Get to know your fellow forum members~! ♥

Started by Vensy, August 06, 2009, 01:52:50 PM

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^ no since those people will ignore me and think completely different of me. I've only revealed secrets to some girl who had some problems and vice versa and that's it.Other then that just 2 other dudes I know but not as much.
< Reminds me of several people I know.>.>
v I moved again to a house. Lost my 2 homes and am bussy as *fragle fraggle* with school and work more then ever. 5 hours of sleep svcks :'(
v same question.


^ I have shared some very intimate secrets about myself, not just to my friends but to strangers as well.
< Could use a vacation.
> My sister and I were talking about how we (my siblings and I) are a lot like our aunts and uncles. However, I may turn out to be a better father amongst my brothers.
V Do you think you'll be a great parent or are you a great parent?

In my left brain, there's nothing right & in my right brain, there's nothing left.


^I think I'd be there forthem and nice and happy, like the mom of ed from full metal alchemist, but at the same time I think I might have a big problem with keeping cleaning going and all that =P
< Says he'll be a great father someday =PP
> I don't even think I'd get a guy someday LOL
v Same Question!
Just that weird, surprising, and awkward kid that's always there.
In the corner.
Watching your every move.
Secretly stalking you and watching you sleep. ;)
Fanime/Japan Expo Cosplays 2013~
-Cooking Mama
-Fem. Sasori
...pffft who the hell cares iunno kbye~


^I think I'll be an amazing parent. Because my #1 true calling is to be a mommy. c:
< Hopefully won't have the same story as Ed's mom...
> Has a midterm tomorrow.
V What're you doing tomorrow?
Attending FanimeCon for 15 years in 2019


^ Considering I haven't done much in the household by now (laundry, cooking, cleaning, etc) and I'm still a kid myself, I'll let you know in about 6 years. OTL
< Don't worry, you'll find your man. :D

Pfft. Ninja'd. Oh well. XD

^ Seeing boyfriend. Good ole quality time together. :D
< Good luck on midterm! (My sister's about to have one as well.)
> Boyfriend is known to do a lot of household chores himself and jokes about being a housewife in the future. :P
V Would you agree on a male "mommy" role (staying home, taking care of kids) and a female "daddy" role (working, main source of income)? >w>;;


^ Cliche phrase, but "to each his/her own". If the woman has more education/means to support the family, I agree with the father taking care of the kids.

< Ninja-ed. Lol, I also convert random words into verbs ^_^
> I'm listening to Porcelain and the Tramps. They rock :D
V Have you ever played seven minutes in heaven/ want to share your experiences? If not, would you ever play haha?


^ No, and not really.
< Porcelain is a good :)
> My friend is telling me of her guy problems.
V Ever had a frienemy? My friend says it someone who is pretending to be your friend, but is actually your enemy.


^  no, i dont really have enemies. Just people i just dont want to talk to and vice versa.

<   is listening to a friends guy problems.

>   i am a guy, and yes i make problems.

V   how do you fix your problems?

Games, Friends & Fanime oh my! :D


^ I usually do not fix my problems, but when I do I either talk it out or just zone it out until the problem fades away with video games.
< yeah! Guys making problems in the world *Fist bump*
> Having very mixed feelings about my friends and my dreams aren't helping.  :-\
v Ever have a group of friends falling for people within the group?


^no. Thank God! :D It will be like "That 70's show" if it was. :D and i'll be Fez since i'm hispanic.>.>
< Thinks too much. Maybe needs a vactaion as well.
> My teacher said I have a B- or higher in my English Class. AWSOME!!!! :D I honestly thought I had a D on that class.>.>
v Ever had to reject someone?If so, how?


^ Needed to, yes.  Figured out how?  No.  If you figure out a way to reject someone without hurting them let me know as I have some in the queue.
< Speaks English.  (All kidding aside, congrats and keep it up. ;) )
> It is bloody hot outside.  Just out there for an hour and already I need a shower.
V Same question.
All love is elf love!

