Get to know your fellow forum members~! ♥

Started by Vensy, August 06, 2009, 01:52:50 PM

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^ Sure lotsa stuff are but right now...getting enough sleep, studying for finals and drawing/signing in my friends' yearbooks...(my annual tradition to draw an anime pic on a whole page and write to them if they let me take their yearbook home)
< Is gonna miss dorms
> Is graduating from HS soon
V What's the best quality you can find from any person?
"Find yourself, that's the key & I am the only person I can be, myself, that''s me."
2015 Cosplay -tentative-
Shiro- No Game No Life
Koujaku- DraMaticalMurder
Esdese/Esdeath- Akame ga Kiru!
Daiki Aomine-Kuroko no Basuke


^ Kindness. It's the most attractive trait in a person and I see it in all different levels. Also it is infectious.
< Counting the days till she walks on stage and gets her diploma. Hopefully, she won't trip over herself. *knocks on wood*
> My friend said that she was coming from MN and might hit me up, but I haven't heard from her in a while.
V Have you ever had a pen-pal?

In my left brain, there's nothing right & in my right brain, there's nothing left.


^ Nope not really. =/
< has a friend that might visit :)
> I'm not that happy with the new Hetalia ending song :(
V Favorite anime at the moment?


^ D Gray Man!
< Doesn't like the Hetalia ending song
> This year's theme for my drawings in people's yearbooks is D Gray Man! Don't have much time to draw though....(several people are waiting for me too...)I got finals to prepare for before I even walk the stage... @_@
V What's your favorite quote?
"Find yourself, that's the key & I am the only person I can be, myself, that''s me."
2015 Cosplay -tentative-
Shiro- No Game No Life
Koujaku- DraMaticalMurder
Esdese/Esdeath- Akame ga Kiru!
Daiki Aomine-Kuroko no Basuke


^ "I don't know the key to success but I know the key to failure is trying to please everybody."
- Bill Cosby (I like this one because that's how I was like in high school.)
< Needs more time. It sounds to me like you are going to miss high school.
> I might be going to Anime Expo, it's not a definite thing but it sure feel like it.
V What's a dance that you would like to learn?

In my left brain, there's nothing right & in my right brain, there's nothing left.


^ Dance style or Dance Choreography? Well if it's a style I'd pop and wave better and ballroom (I'd go back to breaking if I had the space and time to). If it's choreography I wanna dance like BoA!
< Might go to AX
> I wanna go to AX T-T Speaking of dancing...I wanna go back to bettering myself at dancing...
V Same question
"Find yourself, that's the key & I am the only person I can be, myself, that''s me."
2015 Cosplay -tentative-
Shiro- No Game No Life
Koujaku- DraMaticalMurder
Esdese/Esdeath- Akame ga Kiru!
Daiki Aomine-Kuroko no Basuke


^ I do a lot of pop and wave but I would like to take up on more b-boying but that's not gonna happen until I slim down a bit.
< Listens to Korean music.
> I'm going to exercise more and do lots of swimming this summer to tone my body. I should start eating more vegetarian-type meals too.
V What's something you want to happen over the summer or by the end of it?

In my left brain, there's nothing right & in my right brain, there's nothing left.


^ I want to work on losing more weight, and preparing my muscles for walking all around DisneyWorld :)
< is planning to tone his body
> is watching a Mary Poppins ad, because I'm singing along with the ad. lol
V What are you looking forward most about summer?


^ Hanging out with friends (but I'm taking summer classes...) Prolly getting back into dancing or some other hobby.
< Watching/singing the Mary Poppins ad
> I'll miss playing the viola...I wanna buy my own violin though...
V Is there something that you're investing in right now?
"Find yourself, that's the key & I am the only person I can be, myself, that''s me."
2015 Cosplay -tentative-
Shiro- No Game No Life
Koujaku- DraMaticalMurder
Esdese/Esdeath- Akame ga Kiru!
Daiki Aomine-Kuroko no Basuke


^ I'm saving up for this pretty expensive DJ equipment thing I need
< Was Tifa this year for Fanime?
> Didn't cosplay but will next year for sure
V What are your cosplay plans for next year?


^ Not sure, because I might get into new series before next year. I might be buying a yellow vespa, so Haruko Haruhara is an obvious choice if that happens.

< Is gonna cosplay next year! :'D

> Gained arm strength from her Gyarados cosplay this year.

V Have any summer trips planned?
Attending FanimeCon for 15 years in 2019


^Nope, but wanna take my gf to Great America for her b-day.
<Coplayed as Nurse Joy
>Is planning to attend police academy early next year.
V Do you sunburn easily?
Kono bangumi wa, goran no sponsor teikyou de, o kurishimasu ka


^ No, lucky me I tan. Unless its my face, then my burn just adds to my naturally very red face and turns me into a tomato... O_o
< Will be going to police academy. Nice :D
> I haven't been on the forums for a while, so I took a little catching up time.
V What is your most favorite fruit?
"No matter how much you long for someone, if they're distant enough, there won't be any crazy hopes or broken hearts." --Masaru (Mogura to Taiyou)  


^ Mangoes. I love eating them whether they are still green or fully ripened.
< Was probably too busy cleaning stuff out and couldn't visit the forums.
> It's been a while since I've stayed up until morning just playing games If I could invest this kind of energy into other things, I would be much better off.
V What is one thing that you think the whole world could do without, for a day?

In my left brain, there's nothing right & in my right brain, there's nothing left.


^ Electricity.

< Loves eating one of my favourite fruits!

> Had to work an open shift this morning (Up at 2am to be out the door by 3 to get to work on time at 4. Ew.)

V What time do you normally wake up?
Attending FanimeCon for 15 years in 2019


^ Usually between 11am-2pm
< I think was looking for a guy in another thread
> Is downloading a bunch of older anime
V What is the last anime you completely watched?



< Might have been right about me looking for a guy in another thread, depending on what you mean by "looking for a guy". Haha.

> Might actually be able to pull off a 4.0 this quarter.

v Are you in school? If it's college, what's your major (or what your degree is in if you've already graduated) If you're not in school, what's a subject you'd love to major in if you WERE in school?
Attending FanimeCon for 15 years in 2019


^ Yes, I'm in college, and right now I'm working on my Japanese major :]
< Likes Ouran, but watches it. (I read it)
> Will most definitely not be able to pull off a 4.0 T^T
V If you play video games, what is the most recent one you've successfully completed?
"No matter how much you long for someone, if they're distant enough, there won't be any crazy hopes or broken hearts." --Masaru (Mogura to Taiyou)  


^ I'm almost done with FFXIII but before that I think the last game I completed 100% is Assassin's Creed II
< Won't be able to get a 4.0 sadly... (I haven't seen a 4.0 since my first semester grades in Freshman year...)
> Thinks it's funny when people find out new things about me (how they react)
V What's your most favorite drink for the summer?
"Find yourself, that's the key & I am the only person I can be, myself, that''s me."
2015 Cosplay -tentative-
Shiro- No Game No Life
Koujaku- DraMaticalMurder
Esdese/Esdeath- Akame ga Kiru!
Daiki Aomine-Kuroko no Basuke


^ C.C. Lemon or Aloe Drinks.

< Apparently has the patience to play FF XIII (I don't. I can't stand the lack of work you do. It's basically a movie with action buttons in my eyes. xD)

> Primarily reads manga and doesn't watch anime, and it took me ages to get around to actually watching Ouran.

V What does summer signify for you?
Attending FanimeCon for 15 years in 2019