Juuni Kokki/Twelve Kingdoms 2013

Started by Charis, November 13, 2009, 08:16:26 AM

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Annnnnd, now that the secret project is not a secret anymore....
I surprised a certain king of En at GenCon with an unexpected kirin--I made an Enki cosplay.
So...for Fanime, I can wear Enki. Or I can wear Sairin.


Aaaaand Tenkage yet again! Once again, if I can make the con, I will attend! I'll either be working on a revamp of Yokuhi, or a special surprise JK cosplay- and I'm leaning towards the suprise one, right now! Especially since it's a lot less bulky than Yokuhi...


A surprise cosplay, Tenkage? That could be fun!
At this point I'm thinking I will wear Enki to the gathering. I've worn Sairin so many times--so this time I'll go as the so-called by a certain someone "punk horse" instead.


Kimu-chaaaaan! Why'd you have to decide on Enki! You make me wanna bring Yokuhi, even more, now!  :'( I plan on re-vamping her for this NDK, though. She's just not "Packagable" enough for a plane trip.


That's okay! Save Yokuhi for an easier trip. Not sure about my going to NDK in 2012 at this point-but we'll see.
So for Fanime, it'll be fun to see whatever you got cooked up for your secret TK cosplay!

As for "why" Enki...well, we haven't had an Enki at the gathering. ;)
(That's one reason, anyway!)


Tenkage! <33333 So glad you're trying to make Fanime -- I miss you~

Should I put you down as a tentative, or wait until you're more certain of your plans?
2012 Plans:
  • Gypsy Queen / Kaya Syokka (Trinity Blood)
  • Risai (Juuni Kokki/Twelve Kingdoms)
  • Shusui (Saiunkoku Monogatari)
  • others TBD


Yay, Charis! I miss you too! I always heard great things about Fanime from Kimu, so I decided I should try it! As far as I'm concerned, you can put me down! I plan on cancelling my ACEN reservations this week, and start planning to book for Fanime ASAP. But I WON'T give away my secret JK cosplay! If someone guesses it, I won't mind spilling the beans, but for now, you'll have to suffer in agony of wondering, whilst I swim in multiple yards of brocade silk!!

(BTW, if anyone needs/wants to split a room, I'm up for it- I'm very prompt about payment/reservation,  :P)


Oh! I didn't know there was already a gathering started. :) So I am planning on one of the artbook versions of Yoko and I plan on having it finished by Fanime so I can attend.


Quote from: seifer-sama on January 04, 2012, 08:21:53 AM
Oh! I didn't know there was already a gathering started. :) So I am planning on one of the artbook versions of Yoko and I plan on having it finished by Fanime so I can attend.

Yay for another Youko! ^___^ I love how our little gathering keep growing every year. Welcome welcome!
Fanime 2013 cosplay plans:
Tochiro Oyama (Captain Harlock)
Pinako Rockbell (Fullmetal Alchemist)


Quote from: seifer-sama on January 04, 2012, 08:21:53 AM
Oh! I didn't know there was already a gathering started. :) So I am planning on one of the artbook versions of Yoko and I plan on having it finished by Fanime so I can attend.

Hallo!!!  I never got around to mirroring this thread over on the Cos.com Fanime forum ... so we're just over here.  XD  Sorry if that spawned any confusion!  (And sorry for the late reply; just got back from a vacation.)
But welcome to this side as well! I'll add you to the list and hope everything goes smoothly for you getting stuff done; can't wait to see your Youko~ <3

So a general question, as gatherings start sorting out times: does Monday still work for people?  The past couple years it's been sometime earlyish in the Monday afternoon, and I'd like to stick to that because it generally means we don't have to worry about other gathering conflicts, but if people want to change that's certainly open to discussion.
And if not -- what time Monday?  1:30?  Later?  (I'd hazard not earlier, just to avoid checkout-time conflicts.)
2012 Plans:
  • Gypsy Queen / Kaya Syokka (Trinity Blood)
  • Risai (Juuni Kokki/Twelve Kingdoms)
  • Shusui (Saiunkoku Monogatari)
  • others TBD


Monday still works well for me! As does early-ish in the afternoon. I will prolly do my usual thing and stay an extra night at the hotel just to avoid changing in and out of the Rat in the loo, so I am totally flexible -- whatever is most convenient for everyone else! XD
Fanime 2013 cosplay plans:
Tochiro Oyama (Captain Harlock)
Pinako Rockbell (Fullmetal Alchemist)


Monday is fine for me!
And early afternoon seems a lovely way to end the con.


I am at your whim, being that this is my first Fanime.


Whatever day my Kirin drags me to .... well where ever works for me ;)
I'll make a special note however just for you Risai-san <3


If I can come, I'll bring Kyou-ou ;-) 


If you can come, Shokora, your character and mind reeeeeeeeally won't get along.  ;)


Quote from: Tenkage on January 18, 2012, 12:02:24 PM
If you can come, Shokora, your character and mind reeeeeeeeally won't get along.  ;)

*Bratty little girl laugh*  Sweeeeeeeet......  ;D


Quote from: inoli on January 18, 2012, 12:56:23 AM
Whatever day my Kirin drags me to .... well where ever works for me ;)
I'll make a special note however just for you Risai-san <3

Good thing this is not expected to be until the afternoon. Otherwise I'm sure you'd oversleep it.....

*looks at Tenkage and Shokora*
And yeah for unknown character interactions already starting on the thread? LOL


*sigh* well a little fall back on my plans. Since Fey's machine died on me it seams it'll be a little more time then I was hoping for to do the first bout of embroidery. I am still working on the sword....ish. Until the hurricane gale winds stop I wont be able to do any wood working.

ah but regardless, armed with a  sword or a sake Bottle, I shall be there.


Sage wants to let you know she'll be back with Taiki! ^___^ She's working on a second outfit this year -- the book cover from I think the third US volume, aka Pyjama!Party Taiki -- and plans to bring both that outfit and Regular Taiki. HER CUNNING PLAN is to make a new under-kimono so she can just slip out of one outfit and into the other during the shoot. ^___^


Fanime 2013 cosplay plans:
Tochiro Oyama (Captain Harlock)
Pinako Rockbell (Fullmetal Alchemist)