Get to know your fellow forum members~! ♥

Started by Vensy, August 06, 2009, 01:52:50 PM

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^ Texts. I need to communicate with people, or I start feeling super lonely. xD

< Is working on 100 themes~

> Has to hold a bunch of seats for graduation so she and her friends and their families have a place to sit.

v Who's your favourite celebrity chef?
Attending FanimeCon for 15 years in 2019


^ Iron Chef Masaharu Morimoto from Iron Chef America :D

< likes to get texts

> also likes to get texts too! [text me~ caw caw RAWR!]

V  if you do text, how many texts do you think you go thru on a typical day?

Games, Friends & Fanime oh my! :D


^ I don't have a text plan/not allowed to text. :[

< You were an awesome Russell at Fanime this year. It was totally legit. You stood out a lot!

> Today is my last day of school.

V What are you doing over the summer?
Fanime Attendee - 2007, 2009-
Fanime Staff - 2008(Panels)
AOD - 2011-


^ I work full time, but im totally gonna take advantage of my weekends and hang out with awesome new and old friends from fanime! :D

<  totally complimented my Russell cosplay- Thanks! Even the guys from LM.C loved it and said they might blog about me... they took pictures of me too.

>  im slowing becoming a text-o-holic :P

V   Same question- What epic plans do you have for the summer? :D

Games, Friends & Fanime oh my! :D

michiko nakano

^ sewing clothes and costume parts, staying out of the sun, and going to the renaissance faire!

< texts!

> texts Jerry!

v do you text Jerry?


^ O^O I don't txt Jerry... Well, I txt a different Jerry... Does that count??
< Is staying out of the sun (Like me!)
> Summer doesn't seem to look so good for me, since I'm going back to live with my perfectionistis father
V What is your total time logged in?? I just broke 8 hours (ACCOMPLISHMENT!)
"No matter how much you long for someone, if they're distant enough, there won't be any crazy hopes or broken hearts." --Masaru (Mogura to Taiyou)  

michiko nakano

^ six days, seventeen hours and twelve minutes.

< has a father

> keeps her flash drive in a medicine bottle

v what's your favorite car?


^ I like my dad's Mazda RX8. He offered to sell it to me... I lack a license, so I see no point :(
< Keeps her flash drive in interesting places.
> is not actually studying like she should be.
V Favorite Card Game?

michiko nakano

^ currently, egyptian rat slap.

< will get a license sometime!

> has a '92 Ford Explorer which she has car parties in, between classes with her friends.  loooots of space in that car.

v when was the last time you drank orange juice?


^ I don't even remember. I don't like Orange Juice
< has parties in her car :D
> has a car that she can't drive still XD I need to learn stick-shift.
V Do you drive stick-shift?


^ I don't drive, period. No one will teach me, and my parents wrecked the car I bought to learn on. =__=

< Doesn't like delicious OJ.

> Is excited for the cosplay picnic. :'D

V Do you like picnics? <3
Attending FanimeCon for 15 years in 2019


^ Only if I don't sneeze

< Likes cosplay and pinics

> Tried to sell his textbooks, but only got small offers from his school, so he said forget it.

v Any non-food allergies? (like to cats or bee stings as examples)
Also a Proud Fanime Con Attendee since 1998!
Yay, Haruko.


^ Only a tad bit of pollen allergy. It's not severe or noticeable.

< Will hopefully find someone else to buy his textbooks. If all fails, try Amazon.

> School is officially over, and I have nothing to really do.

V What would you suggest I do for fun over the summer?
Fanime Attendee - 2007, 2009-
Fanime Staff - 2008(Panels)
AOD - 2011-


^  making new friends on these forums :D ~ that way you'll have someone to chat with online and maybe in person if you go a random gathering. Also random concerts, picnics, movies, geez theres alot to choose from

<  is done with school... but only for now... til the fall semester...

>  is also done with school... maybe forever? got my college degree and MBA in business. though, I like being a student of life!  ;D

V  more epic plans or parties for this summer! Pics or it didnt happen. ;)

Games, Friends & Fanime oh my! :D


^ Party!? Monster Hunter party?
< Wants to be in school for the rest of his life? (o_O)?
> I have this tradition every year I'd get the newest fireworks and light them up with my family on July 4th, but I'll still be at AX this year. However, my little brother will take over for me this year.
V What one of your family traditions?

In my left brain, there's nothing right & in my right brain, there's nothing left.


^ Every year when my cousins visit, we go see a big firework show on the 4th of July and have burgers or barbecue before hand.
< Won't be home for his tradition.
> Didn't do good on her finals :(
V Waiting for anything?


^ For a few different mangas to go from Ongoing to Complete!! T^T
< Had an awesome-looking wrap that apparently didn't taste that good without ranch O^O
> My friend invited me to his family reunion/mad tea party this Sunday. :] I get to be the March Hare, but now I need ears!
V If you could cosplay as a non-manga/anime character, who would it be?
"No matter how much you long for someone, if they're distant enough, there won't be any crazy hopes or broken hearts." --Masaru (Mogura to Taiyou)  


^ I have! I've cosplayed the most annoying character in the RE video games - Ashley Graham.

< Gets to go to a tea party!!

> Loves tea parties.

V If you could be friends with anyone, who would it be?
Attending FanimeCon for 15 years in 2019


^ Just about anyone I don't know. Friends are always a good thing :)
< I kept running into you Miss Graham
> My friend had her baby recently. The adoption has gone well, and it apparently is a very open one :)
V Would you want a son or daughter first?


^ Twin daughters!
< Should have studied harder.
> My siblings' graduation starts in 20 minutes.
V What's your thought on public restrooms?

In my left brain, there's nothing right & in my right brain, there's nothing left.