Creator of Evangelion Hideaki Anno:a Genius, Crazy, or both?

Started by aceplayerz, January 10, 2004, 06:44:22 PM

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Now everyone knows Hideaki Anno, formally known as the creator of the popular anime series Neon Genesis Evangelion. Now here's a good question, do you think Hideaki Anno is an absolute Genius with a creative mind and imagination or a Psychotic madman with insane ideas about Armageddon and the destruction of Mankind? Or do u believe he's both?


Genius or what not, what's good is good, why question the man's state of mind. Let's hope that everything he continues to make is as good as Neo Genesis.


I think he's brilliant and - like many a brilliant person - also troubled at times. I think that's where Evangelion comes from; it surfaced from his fight with and triumph over depression.

So my answer is d) all of the above!
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Evangelion is one of my fav animes, so i think he's a genius. and to do something that great, it probably helps to be crazy.^^;

"Frah muja lycd sa uid, ed fyc lniamdo fru duug bedo uh sa..."


I identify a lot with Hideaki Anno, simply through his work.

Seems many of the great creative geniuses are usually the ones who are touched in the head one way or another. And I'm glad to be among that. My name may not be known least not widely known...but perhaps in the first post of a thread of a convention message board, some guy may say some of the same things about me when my stuff about dashing motorcoach operators, hard-boiled transit cops, ruthless French-Canadian terrorists, anime cosplay girls who speak with a San Fernando Valley dialect, and the glorious wonders of karaoke, disco-dancing, and the pimp lifestyle come to life.

Hideaki Anno. The man's a nutbar. The man's a genius. The man's my hero. ^_^