Princesses who choose the dragon over the white knight don't get to ride the dragon into the sunset; they get eaten, and from what the dragons tell me, they're crunchy.


^ Yes, I have. I've said: "I can imagine you with someone better than me." "I love you...but like a sister." and "I'm sorry, but I'm not ready for that kind of relationship." and they were all true!
< Ugh! I know what you mean. I was out there forty seconds and I could feel my skin frying!
> I had an anime-like dream...eerrr nightmare...I dunno!!! There was loli, there were assassins, and there were ghosts! (O_O)
V What's your most recent nightmare?

In my left brain, there's nothing right & in my right brain, there's nothing left.


^ It's been a long time since I had a nightmare... I can't remember. The weirdest nightmare I had was myself dating the grim reaper after meeting him on the bus. I woke up scared, but I seriously don't see a reason to be. Grim was a nice person.
< Had a nightmare of the anime verity.
> feels like watching more Detective Conan.
V Same Question.


^ I honestly don't remember.  I know that it was weird and that it involved my ex-wife somehow.  ???
< Apparently in her dreams dates the undead that she meets on a bus.  (What did you and Mr. Reaper talk about?  Did you have anything in common? ;) )
> As much as I like to tease my friends, and my online friends (like forum games peeps!), I'm not sure I could reject someone by saying, "I love you like a sister."  I mean, OUCH!  That's almost as bad as the woman that told me, "I'm sorry but I can't imagine hugging you because I'm scared I would break you."
V Worst rejection line you were handed?
All love is elf love!

Princesses who choose the dragon over the white knight don't get to ride the dragon into the sunset; they get eaten, and from what the dragons tell me, they're crunchy.


^ Battle Royale-based. It involved me getting raped and being moments away from getting stabbed on the chest when I woke up. x__x
< Dated the Grim Reaper in a dream. :D

Ninja'd XD

^ "I like you but it's best for us to stay friends." Yeah, it's really tame considering it's the only rejection I have thus far. (Although what the guy said was a total lie. He actually hates me but proceeded into giving false signals anyway which got me to like him in the first place. >___< )
< Prefers not to say certain rejection lines.
> So tired from all the walking I did today and yesterday. I'm sore...
V How fit are you?


^ (Lies) I'm completely fit.  I can bench 800 lbs and I run 3 miles, all uphill.  Then I do upsidedown knuckle pushups one handed. (/lies)
< Was ninja'd.
> On the other hand, my tummy is getting some definition and I'm up to 130lbs, which is quite an accomplishment for my metabolism.
V Same question
All love is elf love!

Princesses who choose the dragon over the white knight don't get to ride the dragon into the sunset; they get eaten, and from what the dragons tell me, they're crunchy.

michiko nakano

^ I have a twenty seven inch waist and a four-pack.  I don't know what that signifies, but I feel pretty fit.

< elf

> elf

v what is your ancestry?


^ Being Filipino means having a rather confusing ancestry. All I understand is that I have Chinese ancestors due to pre-Spanish trading relations. (Which is why I kept getting mistaken as Chinese instead of Filipino present day.) >__>
< Fit elf??
> Totally wants to make a fanart on OC!Philippines (Hetalia). >w>;;
V same question?


^  My parents are from China, but I was born and raised in California all my life. Did goto china random summers as a kid, even ran around the Great Wall of China - sorta like that scene in that new karate kid movie.

<  I still have no clue of the epic-ness of  the Hentalia series.

>  bought 3 xbox360 games at gamestop because of their buy2get1free sale.

V  Whats the best way to beat the heat ?

Games, Friends & Fanime oh my! :D


^ I keep thinking slushies and just splashing around in the pool. :P
< Tends to look for good deals.
> Wonders why my room has to be the one that's hottest in the house. Can't cover my head with blanket during the night lately.
V Would you consider it weird if someone sleeps with blanket over their head?