Get to know your fellow forum members~! ♥

Started by Vensy, August 06, 2009, 01:52:50 PM

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^Hallways & gaming room(especially on the early days cuz i'm working there)
<at least you just got past it. Mine's will start soon.
>just got shitfaced, sobering up, & his intestines burn.
v Can you hold your liquor well?
~Swap Meet staffer: '10, '11, '12, '14

Mi Feng

^ Under the age of 21.
< I presume you are quite drunk. lol
> Is LOVING this beautiful spring weather in N Cali.
v Would you rather be younger than you are now or older?


^ To me, age doesn't matter. I'd rather be wiser and awesomer than older or younger.
< Love your avatar, Misaki's so cool and cute! ... *ahem* ... (lame attempt to regain manliness)
> Can't the weather make up it's mind? I'd rather be it all warm or all cool, but not both at the same time. I want it cold.
V What weather do you like?


^ Mid 80s with a nice breeze
< Go Sharks!
> I just met a Fanime Forums members today at a local convention
V Have you ever met a Fanime Forums members outside of FanimeCon?


^ o yeah. Some of the members here planned a Big Day Out at Japantown last month ago. Think some pics from then are still lingering around here...
< I wonder which convention you are referring to
> gunna be productive during my spring break this week(unlike the other weeks, tch)
v What was the one anime-related product that you bought that you ended up regretting later?
~Swap Meet staffer: '10, '11, '12, '14


^ Basically all of my anime (DVDs and old VHSes) and manga, since I could technically watch them and read them online for free at certain websites (not encouraging it, but that's how I roll)

< Being productive includes posting at an anime convention forum? That means I'm productive too!

> I know it's late, but I always feel lonely during my graveyard shifts, although I'm able to access these forums, there's no one to talk to! (>_<)

V What do you do to combat lonliness?


^ I don't get many chances to be alone, so I simmer in it first, then, pick up my phone and text someone or get on here. Otherwise, I make imaginary friends. Just a note: it's amazing how lonely you can feel without ever actually being alone.
< Battles lonely nights here.
> HeeroYuy135 was probably talking about Decepti-kon, I was hoping to go today too, but instead I went to my little cousin's Birthday party. I have no regrets though, I got to see and hold my new nephew.
v Same question.

In my left brain, there's nothing right & in my right brain, there's nothing left.


^sleep.>_> or listen to Yuki Kajiura in my dark closet.I'm weird,sue me! >:( But it's been months since i've done any of that.
< Has a new nephew.Just wait till you have to change diapers! :o
> Going to work the lights for a musical we are going to do in my school.First time running the lights so i'm ready.
v After Fanime, what's next?


^ Maybe AX?
< c2chaos is correct :)
> I took a nap today
V Did you take a nap today?


^ no  wish
<Lucky I had school today so no nap for me
>I just got back from running, I needed it XP
v Whats your favorite kind of gum?
Pinkie pie- my little pony
Missing no. Snorlax & Sylveon- Pokemon
Lumpy space princess- Adventure time
Stocking,geek boy(gender bent)- panty and stocking


^ Big Red. There aren't many gums like it.
< Was exercising.
> I just realized how rare I meet Hmong people, like myself, at conventions. We seem to be quite the timid ethnicity.
V What song would dedescribe your mood right now?

In my left brain, there's nothing right & in my right brain, there's nothing left.


^practicing harmonica notes. No song in particular. But probably upbeat blues-y
<met others like himself
>REALLY getting into remixes & dubstep lately. Considering dabbling in that business in the future...
v can you play an instrument?
~Swap Meet staffer: '10, '11, '12, '14


^ I USED to play the violin.
< Is interested in the music business.
> Watching the last episode of Kuroshitsuji season 2.
V Did you enjoy your day today?
Fanime 2013 Cosplays:
The Bride class - Fire Emblem Awakening
Morgan - Fire Emblem Awakening
A full fursuit of my fursona Fayt
A full fursuit of my other character Shyla


^ Absolutely! I've waiting weeks now for the perfect day to go fishing on a day that I'm not working and that day was today! I caught two fishes but I had to let one go because it was too small, and I got a manly farmer's tan/sunburn.
< Just finished Black Butler S2. I've just started on S1 and I like it.
> I've still 57Gb of anime to watch, but I'm going to finishe the most recent ones first and sorta work my way back. :/
v Hayate the Combat Butler vs, Sebastian Michaelis, who would win?

In my left brain, there's nothing right & in my right brain, there's nothing left.


^ Only read the first volume of Hayate the Combat Butler so.... maybe Sebbie? ^^;
< Likes Black Butler. Yay~
> Trying to figure out if I want to buy Dramacon after remembering that I loved it the first time I borrowed the series from a friend.
V Sunny day or rainy day?
Fanime 2013 Cosplays:
The Bride class - Fire Emblem Awakening
Morgan - Fire Emblem Awakening
A full fursuit of my fursona Fayt
A full fursuit of my other character Shyla


^ As much as I love the symbolism of rain, I'd go for Sunny day for conveniences sake xP
< Is considering buying Dramacon
> I need to work on my trident for my Chrome cosplay..BUT I'm severely behind on my homework so I have to prioritize...
V What's the best thing that ever happened to you during a con?
"Find yourself, that's the key & I am the only person I can be, myself, that''s me."
2015 Cosplay -tentative-
Shiro- No Game No Life
Koujaku- DraMaticalMurder
Esdese/Esdeath- Akame ga Kiru!
Daiki Aomine-Kuroko no Basuke


^ Well I remember walking around fanime and ,I have a thing for the warden from super jail, I found a cosplayer who let me take a couple of pictures with him best five minutes of my life! haha
<needs a time management class (dont we all XP)
>My stupid Iphone broke for like the fifth time have to go to the apple store tomorrow TwT;;
V do you have a "smart" phone?
Pinkie pie- my little pony
Missing no. Snorlax & Sylveon- Pokemon
Lumpy space princess- Adventure time
Stocking,geek boy(gender bent)- panty and stocking


^(see previous page for same answer to same question)....You didn't do it, huh? Thought so. It's a Palm Pre
<broken Iphone, huh? Bummer...
>will continue to feel the effects of Spring Break lag for the rest of the week
v Do you work out to maintain your figure?, or do you just have a high metabolism?
~Swap Meet staffer: '10, '11, '12, '14


^ I have to eat to maintain my current figure. As if, I want to stay big forever. Pshhh.My work has gotten a little rougher and therefore, I lost another 10 pounds.(^_^)
< Taking it slow this week.
> I am not looking forward to when my skin starts getting itchy and peeling. I hope my boss doesn't send me home if I do. I Am expecting a fat pay this week, I really need to start saving money. :S
V Are there any artists you are hoping to see in the artist alley this year?

In my left brain, there's nothing right & in my right brain, there's nothing left.


^ Looking forward to JessicaG's table
< needs teh monies
> turns out I couldn't leave the fanime boards... the person I was rooming with just messaged me about possibly not being able to go... or cancelling.  worst part is that leaves me and two others out to dry...
V Every had a room crisis for a convention?
Know much about purgatory? It's the world we live in now, and Halloween is the day a damned soul in purgatory can be released into heaven, if he prays hard enough. Say your prayers. - Vincent Volaju