Be the first to post in this hour ... the game!!

Started by Shinigami_Lover, September 23, 2009, 10:40:33 AM

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Tyler R. - Fanime Staff
2009 & 2010 Rovers - Suits
2011 Rovers - Graveyard Base
2012 Rovers - Second & Head of Suits
2013 Con Ops - Assistant Trouble Shooter

michiko nakano

michiko nakano


Tyler R. - Fanime Staff
2009 & 2010 Rovers - Suits
2011 Rovers - Graveyard Base
2012 Rovers - Second & Head of Suits
2013 Con Ops - Assistant Trouble Shooter

michiko nakano

michiko nakano


Tyler R. - Fanime Staff
2009 & 2010 Rovers - Suits
2011 Rovers - Graveyard Base
2012 Rovers - Second & Head of Suits
2013 Con Ops - Assistant Trouble Shooter


- Shall I leave my mark whether it's good or bad?
- As long as people remember me famous or infamous,
- I  will remain and roam in this world Alive or Dead.

michiko nakano

hacks? how do you cheat with this? I'm not cheating. I'm just ninja.


michiko nakano

that doesn't count.  you posted at 6:54 so that's still during six oclock.  sorry babe!  seven oclock is mine!

michiko nakano

so is eight oclock!  *does something annoyingly cute*


I knew I shouldn't have let my guard down. But I do prefer you getting it the Liquid.  ;D
- Shall I leave my mark whether it's good or bad?
- As long as people remember me famous or infamous,
- I  will remain and roam in this world Alive or Dead.

michiko nakano

michiko nakano


Brevity is the soul of Wit.
Confusion is the soul of Runewitt.


Quote from: michiko nakano on October 09, 2009, 08:57:17 PM
why?  :3

Our points are close to each other. Need to widen the gap lol. But my goal is to reach my favorite number. (it's a secret)
- Shall I leave my mark whether it's good or bad?
- As long as people remember me famous or infamous,
- I  will remain and roam in this world Alive or Dead.

michiko nakano

michiko nakano


Brevity is the soul of Wit.
Confusion is the soul of Runewitt.