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Started by Vensy, August 06, 2009, 01:52:50 PM

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^ Depends on what. I like making cakes, yet I dislike eating cakes. Weird.
< is planning to make something good?
> dislikes allergies :(
V Let's say you had to go back to elementary school(Detective Conan type thing), What grade would you want to be in?


^ First. Beyond that point, life was hell. :/
< Doesn't like (eating) cake! Neither do I, unless I have a major sweets craving. It's because I baked so many in culinary school I'm sooo over it. xD
> Is thinking of making  northern bean soup for lunch, but I have no carrots, celery, onion, or ham hocks! Nor the money to buy them...
V What's your favourite southern soul food? (Mine is fried okra. <3)
Attending FanimeCon for 15 years in 2019


^ Fried chicken. Enough where my mom makes fun of my unhealthy eating choices. :P
< Makes sense that overexposure to something develops a sort of dislike or hate overtime...
> Remembers why I initially thought of high school romances to be overrated. OTL
V Does the high school phase truly go away by graduation? (Or for those who still are in high school, suffering from said phase?)


^ nope. 'high school' phases or sitations follows you for a while... just you'll deal with it in college, at the work place, and possibly even with your closes of friends...

<  yes, high school romances are VERY overrated. :P

>  had a "whirlwind relationship" that ended badly right before fanime, but VERY thankful to now be in a happy and stable relationship now. and very much so content :)

V  ever been in a "whirlwind relationship" - as in you get swept away very fast and very quickly thinking everything is awesome and fun... only to have it end in total disaster.  T_T

Games, Friends & Fanime oh my! :D


^Nope been single my entire life so far. Some people think it's amazing that I haven't been in any relationship.
< had a bad experience with a whirlwind relationship. (at least you're happy now ^_^)
> It's funny how people would tell me about their love lives and crushes and ask for advice and whatnot from me even though I've never actually been in a relationship myself. o.o
> Ever worked hard on something and think that everything's good but turns out that you made a major mistake?
"Find yourself, that's the key & I am the only person I can be, myself, that''s me."
2015 Cosplay -tentative-
Shiro- No Game No Life
Koujaku- DraMaticalMurder
Esdese/Esdeath- Akame ga Kiru!
Daiki Aomine-Kuroko no Basuke


^ Yes, and I still trying to deal with it. :(
< has never been in a relationship.
> I want to go to DisneyWorld right now
V If you had one week to do everything you ever wanted before you died, what would you do?


^ Go on with life as normal but tell all my friends and family I love them, on the last day.
< Wants to go to Florida and meet Mickey and Minny.
> Got a new chickie today, although this one is a different breed, but no matter, at least they won't be lonely anymore! Oh, and one cool thing, they started following me and my family around the house! Kawaii!!!!! (^_^)
V What do you think is kawaii (cute)?

In my left brain, there's nothing right & in my right brain, there's nothing left.


^  可愛い ? huh well i did a random image search. and this was the result.

<  has chickies "imprinted" on him. apparently he is mistaken for a mother chicken.

>  i would probably follow around cute girls... but I would doubt it would be consider "kawaii" :P

V  moar "kawaii" things please.  :D

Games, Friends & Fanime oh my! :D


^ a pic my friend took.(not my pic)

< likes cute stuff. :D That's our Jerry ;)
> I won't have internet for a month since school is over now and I can't steal internet from my neighbors since they are all poor and can't afford it.>.>
v another kawaii thing before I leave please?


< Will be internet-less for a while.
> My internet speed is good but my wi-fi router isn't so great. PS3s and laptops have difficulty trying to connect to it, recently, it has gotten more difficult.
V A child in an ice cream truck, a woman in a long dark alley, a billionaire locked in his vault. Which of these three scenarios would you rather be in?

In my left brain, there's nothing right & in my right brain, there's nothing left.


^a child in an ice cream truck xD, all the icecream in the truck are belong to us.
>going to judo in aboot 20 minutes
Vsame question :P


^ A child in an ice cream truck. Granted, if the ice cream people aren't kidnappers or anything like that, it'd be a child's dream. XD
< Knows judo.
> Learned karate but quit due to academic focus. I'm still failing on the focusing part. OTL
V How well do you do/did in school?


^ Ehhh average. I am a 3.0 student.
< isn't the only person who fails when it comes to focusing.
> I regret not going out with my friends today :(
V Something that is bothering you right now?


^ Only my "NEET" status and boredom.
< Chose air-conditioning and video games over friends. :(
> It's gotten pretty hot lately. I hope my friend gets back to me soon, so we can make arrangements to go camping.
V IS there an anime you are hoping to see another season of?

@r3za1264: I haven't heard anything about a season 2 of Working!! It's set up so that it would and it's built a good fan base but the same can be said about most animes. I'm crossing my fingers and hoping that it does.

In my left brain, there's nothing right & in my right brain, there's nothing left.


^ Lol Skip-Beat!
< really wants to go camping XD
> I didn't go because I was feeling bleh. Then I took a nap and felt great... I still regret not going.
V Favorite Video Game character?


^ Dante. Hands down my favorite.
< I am guessing you would agree that naps solve everything.
> Pressured myself into buying Red Dead Redemption instead of DJ Hero.
V What was your last splurge buy?


^ Visual You's panda hoodie from this Fanime. Yes, I'm among those who have soft spots for pandas. :D
< There's a DJ Hero now? (I literally have been staying under a rock for most of the summer...)
> Trying to get my life back in order. (See "I am" thread if anyone's curious.)
V Do you feel better being single or taken?


^ Taken... by lots of people! XD
< Just had a breakup.
> Been very flattered by two people hitting on me that I didn't know have a thing for me.  (Oversimplification, but it will do.)
V Last nice thing said to you?
All love is elf love!

Princesses who choose the dragon over the white knight don't get to ride the dragon into the sunset; they get eaten, and from what the dragons tell me, they're crunchy.


^ Saying that you hope I would get better soon. It helps a lot since I'm (or was rather) actually in those "unstable" relationships. OTL
< Is flattered from being hit on. XD
> Mom took my phone away for talking too much. ... It was the only way of communication to (ex) bf right now. I just hope we'd still be on good terms. ... Yeah right. (Totally complicated and unstable relationship. It's a wonder how we lasted this long.) OTL
V Is it bad to even be a bit of a romantic?


^ Not really. I would say yes right now, but I would be lying.
< had her phone taken away. No fun there :(
> is kind of tired with her life. I need to get out and do something.
V What is a fun thing to do that doesn't cost much?