How many people attend Fanimecon that are age 30 or over?

Started by CorellianJones, October 01, 2009, 08:12:25 PM

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If you can give a rough estimate? I ask because I attended Anizona 09 and found that the crowd was predominately 15 or younger. I'm 44 years of age and back in the 90's I was part of a fan parody dub group. We did quite a few parodies based on things like Dirty Pair, Ranma, Gatchaman, and Iczer. You know, ancient stuff that's too old to really be remembered. Anyway, the few people at the con that were my age loved the parodies we showed in our room, but the kids? The older teenagers were off dancing with each other every night of the convention, and so, never knew we existed. Party rooms did not happen on any floor, that is, if you count the consuite and general staff suites.

So I'm wondering if there are that many people that are 30 and over going to Fanimecon? Would they even remember a group like us? Or are fan parody dubs a thing of the past to be replaced by the numerous Abridged Series on Youtube?


Quote from: CorellianJones on October 01, 2009, 08:12:25 PM
If you can give a rough estimate? I ask because I attended Anizona 09 and found that the crowd was predominately 15 or younger. I'm 44 years of age and back in the 90's I was part of a fan parody dub group. We did quite a few parodies based on things like Dirty Pair, Ranma, Gatchaman, and Iczer. You know, ancient stuff that's too old to really be remembered. Anyway, the few people at the con that were my age loved the parodies we showed in our room, but the kids? The older teenagers were off dancing with each other every night of the convention, and so, never knew we existed. Party rooms did not happen on any floor, that is, if you count the consuite and general staff suites.

So I'm wondering if there are that many people that are 30 and over going to Fanimecon? Would they even remember a group like us? Or are fan parody dubs a thing of the past to be replaced by the numerous Abridged Series on Youtube?

I never found fan parody dubs funny to be honest (26 yrs old been watching anime since like 86). There are a lot of people at fanime  that are 30+ but the majority are teens -> early 20s. It's like that at virtually every con since back in the 80's and 90's anime was really niche(technically it still is, but is much closer to the mainstream). So just by practicality the new crowd is going to overwhelm the older crowd.

There is a panel at fanime iirc for the older anime fans "Anime Fans Over 30" and it gets decent numbers. It's just another thing though. If you want to come and do it, I'm sure you'll get attendees showing up, maybe even a few new/younger ones that'll be interested. Isn't that the point though? It's not so much the actual numbers, but sharing our fandom, new and old. A lot of kids don't appreciate the roots and are spoiled with things like the internet and youtube, but that's just how time is wwwwwww. If you want to share a part of your experiences, please do so, I'm sure a few people will appreciate it.


Quote from: PyronIkari on October 01, 2009, 11:42:29 PM
I never found fan parody dubs funny to be honest (26 yrs old been watching anime since like 86). There are a lot of people at fanime  that are 30+ but the majority are teens -> early 20s. It's like that at virtually every con since back in the 80's and 90's anime was really niche(technically it still is, but is much closer to the mainstream). So just by practicality the new crowd is going to overwhelm the older crowd.

The averages you are claiming is what I was expecting to see over at Anizona, but there honestly were very few older people attending. The convention itself was being run and operated by a Science fiction convention group that seemed like they were only doing this anime thing because of their children. Believe me when I say I used to attend a fair amount of conventions several years back and am well aware of the turnaround factor when it comes to new faces. That convention was beyond anything I've ever experienced at a convention. An example was a panel in which the speaker had her mother chaperoning her during the convention and watching her at the panel. The speaker claimed she was in college, but looked more like high school.  Her big comment was she felt the golden age of anime started back when Toonami first started playing anime on Cartoon Network, and she remembered fondly how much she enjoyed growing up watching Sailor Moon. I could give other examples, but I'd rather not dwell.

I don't mind you being honest about not liking fan parodies, heck I don't mind if you do not like anything specifically done by Sherbert Productions. If there is a reasonable mix of people attending Fanimecon, then hopefully Sherbert will find a nitch, even it it is a small one. You say you're 26 years old and have watched anime since 86? I'm not that great at math, but wouldn't that make you about 3 years when you started watching anime in 86? That's pretty impressive if you can remember stuff that young.

Quote from: PyronIkari on October 01, 2009, 11:42:29 PM
There is a panel at fanime iirc for the older anime fans "Anime Fans Over 30" and it gets decent numbers. It's just another thing though. If you want to come and do it, I'm sure you'll get attendees showing up, maybe even a few new/younger ones that'll be interested. Isn't that the point though? It's not so much the actual numbers, but sharing our fandom, new and old. A lot of kids don't appreciate the roots and are spoiled with things like the internet and youtube, but that's just how time is wwwwwww. If you want to share a part of your experiences, please do so, I'm sure a few people will appreciate it.

