Get to know your fellow forum members~! ♥

Started by Vensy, August 06, 2009, 01:52:50 PM

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< then get some
> I want to eat the donuts... But I don't want to be fat...
V What did you last eat?


^ eggs, potatos and toast
< you can eat your doughnuts but lose weight.... its been done before.
> I'm hungry now that you mentioned food
V Favorite food?

if that the master a 'prentice have,
Entirely then that he him tell,
That he the craft ably may know,
Wheresoever he go under the sun.


^  I think I answered this one before, but I will once again profess my love for Mexican food, lol.  With an honorable mention of Japanese food, for being a close second :3
<  Making me hungreeeee
>  Actually getting to do some character concept art at work right now, which is a very nice break from all the boring UI and banner ad stuff I'm usually doing.
v  Describe the coloring book you remember most vividly from your childhood. 


^Disney. Winnie the Pooh XD
< has an interesting sounding job
> Needs to find a job.
V Where did you go on your last vacation?


^ Not sure what you would consider a vacation on my case... but last place I went was Hollywood. But I consider Fanime to be a real vacation.
< should settle for temp. jobs until she lands a solid one.
> Need to sell some of my junk...
V Favorite scent?

if that the master a 'prentice have,
Entirely then that he him tell,
That he the craft ably may know,
Wheresoever he go under the sun.


^hmmm I am not sure the name of it, but I will say my second favorites. Vanilla and strawberry daiquiri from Bath and body works lol
< is going to sell things
> should go through stuff and sell them.
V You wake up and you are the opposite gender. What is the first thing you do?


^ Freak out.
< should sell stuff on ebay or post on forums or craigslist.
> relaxing from a long day of hard work...
V favorite actor?

if that the master a 'prentice have,
Entirely then that he him tell,
That he the craft ably may know,
Wheresoever he go under the sun.


^Robin Williams and Anne Hathaway
<is not on Skype
> has chicken nuggets and a mixed drink. I am good for the night.
V Favorite tv show at the moment?


< eats junk food too comfortably
> watches wierd things
V favorite app on your phone?

if that the master a 'prentice have,
Entirely then that he him tell,
That he the craft ably may know,
Wheresoever he go under the sun.


^ That would be my sticky/memo pad app.
< You have a smart phone too?
> Just fixed a broken blu-ray/wifi home theater in box. Got it for $60 and retails for $400+ at best buy. Kind of awesome what superglue, screwdriver, band-aids and a mallet can do.
v What anime have you seen that was kind of a let down at the end? Example started off good, great in the middle but just dropped the ball in the end.
Not your typical anime junkie.
MAL:Echoshadow's Anime List


^ Hellgirl
< I take it the band-aids was for the numerous times you hit yourself with the mallet?
> Is as good at fixing tech as I am- but is likely much better at selling it.
v Favorite class back in school?

if that the master a 'prentice have,
Entirely then that he him tell,
That he the craft ably may know,
Wheresoever he go under the sun.


^  I loved English classes and art classes.  I actually really miss English classes, I loved reading books and discussing them.  I want to join a book club to get some of that feeling back, but can't find a good one, lol. 
<  Is a techie
>  Feeling a little depressed since My Chemical Romance broke up, they've been one of my favorite and most listened to bands for the past decade :(
v  What band or solo artist's lyrics do you most identify yourself with?


^  Identify? uh..... I guess Soilwork hits close to home... or maybe Cradle Of Filth... artist? not sure...
<  is an uber MCR fan
>  has a MCR cd from my lil sister I need to unload and a MCR tshirt I got 6 yrs ago I need to donate...   I need to get rid of alot of random stuff...
v  favorite shoes?

if that the master a 'prentice have,
Entirely then that he him tell,
That he the craft ably may know,
Wheresoever he go under the sun.


^My cat shoes
< has stuff he needs to get rid of.
> Also needs to get rid of things. I am hopefully moving soon!
V What would you hope to eat for your last meal?


^ An apple from the tree of knowledge :P
< needs to prepare herself for her interviews
> bought a book from 1897 today. Also burned some more Rosetta Stones today.
V favorite car?

if that the master a 'prentice have,
Entirely then that he him tell,
That he the craft ably may know,
Wheresoever he go under the sun.


^  I don't have a car and I don't know much about cars either.  I'm just going to say the batmobile is my fav, lol.
<  Is quite studious
>  Annoyed cause apparently someone tried to make a fraudulent charge using my debit card, so the account is locked now. Stop trying to steal from me, whoever you are, I'm broke!
v  Are you planning to go to the cherry blossom festival in SF Japan town or the nikkei matsuri in SJ Japan town next month?


^  nvr heard of it and dunno if i can go.
<  is a victim of identity theft
>  has a perfect credit score(720). I feel old when all my classmates are younger than me.
v  Are you planning to go to the cherry blossom festival in SF Japan town or the nikkei matsuri in SJ Japan town next month?

if that the master a 'prentice have,
Entirely then that he him tell,
That he the craft ably may know,
Wheresoever he go under the sun.


^ Wasn't planning to, but might end up checking it out anyways.
<  Your avatar scares me for some reason  :-X
>  Uhh, have been attending Fanime for the past two years.
v  What's your opinion of sloths?


^ FullMetalAlchemist- not enough camera time...
<  has not seen Hellsing. Is new to Fanime.
>  Bought a bunch of spawn comics yesterday that I was missing
v  favorite game at the con?

if that the master a 'prentice have,
Entirely then that he him tell,
That he the craft ably may know,
Wheresoever he go under the sun.


^ Bonzai Arcade
< bought stuff
> My gum has been inflamed all night... I don't know what caused it :(
V How is the weather?