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Started by Vensy, August 06, 2009, 01:52:50 PM

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^ Funny thing was, I actually did trip over and found a hundred dollar bill once when I was 6 years old. I tried to spend it but the cashiers wouldn't let me and so I gave it to my mom instead. As a result, Christmas was awesome that year, got a SNES. (^_^)
< Either found money or wants to find money that comes from no where.
> I'm catching up on some anime right now, I didn't watch any while I was at AX.
V What's the most impossible thing that has ever happened to you?

In my left brain, there's nothing right & in my right brain, there's nothing left.


^ I don't think anything has happened to me, that can be labeled impossible. Every time my dad moves somewhere a large earthquake almost always tends to follow him... Weird. I think Michigan might have stopped the tradition.
< Was a lucky 6 year old.
> My cousin is watching the Colbert Report. Apparently the show may contain lead.
V If you could be a super hero, who would you be?


^ Spider-Man. It would be so cool to hang on a ceiling and swing from building to building instead of walking or taking the bus. Also, it would make getting things like the remote or a soda a lot easier.
< should do something impossible within your lifetime.
> can't wait to get my hands on Persona 3 Portable! Sucks to be low on cash.  :'(
v What is your favorite portable game?


^ Well so far on my psp it's Dissidia Final Fantasy and/or Rock Band Unplugged
< Short on cash like many people...including me...
> Wishes her friends would respond to her texts/phone calls more often so we could hang out..
V What would you do if you and your friend are both extremely bored and lonely?
"Find yourself, that's the key & I am the only person I can be, myself, that''s me."
2015 Cosplay -tentative-
Shiro- No Game No Life
Koujaku- DraMaticalMurder
Esdese/Esdeath- Akame ga Kiru!
Daiki Aomine-Kuroko no Basuke


^ Probably play a video game like Rock Band or something.
< has the same problem I have with friends :(
> is annoyed that she ran out of skips on Pandora.
V What is your favorite sea creature?


^ Since I don't think that fangirls in swimsuits count, I'll have to say that dolphins are pretty cool.
< Plays Rock Band!
> I play lots of Rock Band too!  I'm just not good at it.  Those funny sounds you hear at night?  Those aren't air raid sirens.  That's me trying to hit the high notes on Duran Duran songs.
V What is something that you suck at but still enjoy anyway?
All love is elf love!

Princesses who choose the dragon over the white knight don't get to ride the dragon into the sunset; they get eaten, and from what the dragons tell me, they're crunchy.


^ Lol Capture the Flag, especially when the people that I play with are a lot older than me. ( Fanime 2010 Experience -__-)
< Sings Duran Duran Songs, and loves it ;DD
> I Bought Sonic Heroes on PC and I play it a lot. It's fun! With the 4 teams and.. Sonic and... Rose, you know!
v Same Question, I'm getting lazier and lazier by the day. :(
Just that weird, surprising, and awkward kid that's always there.
In the corner.
Watching your every move.
Secretly stalking you and watching you sleep. ;)
Fanime/Japan Expo Cosplays 2013~
-Cooking Mama
-Fem. Sasori
...pffft who the hell cares iunno kbye~


< Tekken. I suck terribly at fighting games but I enjoy this one the most.
< Having a lazy summer.
> I'm playing Dragon Age Origins on the PS3, and I swear, it's difficult to make money in this game.
V Do you have a childhood friend you think about?

In my left brain, there's nothing right & in my right brain, there's nothing left.


^i moved a lot so all my childhood friends grew apart from me, so somewhat to not really
<Dragon age origins, my bud of mine keeps on telling me to play it haha never got around to it
>gonna go and make a bunch of food for a bbq just because.
Vhave you ever thrown just random parties?


^ only type of parties i throw are birthdays or Rock Band hangouts xD
< is making food for a bbq o.o
> Plays expert on Rock Band, has a platinum artist character and over 420 DLC @_@ (never gets tired of playing Rock Band 2 because of all the song selections..)
V Excited for any video game releases?
"Find yourself, that's the key & I am the only person I can be, myself, that''s me."
2015 Cosplay -tentative-
Shiro- No Game No Life
Koujaku- DraMaticalMurder
Esdese/Esdeath- Akame ga Kiru!
Daiki Aomine-Kuroko no Basuke


^ the only game release I'm looking forward to is Dead Rising 2, I rarely get tired of dealing with the zombie apocalypse. Though I am interested in Rock band 3 as well and with the new Keyboard accessory.

< omg has a platinum character with 420 songs... I wanna go to your rockband parties! :D

> i barely play hard on Rockband and only downloaded about 90ish songs  :P

V  Same question - What video games are you looking forward to?

Games, Friends & Fanime oh my! :D


^ I'm looking forward to Resident Evil Portable and hopefully Vagrant Story for the PSP.
< Owns a copy of Record or Argarest Wars Naughty Edition.
> I own a copy too. Sadly I've had for, I think, 3 months now and never started it and when I wanted to, the 360 decided it was its time to go. It'll shipped it off by the end of the week.
V Which movies do you hope to see a remake of?

In my left brain, there's nothing right & in my right brain, there's nothing left.


^ May I say The Last Airbender? At least I can dream.
< I'm not much of a gamer...
> I think things are finally starting to patch up with my boyfriend (going through rough times here). Still on the process, but we're going strong to make things work out for the better.
V ... in a relationship?

ice queen

^Nope cause all guys suck and toy with your emotions.
<Hope things work out for you and your boyfriend.
>can't decide weither to level her druid or rogue in world of warcraft.
VWhat's your favorite manga currently?
2011 Cosplay for Fanime-
Kingdom Hearts - Riku 100% complete
Axis Powers Hetalia - Russia 70% complete
Black Butler - Agni 0% Complete


<She plays WoW- I'd offer advice, but I'm a total novice ^-^
> I am frustrated that only after a week, my orange-red hair is faaaaading away :(
V Would you go to the grocery store in co/crosssplay? How about to a family reunion? xD

ice queen

^Lol might as well since I already dress in crazy goth clothing.
<Wonders what server on wow  himitsu is on.
>Has been playing wow since 2004.
Vever tried world of warcraft?
2011 Cosplay for Fanime-
Kingdom Hearts - Riku 100% complete
Axis Powers Hetalia - Russia 70% complete
Black Butler - Agni 0% Complete


^ Nope.  I like my playing on the tabletop!
< Dresses in gothy clothes.  Pics or it didn't happen! :D
> Went to the drive-in last night with my family to see Airbender.
V Do you have an unusual collection on display?
All love is elf love!

Princesses who choose the dragon over the white knight don't get to ride the dragon into the sunset; they get eaten, and from what the dragons tell me, they're crunchy.


^ i wouldnt say 'unusual' just my anime/video game/ nerd stuff is EVERYWHERE in my room.
i have an old picture because it DID happen

<  Saw airbender at a drive thru. How was it?

>  is going to court today. ugh.  :-X

V  ever had to goto court for any reason? [jury duty, traffic ticket, etc? ]

Games, Friends & Fanime oh my! :D


^ Hopefully, never. Too young and innocent to do anything right now. :P
< That's a lot of stuff... o_o
> Been using the :P emoticon a bit too often.
V How would you confront someone who openly insults you?


^ I've been openly insulted many times. I try to not let it affect me, and just kinda shy away from them..
< Is a young innocent who uses :P too much? xD
> Is excited to spend the weekend with my boyfriend. After a nap, I'm going to make lemon shortbread cookies for the trip. <3
V What's the last thing you baked?
Attending FanimeCon for 15 years in 2019