17418; ?> WTS: MTG T1 Mono black Reanimator deck + 4 Force of Will (SIGNED!)

WTS: MTG T1 Mono black Reanimator deck + 4 Force of Will (SIGNED!)

Started by Mizuki, November 11, 2009, 08:05:00 PM

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It was built around 2005, newest card in there is from Legions or something, it's been too long for me to remember the order. I will not supply the lands because they're unhinged/unglued.

I'd rather sell it altogether instead of them separate. THEY ARE ALL IN MINT CONDITION!

1 zombie infestation
2 last rites
1 victimize
4 exhume
1 blinding angel
4 entomb
2 avatar of woe
1 mindslicer
2 quicksilver amulet
4 buried alive
1 scion of darkness
1 akroma angel of wrath
4 lacquatas champion
1 symbiotic wurm
1 verdant force
4 dark ritual
1 reya dawnbringer
1 phantom nishoba
1 recurring nightmare

I'm asking for 150. I am willing to negotiate prices. No I don't want to trade cards because I haven't played MtG for quite some time and I only play at Fanime for a bit on breaks. I will lower the price if you can give me coupons or discount on a flight to Philly or NYC!!! I'd rather do pickup, just to ensure that the cards do not get damaged via shipping, but if you insist on shipping, PM me.

I Also have 4 signed Force of Wills, mint condition, and signed by the artist. I'm asking 120 for the play set.

p.s. They are in expensive japanese card sleeves that cost me 20 dollars a pack, and are still in REALLY nice condition, I will even throw in a Deck Protector box.