James Cameron's Avatar

Started by Dragon Ninja, January 01, 2010, 07:13:30 PM

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Dragon Ninja

James Cameron's Avatar is one of the best movies of 2009. I've seen it twice, and I saw it in 3D the 2nd time, and I just loved it. Go see it. It would be so cool to be on Pandora.

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I hear it's very good.  However, I can't even look at the commercials without getting sick to my stomach.  Something about the special effects in that movie messes with my eyes.  I will probably never see it. Darn.
Sometimes I'm glad I became a teacher.  Other times I wish I had simply become a ninja.


I liked it, visually it was awesome but the story could of been better.
A.K.A. "Mr. Zeon Flag" Laughing Man MK. VI: with Power Ranger Gloves, Mustache and Zeon Flag in hand is 100%


Between the fact that it's 3D only and I can't see in 3D and the fact that it's a rather shameless rip of an old sci-fi story, I think I'll be skipping it despite the hype.


The plot is essentially Furngully with Smurf Cats. Visually stunning movie, though. See it in 3d if you can.
Starting work for Fanime 2011


Quote from: Moonblossom on January 01, 2010, 10:51:16 PM
Between the fact that it's 3D only and I can't see in 3D and the fact that it's a rather shameless rip of an old sci-fi story, I think I'll be skipping it despite the hype.

Um, what? It's not only in 3D. I know of 3 versions, the normal theater version, the 3D Theater version, and the IMAX 3D version. And in all fairness, a lot of the "great movies" are inspired by other stories. And if you wanted to claim "rip-off" you could have claimed "The Last Samurai" which is NOT a sci fi story. But oh well, skip it if you want.
Quote from: Knightfire on January 03, 2010, 05:24:36 PM
The plot is essentially Furngully with Smurf Cats. Visually stunning movie, though. See it in 3d if you can.
Smurfy Cats...someone has been watching "Bum Reviews" I see. But yes, see it in 3D. My personal reccomendation is to find a theater that is showing it in IMAX 3D. Trust me.


Sukebe, the only theatres in Montreal that are playing it are the 3D version. I looked very hard, because several of my friends wanted to see it. They went without me.

As for it being "inspired", read these:




War vet handicapped? Check.
War vet uses mental/avatar system to escape? Check.
Stealing resources from another planet? Check.

Yeah, totally a fucking coincidence.


Quote from: Moonblossom on January 03, 2010, 08:51:10 PM
Sukebe, the only theatres in Montreal that are playing it are the 3D version. I looked very hard, because several of my friends wanted to see it. They went without me.

Boo hoo, guess you're out of luck. Oh well, if you're not going to see it anyways, why complain about your friends going without you? Btw, you said it was ONLY in 3D...not that it was only available in 3D where you were.

Every great idea is a "rip off" of something else. The original Transformers was a rip off of a cheap toy line in Japan, Star Wars is a rip off of Flash Gordon, the Droid is a rip-off of the iPhone. Do people still enjoy them? Not everyone, but yes, people still do. I was able to enjoy it without knowing ANYTHING about the hype. In fact, I DIDN"T want to see it at first because I was upset that it caused one movie to change it's title to, "The Last Airbender" and that James Cameron put aside the live action adaption of "Battle Angel Alita." And yeah, I noticed that Avatar had a lot of elements from other media, and was able to look past it.


If it had been available in non-3D I probably would have gone simply to keep my friends company, they tend to pay for my movies. Stop being such a sarcastic jerk. Why do you even care so much that I'm pointing out what a pathetic and unoriginal rip it is? Are you a mindless fanboy, or do you enjoy proverbially fellating mediocre directors who know how to build hype on things they steal?

As for the other movies you listed, yes they have similarities to other things. This, however, has multiple blatantly lifted elements. It's not inspired by, it's not in the spirit of.. It's a GIGANTIC BILLION DOLLAR MOVIE that refuses to even credit poor Poul Anderson. By all rights and purposes he should be getting royalties, since he essentially wrote the basis for the script. However, rather than man up and have the testicles to admit it, James Cameron's run off and hid in a corner, and first claimed he "never" read the story, and later switched his song to "oh maybe I read it when I was young, but I don't remember." You can bet your fawning little ass that had someone done the same shit to Almighty Lord Cameron, he'd be screaming Na'vi Blue murder and threatening lawsuits faster than I can roll my eyes.

He's rolling in money he does not deserve, and the movie is nowhere near as original or as avante-garde as people claim it is.


The man is truly a gentleman and a scholar, and I revoke all my prior commentary.



Trust me, the story gets better. XD


But wait, there's more!


When is Sigourney Weaver smoking a cigarette not just Sigourney Weaver smoking a cigarette? When she's a ~*~metaphor~*~ for the vile way gamers disrespect their bodies.

Good lord, Cameron's spent so much time kissing his own ass, his head's now firmly wedged inside his anus.



Before this becomes the Hate James Cameron, I would like to say I enjoyed the movie. I didn't really see it for it's plot, but how the sotry was presented with the special effects. I don't think the creatures were quite as realistic as some people say they were, but I still watching them in 3d.^^


Quote from: Glitch on January 04, 2010, 05:51:11 PM
Before this becomes the Hate James Cameron, I would like to say I enjoyed the movie. I didn't really see it for it's plot, but how the sotry was presented with the special effects. I don't think the creatures were quite as realistic as some people say they were, but I still watching them in 3d.^^
At least I'm not the only one to notice that the creaures don't look all that real.  To Bad because the scenery I've seen in clips and ads looks pretty good.


I don't care that the movie has an unoriginal plot.  It's still fun to watch though.

I do find it annoying that so many people think it's the greatest movie of 2009 when there are many other good movies that came out this year that have great visuals that go along with a great story.

It's not a terrible plot.  It's not bad enough to make you want to stop watching.  But it is filled with a lot of cliche simple-minded ideas.  The world portrayed is very black and white and the ending...well it was a little too convenient.

But Star Wars is a cliche story about good vs. evil and it's still a good movie.

One thing Avatar is really missing are any interesting characters.  Only Quattritch and Dr. Augustine seem to have any character to them at all, and even then it's veryu simplistic.

The graphics were good enough that there were a few shots when Neytiri first flies on her Banshee that I almost thought it was an actress on the flying lizard's back for a minute.

I'm looking forward to the sequel though: "James Cameron's Orbital Bombardment"

TC X0 Lt 0X

That movie does not sound like it will have a happy ending at all trooper...


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Or else you won't get anything..."

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still havent seen it yet, though saw the blurbs how world wide its broken the $1 billion dollar mark.

I think I'll just wait til its out on dvd/ blu ray in a few months.  :P

the only movie i actually wanna see is a vampire movie called " Day Breakers "
REAL vampires dont freaking sparkle.

there, had to say it.  :P
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I eventually saw it, in the 3D, had to wait in line for two hours the other day. From the commercials I just didn't see the point, but with so much hype I just figured it was something I had to see. And I looooooooooooooooooved it! I haven't seen a movie this good in a really long time, I will probably get it on dvd.