graduation party and monday I work 2 to 10.So my work would off given me the days of if I would of just looked at the dates more closely>.<
< Will have enough energy to enjoy fanime when it comes.Lucky
> I hope I have a good time in Fanime.This is my second year and I HOPE I get teh pictures and items I want.
v Would you call in sick for 1 day in Fanime?


^ Yup Yup, but I don't work right now.
< I bet you will :D
> My hair is soooo different...
V If you could change your name what would you name yourself?


^ Dominic Orcrist, Dio for short.
< has differently awesome hair?
> finished laying out the coloring books
v what is the largest object you ever jumped over? lol
Know much about purgatory? It's the world we live in now, and Halloween is the day a damned soul in purgatory can be released into heaven, if he prays hard enough. Say your prayers. - Vincent Volaju


^A couch.I was sooo athletic when I was young and saw the world as a anime series that I was able to do things that seemed impossible for my body to do.But now i'm just down to earth and less athletic :'(
< Owns coloring books?And will have to get his badge on Friday.
> I'm getting into the .hack series again.Now I want to become data itself and learn about computer codes.O_O Maybe next month i'll get into cyborgs again. :o
v Ever tripped on something so light that you look back and say(wow, how could I have tripped on that light weight thing?) let's say a small toy or something?


^does nothing count? as my sister says "It takes skills to trip over nothing"
< is going to get eaten by the internet and meet Lain :P
> In fact I do own coloring books, selling them in AA; we sold a few last year and they did decent hopefully it does the same again this year :D
v whats one thing about yourself you wish you could change?
Know much about purgatory? It's the world we live in now, and Halloween is the day a damned soul in purgatory can be released into heaven, if he prays hard enough. Say your prayers. - Vincent Volaju