Rules on Booth babes/ Cosplayers?

Started by Jerry, December 22, 2009, 08:34:00 AM

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I love threads that get resurrected a year later.
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This is just my own opinion but while I do agree that some cosplays are in a gray area for being in public and I hate when people alter them to show ever more skin just because they want to, I also sometimes feel that fans of certain characters/anime still sexualize (is that a real word?) characters that are NOT wearing revealing costumes. So I guess it really does mostly boil down to personal taste and what you feel is appropriate for that character.


I'm an old fart, who has been around conventions for four decades and I'll tell you what was told to me all those years ago...

Spanx is a priviliage, not a right!

If you are willing to wear it in public and the local codes don't make it illegal, than it's a personal problem that you have and why would you punish the rest of us.  Booth babes are just a fact of life, just like people who don't get Anime.

Look up this guy's rules for costuming, they still apply to CosPlaying too...

Rostsler's Rules

Craige Howlett
Finance Director


info staffer. In most cases it seems ok as long as it stays in place we don't need any code pinks (staff term). Case in point a few years back we had some porn stars (why they were here i'm still not sure). One was dressed in some latex dominatrix wile the other was wearing short shorts and suspenders (Only). To make the story short she tripped and as some one was helping her up her suspenders came off and we had full exposure :D. 


Haha. Old thread, but interesting/engaging topic.
Disclaimer: My opinion, if you don't like part of it, criticism and critique... not just criticism! (:
Honestly, I think that cosplayers/booth babes have gotten slightly out of hand. In regards to decency and what is or is not respectable to show off, it honestly comes down to the original art work. I commend someone for pulling off an amazing cosplay, down to the very last detail, but sometimes things just aren't meant to be presented in a convention. There's a fine line between appropriate and inappropriate when it comes to real life versus the internet/media. There should also be that same fine line in regards to conventions; artistically, if your character is very revealing, is that the right time and place to wear that costume? Perhaps if you were going to an adult-themed or 18+ convention, it would be appropriate. Just as they have ratings on games you buy or movie theater tickets, there's kind of an unwritten social norm that overexposure is not appropriate. In all honesty, a lot video game characters/anime characters are beautiful, amazing... but not realistic. If you took their proportions and tried to replicate it on a human body, it would not be the average human image. Ie: super long legs, large chest, skinny waist ... humanly impossible unless you opted for plastic surgery. There are people who believe accuracy is key, but even if your cosplay is down to the last detail, you would never correctly get the proportions (unless the given character is actually drawn to reflect an average human).
A good reflection of this idea I guess would probably be the infamous Dove Commercial (
So, getting back on topic. It really comes down to our social norms and what we think is acceptable as a society. And, in current society, even if you were trying to depict a character down the pixel - it would be impossible for you to do it 100%. So, why not have some decency to cover it up/modify it slightly so you don't look like you've pulled a character out of the 18+ anime section?
For example: if the girl on the left got a slightly larger bikini (which covered up more of her cleavage) and the one on the right opted for shorts instead of a bikini bottom... I think it would still look amazing and be considered more 'acceptable' for convention purposes.
We don't need to dress like we're attending church, but we do need to consider who else is looking.

And that's just my take on it - apologies if some of it went off topic. (:


I think in terms of cosplay people should wear what they feel within reason

I do agree there is a fine line between art and exposition and there are times and places where certain clothing styles should be appropriate and what styles shouldn't.

In anime women's styles cover a wide gamut that range from Conservative styles such as Kimono's, Miko outfits, and Japanese School/Street attire. To somewhat revealing clothing such as leotards with skirts so small that they serve more as a wide belt then an actual clothing item. To clothing that is practically non-existent.

Some solutions to this problem are very simple. First consider the audience that is going to be at the convention, for example children and young families will be more abundant at the convention on Saturday and Sunday. And of course there is also people who like to take their cosplay out on the town.  

Times like this would be more appropriate to wear a more conservative costume and save the more revealing costume for the 18 and over events later in the evening. (needless to say bring a long jacket or a small change of clothes if you have to go outside to return to your hotel room.)

