would this be allowed :o *chain related*

Started by crystalsoul, November 02, 2009, 07:56:10 PM

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this year my friends and I are all gonna be cosplaying identical people with different weapons.  so i got to thinking about what i want to have as my weapon of choice. i had 3 weapons in mind:

1: Ninja Sword (short sword, wooden of course)
2: Tonfa/batton (more then likely wooden, but let me know how far i could go with metal on them before its illegal XD)
And lastly
3: kusarigama, this is what im curious about, how far can i go with a chain on this? i planned on attaching the ends together and wrapping myself up sorta with the chain (for look).  now i know that the weight on the end of the chain is illegal in US, so thats why i wanna know if its a NoNo to simply have one long chain and me wrapped up in it XD

this is a kusarigama is you dont know it of the top of your head

it would be wooden of course ::)

TC X0 Lt 0X

Well I am quite certain that you could use a piece of rope, or maybe a plastic chain, but I doubt they will allow any metal chains.

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Pro-Pocky Movement



awwww lame :<

but when i say chain, i should mention that it would be a thin chain, not like bulky ones you see wraped around gates. if you ever had a door which had a lock at the top with a chain, thats the size im talking about

maybe this would make all the difference.


He'res a link to the 2009 weapon policy, it doesnt change much from year to year. should give you a good idea of do and dont for 2010.

crap, didnt i post the link?
Brevity is the soul of Wit.
Confusion is the soul of Runewitt.


I go to the Nor Cal Renaisance Faire here in California. I BELIEVE Fanime is somewhat the same, as long as it can be peace tied. Peace tying ) that is assuring the weapon can not be drawn by tying a strong knot on the weapon making it impossible to get it out.

If reading the weapons policy does not help, then shoot an email to someone on the Fanime website, they are really nice and answer in a really timely manner ^_^


well assuming that everything relating to a weapon will be wooden, does it have to be tied to me?

me and my friends we planning on doing poses during the con and without being able to physically hold our weapons, then all of our ideas are put to waste XD

im just confused about alot of thing reguarding the weapon policy and being able to "Hold" your weapon >.<  some people arent allowed to hold their weapons yet some people walk around with those big ass swords XD

._. arg, i hope that my friends and I can carry our items and just have the peacebond zip-ties on the weapon and not attached to us  :(


Quote from: crystalsoul on November 07, 2009, 11:28:41 AM
well assuming that everything relating to a weapon will be wooden, does it have to be tied to me?

me and my friends we planning on doing poses during the con and without being able to physically hold our weapons, then all of our ideas are put to waste XD

im just confused about alot of thing reguarding the weapon policy and being able to "Hold" your weapon >.<  some people arent allowed to hold their weapons yet some people walk around with those big ass swords XD

._. arg, i hope that my friends and I can carry our items and just have the peacebond zip-ties on the weapon and not attached to us  :(

I think the best thing to do, crystalsoul, would be to basically stalk the official Fanime site... the one where you register, and all that, and keep an eye out for the weapons policy, but Runewitt posted the Weapons policy from LAST year; They do not seem as if they have changed. If your question is NOT answered when the 2010 Weapons Policy comes out, look for an email address, like I said they will reply in quite a timely manner.

However, they may not have a problem with the wood weapons; but then again for your safety, and the safety of others they may require it to be peace tied.


Kuromi, I had to post last years policy because if there are any changes, they dont get announced until much closer to fanime.
Brevity is the soul of Wit.
Confusion is the soul of Runewitt.


Quote from: Runewitt on November 08, 2009, 12:12:51 AM
Kuromi, I had to post last years policy because if there are any changes, they dont get announced until much closer to fanime.

Oh yeah no, I totally understand. And as you said earlier Renewitt, that you doubt that they have changed, I'm positive they have not. Maybe the wording has a little, but NOT the overall rules.

TC X0 Lt 0X

Copy/Paste-ed from the Fanime 2009 Weapons Policy

Quote from: Steve.Young on May 10, 2009, 11:23:20 PM
Permitted Weapons:
All permitted weapons shall be subject to approval by SoS staff.
Prop/Toys Guns
Prop guns that are easily identifiable as toys, provided the prop gun possess no moving parts and is clearly marked with a non-removable orange tip or colored in a bright safety color shall be permitted.
Prop Flail Weapons
Prop flail weapons made of foam and/or paper shall be permitted so long as they are ornamental and in no way used as offensive or defensive weapons.

Staves, Staffs, Wooden Swords
Staves, bo sticks, boken, shinai, and wooden swords shall be considered prop weapons and shall be permitted so long as they are ornamental and in no way used as weapons.

I believe the chain makes it qualify as a flail weapon correct?

"Never beg. You earn. By Winning.
Or else you won't get anything..."

