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Started by Vensy, August 06, 2009, 01:52:50 PM

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^ Team Sports. I don't like exercising alone.
< Got ninja posted :D
> Finished watching the movie, which is why I'm back on posting. :] It was good.
V If in the area, would you go to Kin-Youbi? I'm thinking of going, but not alone. T^T
"No matter how much you long for someone, if they're distant enough, there won't be any crazy hopes or broken hearts." --Masaru (Mogura to Taiyou)  


^ Why not?
< is not in Michigan keeping me company XD
> Is zombified...
V How many siblings do you have?


^ 2 little sisters.
< Needs to come home. :3
> Needs to work on her projects.
V What're you up to right now? (besides posting in the forums. xD)
Attending FanimeCon for 15 years in 2019


^Thinking about cosplay ideas for Halloween/Wondercon/Fanime.
< Must be working hard or hardly working.
> Stressing over the fact that I received a D for Adv Algebra :'(
V What was the last thing you ate?


^ A footlong at Subway. It was my one meal of the day :D
< Welcome! You look new...?
> Now watching Planet 51, because I need noise while I'm cleaning.
V Are there aliens out there???
"No matter how much you long for someone, if they're distant enough, there won't be any crazy hopes or broken hearts." --Masaru (Mogura to Taiyou)  

michiko nakano

^ yes.  hurry and make some hats out of tin foil.

< is the type of person to eat a footlong for the one meal of the day.  sweet, i'm not alone in the world!

> i just sneezed and blew crumbs all over my keyboard.  curses... *trudges off to get the compressed air to clean the keyboard with* they were crumbs from my plate, not from my mouth, by the way. 

v if you had a bunkbed all to yourself, would you choose the top bunk or the lower?


^ Either option will have me hitting my head from above regardless of which bunk I choose. x_x
< Believer of aliens
> Received small advice from ... now I know exactly what I should do for Gakuen!Taiwan's skirt. :D
V First cosplay that involved sewing?


^ I'd would be too scared to use said bunk bed and probably would sleep on the floor. :P

< literally blew crumbs. :P

> is in Landlord mode right now. Jerry is not a happy camper atm :P

V  while on the topic- horrible roommate or home life experiences with someone you live with?  :P

blast! got ninja'ed  :P

^ I dont sew. I fail at it.

< is faster than me.


Games, Friends & Fanime oh my! :D


^ My whole home situation in general runs rampant with abuse, so it's allll bad.
< Needs to be cheered up! D:
> Is wondering what to bring to the cosplay picnic she's going to tomorrow... Also just got my pheromones in!! Yay, research!
V Do you do it all in the name of science?
Attending FanimeCon for 15 years in 2019

ice queen

^If only I could.
<Sorry can't help you cheer up...probably to far away.
>Really hoping to have the weekend off. Its been awhile since I've had one. Heard the county fair was going on.
VYou also having writer's block?
2011 Cosplay for Fanime-
Kingdom Hearts - Riku 100% complete
Axis Powers Hetalia - Russia 70% complete
Black Butler - Agni 0% Complete


^ Completely, and it's really not fun.
< Country fair? Where??
> Woohoo, not even close to being done with the apartment ^^
V What are you really craving right now?
"No matter how much you long for someone, if they're distant enough, there won't be any crazy hopes or broken hearts." --Masaru (Mogura to Taiyou)  

ice queen

^Nada XD
<Yes its the San Joaquin County Fair in Stockton, California. Its going on until sunday if people were interested.
>I think I'll go nab some cold pizza now. cold pizza?
2011 Cosplay for Fanime-
Kingdom Hearts - Riku 100% complete
Axis Powers Hetalia - Russia 70% complete
Black Butler - Agni 0% Complete


^Depends on the pizza. I had homemade pizza earlier. It was good, but I can't eat anything hard to chew right now. No bueno. D: I bit my tongue and lip really badly and now I have to wait for it to heal.
< also had pizza
> Is going to go see Toy Story 3 in about 20minutes or so :D
V Ever worn a cast? Why did you get it? If not what is the worst you have hurt yourself?


^ I've only wore one, and that was when I was biking and flew over the handlebars. But it was only a fracture in my phalanges bone.
< Sorry I'm not in Michigan, but you wouldn't want to be here either T^T
> Started roleplaying for the first time in a while. I'm really rusty
V Which mystical humanoid creature would you be? (vampire, zombie, demon, werewolf, etc.)
"No matter how much you long for someone, if they're distant enough, there won't be any crazy hopes or broken hearts." --Masaru (Mogura to Taiyou)  

michiko nakano

^ demon.

< broke her finger.

> ate Chinese food with my Japanese grandfather.  Wieeerd.

v last thing you ate?


^ fruit and yogurt parfait from Mickey D's

< had her fortune cookie tell her "  :) It tastes Sweet  :) "

> was shocked to find out that Michi thinks in the gutter sometimes...

V  what was most recent " in the gutter thought " you had today?

Games, Friends & Fanime oh my! :D


^ My mind deleted a few key letters from some words, such as Clock and Count. Heh...
< Had something delicious and slightly nutritious!
> Has a very dirty mind. xD I'm also watching a rather hilarious bikini razor commercial on vh1.
V Have anything exciting for the near future planned?
Attending FanimeCon for 15 years in 2019

michiko nakano

^ no

< watches vh1

> hates life sometimes

v yes or no?


^ Yes to life, No to drugs.
< Otherwise, loves life when not filled with drama or boredom.
> I visited my hometown. This park nearby my old middle school has frisbee golf now, that's awesome!
V Do you consider frisbee golf a real sport?

In my left brain, there's nothing right & in my right brain, there's nothing left.


^I'm exactly sure what that is =/
< Apparently likes Frisbee golf
> There is a storm outside. It really is killing things, like my laptop. XD I came back to the battery drained. Toy Story 3 was amazing though! I feel like such a nerd for getting excited when I recognized toys and such. Totoro :D
V Do you ever get excited when you spot stuff in movies? Easter Eggs or such?