Another solution is to get skintight spandex leotards, unitards, or body suits in a fleshtone color. This will allow people to be as free with their cosplay as they want without offending anyone.
Currently putting togeatherUnited Nation of Otaku: A by fans for fans look at anime/manga from fans and non fans around the world.


I'm pretty open minded with costumes and I've never seen one that offends me.  If they're not violating any city ordinances or cosplaying as Kekko Kamen, it's all good.
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My 2 cents because I'm am very interested in this topic.

Any cosplay or boothbabe outfit should be okay as long as it:
1. Follows the law
2. Follows con rules
3. Actually appears in the game/anime/manga

Whatever your size or gender, if your outfit aligns with these 3, I think it should be allowed!

Regarding OP: ofc, the convention had those "decency" rules and they should have been followed. However, it seems dumb that the girls in the OP weren't allowed to cosplay whatever it was they were promoting. I think those rules are kinda sexist since a lot of female character outfits are revealing anyway.

My underlying opinion is that if the cosplay is in an anime or game and it's an anime or games convention, it should be allowed. What if the congoer just really likes that character? They're at the con to enjoy and express their interests. It's not their responsibility to add more clothing to the character design.

Aside from that: if you are someone who thinks that people need to cover up cause of "morality" or cause they're fat, then you needa mind your own damn business imho. If you don't like it, then don't look.

Quote from: venka21 on November 26, 2012, 10:37:05 PM
I think in terms of cosplay people should wear what they feel within reason
Some solutions to this problem are very simple. First consider the audience that is going to be at the convention, for example children and young families will be more abundant at the convention on Saturday and Sunday. And of course there is also people who like to take their cosplay out on the town. 

Times like this would be more appropriate to wear a more conservative costume and save the more revealing costume for the 18 and over events later in the evening. (needless to say bring a long jacket or a small change of clothes if you have to go outside to return to your hotel room.)

I think these are really smart ideas, though I imagine what counts as 18+ revealing will probably differ between people.


Maybe I can get an answer here...
Im planning on doing a male verison of Masane from Witchblade. Im putting a CRAP LOAD of work into this cosplay, and for a male, it is very revealing. My only question is, Do you think I'll get kicked out on account of it being TOO revealing?

Also, General discussion on how "Revealing" a cosplay can be and still be acceptable.
Original insperation:
male design:


Quote from: cal_pyramidhead on April 11, 2013, 01:05:32 AM
Im planning on doing a male verison of Masane from Witchblade. Im putting a CRAP LOAD of work into this cosplay, and for a male, it is very revealing. My only question is, Do you think I'll get kicked out on account of it being TOO revealing?

Cal, I first want to say I applaud you in dedicating yourself to creating a male cosplay version; this is very exciting stuff!

Secondly, in regards to you feeling if your cosplay will be too revealing, IMO, it's not. Mainly because the majority of people know what the Witchblade costume looks like, this is pretty appropriate (and also very impressive to be wearing).

You can always opt for the t-shirt/jacket/jeans/boots while having the Witchblade glove on, but...kinda lame, right?

I say go for it :)


Quote from: cal_pyramidhead on April 11, 2013, 01:05:32 AM
Maybe I can get an answer here...
Im planning on doing a male verison of Masane from Witchblade. Im putting a CRAP LOAD of work into this cosplay, and for a male, it is very revealing. My only question is, Do you think I'll get kicked out on account of it being TOO revealing?

Also, General discussion on how "Revealing" a cosplay can be and still be acceptable.
Original insperation:
male design:

Send an email to Rovers [at] Fanime [dot] com and they will be able to tell you whether or not the costume is acceptable.


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Staff Moderator - Fanime Forums.

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Quote from: cal_pyramidhead on April 11, 2013, 01:05:32 AM

Im planning on doing a male verison of Masane from Witchblade.

I see many female versions of male characters... but few male versions of female characters.  Can't wait to see this in person!!
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