Juuni Kokki/Twelve Kingdoms 2013

Started by Charis, November 13, 2009, 08:16:26 AM

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Awwe, that is too bad!! TT_TT


A Suzu?!
ooh fun! I hope you can make it???
Someone Sairin actually meets with in the series (as we've seen so far)! That would be a first for me.
I dream someday I could meet up with a Queen of Sai/Saiou....


Oooh, I do hope you can arrange to be at the gather on Monday, Seven! <3 We'll have to conspire at some point about getting Youko and Rakushun together at some East Coast cons -- I'mma be at Otakon and AnimeUSA, so maybe then, eh?

(also QUIETLY SQUEEING over Emeraldas XD)
Fanime 2013 cosplay plans:
Tochiro Oyama (Captain Harlock)
Pinako Rockbell (Fullmetal Alchemist)


I hope I make it too!!

There is supposed to be a Saiou at Zenkaikon. I was working on Youko for that con, but when I saw her post that she might bring her Saiou, I threw Youko to the side and started on my Suzu. Lol. I just haven't heard back from her yet. TT_TT  If she does go, I'll be sure to get pictures of us together and post one here. :)

I really hope that I can make Monday too! (yay!)

I'm sure we can work something out at Otakon or AUSA. (Uuuh, just imagining you in Rakushun at Otakon makes me melt...) I'm even up for doing a non-con shoot in the woods or something. Anything that looks like we're traveling through wilderness. I wonder if I can get people to help me build an almost to scale Yaboku (plant/youma tree). Lol, we could transport that into the forest and have an awesome shoot then!! Just don't eat the 'fruit'. ;p

Edit: I just learned that the Saiou cosplayer is local to PA!  I'm excited that there are at least three JK cosplayers in PA (nearish Philly?).


Updating and bumping! ^_^ Angie won't be able to make it after all, but Sage will be returning with Taiki -- yay! She's working on a new outfit for him. And Kol is working on a General!Youko and hopes to have her done in time too!

@seven: Yup, Philly area, about an hour north. And that makes four in the area -- Angie, my housemate, is working on a Youka/nyosen and may have her ready for Otakon. ^_^
Fanime 2013 cosplay plans:
Tochiro Oyama (Captain Harlock)
Pinako Rockbell (Fullmetal Alchemist)


Wow, that's awesome!! I love how diverse the JK cosplays are; it seems like everyone has different character interests. If I were *much* younger, I'd be cosplaying, Shushou, the Queen of Kyou. Ever since I started reading her story, I fell in love with her character. Sadly, while I may pass off as an 18 year old (*cough*), there is no way I'd pass as any age younger.

AND Zenkaikon was this weekend! I met Saiou and we played a game in the table top gaming room. I also have two pics of us together. If there is a problem posting links to pics in this forum, I'll take them down immediately. :)

Pic 1
Pic 2 Lol, I thought we had finished taking pics already. I was like, "uuhhh".


Oh that is awesome! Thank you for sharing those.

And from what I'm reading here, we're going to have fun with our gathering at Fanime, too!


I am Sage and I will be returning with Taiki!   If I have the time I will do his costume from the cover of the American copy of Sea of Wind, and hopefully a little stuffed dog to be my loyal shirei <3 

CAN'T WAIT <3  The meet was awesome last year and I look forward to it again!


Quote from: impersona on March 30, 2011, 01:22:26 PM
I am Sage and I will be returning with Taiki!   If I have the time I will do his costume from the cover of the American copy of Sea of Wind, and hopefully a little stuffed dog to be my loyal shirei <3 

CAN'T WAIT <3  The meet was awesome last year and I look forward to it again!

*squishes you* I'm so glad you're coming back! And so glad that I get to see my Taiki again :D

I've still got to fix up Tai-ou from last year, but I'm still planning on bringing him <3

Next Costumes: Goujun (Saiyuki), Sanzo (Saiyuki), King of Tai (Twelve Kingdoms), Mihai (DOGS), Sailor Pluto (Sailor Moon)?, Rapunzel (Tangled)?


LOL, bad news! Though I did find a friend to crash with, it seems that we'll have to drive back to LA on Monday morning. TT_TT  And I thought I found a way to make the meet, but either way, I'm still missing out.


Hi, I fail at thread. <_<  I think I've been in the corner with the penguin again ...