I'll check out the panel to be sure. As to new/younger people? Well I never mind having new blood, but they have to be willing to give our videos a try. We will make our presence known, we always do. By the time Fanimecon 2010 is here our parody I'd liked to call my personal nightmare will be ready to be shown infront of people. Here is the link to the teaser if you'd like, and please let me know what you think, even if you cannot stand it.


Yup, I was 3. Wath=ching Robotech and Anpanman at my friend's/cousin's houses. But yeah. The Anizona is some tiny no-name convention and it probably only attracts local kids and what not. Fanime is one of the biggest cons in the US, and 2nd biggest WC con iirc(I think it's bigger than Sakura con... I may be wrong on that though)... so just based on numbers, there's got to be a good amount of older fans there.

As for the golden age... hahaa, funny thing is... I agree with that girl. It was when Aanime became open to the US. It was no longer some secret hidden thing, and it started to be accepted more. Back then, those just getting into anime learned from those who hwave been watching for a while, and it shared a community. Today the community is a cesspool of idiots. Kids think they know all about anime because they have the internet and watch adult swim. Older people are elitist and think their past of anime makes them better than new kids. They refuse to watch new anime and claim things about how "THEIR ANIME" is way better than anything today.

But whatever.  I watched back then, I watch now, I hate the elitists from the past, and I hate the "know-it-all" new kids that don't know a thing.


Quote from: PyronIkari on October 02, 2009, 05:44:14 PM
Yup, I was 3. Wath=ching Robotech and Anpanman at my friend's/cousin's houses. But yeah. The Anizona is some tiny no-name convention and it probably only attracts local kids and what not. Fanime is one of the biggest cons in the US, and 2nd biggest WC con iirc(I think it's bigger than Sakura con... I may be wrong on that though)... so just based on numbers, there's got to be a good amount of older fans there.

I think we last did Fanimecon in 2001 and had a really good time. That was the last time Sherbert made any sort of convention. Up until Anizona I hadn't been to see any convention period. I just wanted to confirm that anime conventions hadn't changed that drastically in the past eight years. Aside from Fanimecon, I'd say my favorite convention to go to would be Project A-Kon. Never been to Sakura, but I have heard of it.

Quote from: PyronIkari on October 02, 2009, 05:44:14 PM
As for the golden age... hahaa, funny thing is... I agree with that girl. It was when Aanime became open to the US. It was no longer some secret hidden thing, and it started to be accepted more. Back then, those just getting into anime learned from those who hwave been watching for a while, and it shared a community. Today the community is a cesspool of idiots. Kids think they know all about anime because they have the internet and watch adult swim. Older people are elitist and think their past of anime makes them better than new kids. They refuse to watch new anime and claim things about how "THEIR ANIME" is way better than anything today.

I don't fault you or the girl for thinking that was a golden age. Consider though, every generation that has come before has thought they went through it's own golden age. The mother of the girl noticed a couple of us old timers and asked us point blank what was our favorite anime, and my friend spoke about this. My golden age was Speed Racer, Gigantor, Kimba the White Lion, and Space Cruiser Yamato. Later on I fell for Project Ako, Akira, Bubblegum Crisis, and Ranma. Still later I find myself admiring Avatar and Soul Eater. Each of these represents a certain period in anime history. Each I would consider to be it's own golden age so to speak.

I think whether you are older or younger, you should try to have an open mind and take the opportunity to see other viewpoints. Those that think only their viewpoints matter have a rather narrow mind regardless of age.

Quote from: PyronIkari on October 02, 2009, 05:44:14 PM
But whatever.  I watched back then, I watch now, I hate the elitists from the past, and I hate the "know-it-all" new kids that don't know a thing.

Fair enough, I have a thing against purists myself. I don't want to go to conventions to buy four hundred dollars in merchandise, but I say to others go for it if that's your way to spend your vacation. I will rarely go to a panel because after going so many times there really isn't anything new for me, but for the new faces it is their first time, and therefore, it plays a key role at any convention.

I go to conventions to have fun, and for me, that is sharing what I worked on with people who are seeing my work, my participation in something that other people had a hand in, and watching their reaction to it. I enjoy the art show, the masquerade, and AMV contest (especially if I'm entered). I try to find ways that will make my experience worthwhile and memorable.

I'm glad we had this little chat, and I am feeling a bit better about the upcoming convention. I didn't have a horrible time at Anizona BTW, it's just like I felt like I was suddenly placed inside a Twilight Zone episode. 