Pro-Pocky Movement



Quote from: TC_X0_Lt_0X on November 08, 2009, 08:14:10 PM
Copy/Paste-ed from the Fanime 2009 Weapons Policy

Quote from: Steve.Young on May 10, 2009, 11:23:20 PM
Permitted Weapons:
All permitted weapons shall be subject to approval by SoS staff.
Prop/Toys Guns
Prop guns that are easily identifiable as toys, provided the prop gun possess no moving parts and is clearly marked with a non-removable orange tip or colored in a bright safety color shall be permitted.
Prop Flail Weapons
Prop flail weapons made of foam and/or paper shall be permitted so long as they are ornamental and in no way used as offensive or defensive weapons.

Staves, Staffs, Wooden Swords
Staves, bo sticks, boken, shinai, and wooden swords shall be considered prop weapons and shall be permitted so long as they are ornamental and in no way used as weapons.

I believe the chain makes it qualify as a flail weapon correct?

Ah yes it does.

What do you do in that case I am wondering.


Quote from: Kuromi_Kat on November 08, 2009, 08:35:45 PM
Quote from: TC_X0_Lt_0X on November 08, 2009, 08:14:10 PM
I believe the chain makes it qualify as a flail weapon correct?
Ah yes it does.

What do you do in that case I am wondering.

Allow me to prepend my comments by stating that while I am a Fanime staffer, I am not a member of the SoS department, and my opinions are just that and are in no way binding on the part of the convention.

The sword and the baton would likely be allowed so long as they are tagged as props and are not brandished in any fashion. The sole exception would possibly be for posing for photo ops. You would want the main body of the baton to be wooden. If there are bits of metal on it that are purely decorative such as on the grip, but not on the butt of the baton, that would probably be ok. To be absolutely on the safe side though, I'd go with 100% wood.

The kusarigama is a bit of a grey area. You'd likely want the main body of the weapon to be wood, but even then the scythe like shape of the handle and "blade" might still be a problem. If you can make the blade out of stiff foam or paper with a wooden handle, that might be more acceptable. A small metal chain might be acceptable, but a plastic chain would be even better. As for the weight on the end, I would make that out of foam and paint it to match. Basically, the more you can do have a prop that looks like a kusarigama but can't be used as an actual kusarigama, the more likely it'll pass muster.
It's also possible that even though it gets the green light, that you will be required to keep it secured/zip tied to your costume at all times.

As I said before, this is all just my take on the weapons policy as of 2009, and the ultimate decision rests with the SoS department. If you're local, I encourage you to attend one of the general pre-convention meetings and ask these questions of the SoS department head. They will be the one who actually writes this years policy.  :)

The next meeting will be on Sunday, November 22nd at 3 P.M. in Salon III of the Marriott Hotel if you are interested.
CK clear.


ok let me reply to some of the comments above.

Tonfa - im pretty sure this would just be all wooden, no metal (even tho now the idea of a metal handel is nice). this is sorta my fall back cosplay weapon since the other one is questionable.

Kusarigama -  This weapon WILL NOT HAVE A WEIGHT. my original idea was to take 2 of these wooden weapons and attach a very long 1/2 inch chain to both ends. from there i would be wraping the chain around my body in some fashion, BUT!! the when i say "wrap" i dont mean like, throw it over my shoulder and call it a day, it would be wrapped around my body as so it would NOT be able to be thrown in any manner.  what im trying to say is there would be very little, if any, slack on this chain. 
Note: the picture i uploaded was just an example of the weapon for those who dont know what it is. it wouldent be that same kind/model XD

As for peacebonding, maybe they could put a zip tie on both my weapons and then ziptie my chain tight to my arms, this way i could hold them? XD   im trying to figure out some way to be able to carry these for Posing, and same time have it be accepable for the Weapon policy >.<   


On another note, ive never tried making my own weapon which is why i was just hoping to get a wooden one.  im not sure how hard it is to use and make a weapon using other materials and still have that "real" look to them...i know it takes experience and skill tho :3


would you be looking for someone to make a the kusarigama for you?
Brevity is the soul of Wit.
Confusion is the soul of Runewitt.


well even tho thats completely off topic ummm...iono

i figured if a wooden Kusarigama is allowed (NO WEIGHT) then i would simply buy one off the inter net since i found a one awhile back which was suited to the theme of what i was looking for


From looking at a couple pictures, making something like that really wouldn't be too hard and you could even have something to look like a "weight" on the end if you made it. Bit of PVC pipe or a wooden pole for the handle, and the scythe blade out of a layer or two of foamboard wrapped up in masking tape and gesso, then sanded and painted.

*tempted but does not need anymore useless prop weapons lying around the house...but oh so tempted...*


Try posting on this thread.  Jerry is a Rover and can help with the details.

Sometimes I'm glad I became a teacher.  Other times I wish I had simply become a ninja.


ok i messaged the rovers via email about all my questions.

i think i can get a more clear answer that way ^^