Seven: awww -- sad to hear it won't work out for you to join us, but hope to see you at another point around con! <3

D: YOU WILL FIX UP GYOUSOU, DARN IT. XD You will do it if I have to be on the phone nagging you from now until Fanime. The penguin demands it!

Shokora: le sad to hear Kyou-ou's held hostage in boxes, but we'd love to have you there for the company anyway -- in whatever you wind up wearing. <3

Saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaage! *glomp*

In other news: I have confirmation that Adrienne (and presumably Ken) are coming back this year, and while they haven't explicitly confirmed that they're bringing their JK costumes, I'm pretty sure they will -- considering Adrienne's two Youko outfits are a good chunk of her cosplay wardrobe. XD

... and I'll be putting in that official gathering notice now.
2012 Plans:
  • Gypsy Queen / Kaya Syokka (Trinity Blood)
  • Risai (Juuni Kokki/Twelve Kingdoms)
  • Shusui (Saiunkoku Monogatari)
  • others TBD


EEEE I AM EXCITE  :D :D :D *scurries off to finish repairs and mods to the rat* <3
Fanime 2013 cosplay plans:
Tochiro Oyama (Captain Harlock)
Pinako Rockbell (Fullmetal Alchemist)


That is sad news Seven.... :(
But good news about Adrienne and hopefully Ken!! :D


Quote from: seven on March 23, 2011, 09:54:16 AM
Wow, that's awesome!! I love how diverse the JK cosplays are; it seems like everyone has different character interests. If I were *much* younger, I'd be cosplaying, Shushou, the Queen of Kyou. Ever since I started reading her story, I fell in love with her character. Sadly, while I may pass off as an 18 year old (*cough*), there is no way I'd pass as any age younger.

AND Zenkaikon was this weekend! I met Saiou and we played a game in the table top gaming room. I also have two pics of us together. If there is a problem posting links to pics in this forum, I'll take them down immediately. :)

Pic 1
Pic 2 Lol, I thought we had finished taking pics already. I was like, "uuhhh".

You could cosplay Shushou easily.......I do, and I don't look any younger than 19 ;-)  It's all in the attitude!


Seven, so sad you can't make it, but I also 2nd  what Shokora said. You could definitely cosplay Shushou if you wanted inspite of any age difference ;)

YAY for more people! And for others confirming that they are coming back! It's getting sooooo close can't wait!! But as always I'm running out of time...must finish my bracelet(s)...must not electrocute myself in the process o_O


Ack, sorry I've been away from the board!

@Charis - I plan on wearing Youko for Friday or Sunday to get pics with tatterpixie's Rakushun. <3 I've never been to Fanime, but will figure out a good photo area.

@Shokora - Lol, but I'm so old!! I mean...old. HA HA HA. I do love her character, so maybe I'll just do it anyway. :D

@capeswirlinggirl - I think I just may. :P I'll just have to have really great make up!

I'm going to bring my Suzu's bare essentials just in case something changes. Or, I might just wear Suzu for another day.


Quote from: seven on May 22, 2011, 11:56:52 AM
@Charis - I plan on wearing Youko for Friday or Sunday to get pics with tatterpixie's Rakushun. <3 I've never been to Fanime, but will figure out a good photo area.

I'm thinking Sunday is going to be the best day for us to get together for pics, Seven -- so far I don't have anything booked til later at night. ^_^ And either of the side courtyards have lots of trees and would work really well!
Fanime 2013 cosplay plans:
Tochiro Oyama (Captain Harlock)
Pinako Rockbell (Fullmetal Alchemist)


Quote from: tatterpixie on May 22, 2011, 12:01:25 PM
Quote from: seven on May 22, 2011, 11:56:52 AM
@Charis - I plan on wearing Youko for Friday or Sunday to get pics with tatterpixie's Rakushun. <3 I've never been to Fanime, but will figure out a good photo area.

I'm thinking Sunday is going to be the best day for us to get together for pics, Seven -- so far I don't have anything booked til later at night. ^_^ And either of the side courtyards have lots of trees and would work really well!

Ok, Sunday can work for me; I have a meet at 12:30pm. What time range do you have available on Sunday afternoon?


So far I'm wide-open as far as time goes. ^_^ Whatever will work best for you!
Fanime 2013 cosplay plans:
Tochiro Oyama (Captain Harlock)
Pinako Rockbell (Fullmetal Alchemist)


Ah, ok. is 4pm too late on Sunday? If it is I can pull out early and meet at 3pm. :)  (So excited!!) Will send you a PM with my phome number.