TC X0 Lt 0X

Quote from: PyronIkari on October 02, 2009, 05:44:14 PM
Yup, I was 3. Wath=ching Robotech and Anpanman at my friend's/cousin's houses. But yeah. The Anizona is some tiny no-name convention and it probably only attracts local kids and what not. Fanime is one of the biggest cons in the US, and 2nd biggest WC con iirc(I think it's bigger than Sakura con... I may be wrong on that though)... so just based on numbers, there's got to be a good amount of older fans there.

As for the golden age... hahaa, funny thing is... I agree with that girl. It was when Aanime became open to the US. It was no longer some secret hidden thing, and it started to be accepted more. Back then, those just getting into anime learned from those who hwave been watching for a while, and it shared a community. Today the community is a cesspool of idiots. Kids think they know all about anime because they have the internet and watch adult swim. Older people are elitist and think their past of anime makes them better than new kids. They refuse to watch new anime and claim things about how "THEIR ANIME" is way better than anything today.

But whatever.  I watched back then, I watch now, I hate the elitists from the past, and I hate the "know-it-all" new kids that don't know a thing.

I can agree with this somewhat. Though we have not necessarily gone through the Golden Age as of yet, it is just that with the History of Anime it has been the only thing that can amount to a Golden Age. I also agree with CorellianJones that every generation thinks it may have gone through their own Golden Age.
And I can agree that a good majority of the community are idiots. Hell, I am almost one myself (though that was not really inherent). Though that can be true for human society as a whole IMO. And maybe it was not that everyone now are idiots, but rather Anime fans where so few in number and as a child you did not notice they were idiots. Until the internet, at least I would think, the Anime community was probably nearly as massive as it is now. I assume it was just small pockets of sub communities at best. So it would actually be difficult to Judge the full community as a whole back then.
Or so I assume. This is all just speculation from an uneducated eye on the matter.

Nice read though.

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Or else you won't get anything..."

Pro-Pocky Movement



I'll be 51 next year.  The anime I watched when I was younger was Speed Racer, Marine Boy, Astro Boy, Prince Planet, Kimba, Raideen, Eight Man, and a live action show Ultra Man plus others that I don't recall the titles of.  For me, these were shows to be enjoyed and fondly remembered.  There is a gentleman who does a panel at some conventions, Gilles Poitras, author of Anime Companion volumes 1 and 2, which introduces older anime series to a younger crowd.  I have to admit I did NOT watch Robotech or Bubblegum Crisis, and was pleased to be introduced to them at Mr. Poitras' panel.  That's what I like about conventions, having the opportunity to find out about other anime, new and old.  I wish I could find episodes of Raideen and would love to attend a panel on finding old treasures.

As for Anizona, consider taking the opportunity to lead a panel on what you used to watch.  I don't know if you'll be able to produce samples or video clips.  Encourage anime-watching friends in your age group to attend.  Or a panel comparing old vs new (styles, artwork, themes, characters, etc).
Life is too important to take seriously.  Seriously.


Quote from: PyronIkari on October 02, 2009, 05:44:14 PM
Yup, I was 3. Wath=ching Robotech and Anpanman at my friend's/cousin's houses. But yeah. The Anizona is some tiny no-name convention and it probably only attracts local kids and what not. Fanime is one of the biggest cons in the US, and 2nd biggest WC con iirc(I think it's bigger than Sakura con... I may be wrong on that though)... so just based on numbers, there's got to be a good amount of older fans there.

As for the golden age... hahaa, funny thing is... I agree with that girl. It was when Aanime became open to the US. It was no longer some secret hidden thing, and it started to be accepted more. Back then, those just getting into anime learned from those who hwave been watching for a while, and it shared a community. Today the community is a cesspool of idiots. Kids think they know all about anime because they have the internet and watch adult swim. Older people are elitist and think their past of anime makes them better than new kids. They refuse to watch new anime and claim things about how "THEIR ANIME" is way better than anything today.

But whatever.  I watched back then, I watch now, I hate the elitists from the past, and I hate the "know-it-all" new kids that don't know a thing.
I think this may be because anime maybe becoming too commerical. I don't know if any if you guys notice but it seems like more people may be watching anime not because they want watch it but because everyone is watchin it. I've notice with students I tutor that you would never think would be into anime are watching and make it seem like they've have been watching it forever when they probably only been watching it for a short time. I just find it ironic that I've been ridculed my whole life for being in this subculture called anime and it's become saturated with people that say thay like it but probably could give a crap about it.
Tsunade! Where are you?!! I promise I don't bite.

Fanime 2010 Costume:
King Dedede