Info For Artist Alley Reg

Started by imoto, February 10, 2010, 08:45:48 AM

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sooo I just want to check with everyone, we're just waiting patiently for confirmations in case we got in- or confirmations in case we are on the wait list?
HAHA I was at another con in arizona, man I think my heart fell out of my mouth I was flipping out so bad all nervous and hyper ventalating- trying to sign up in time- we were all clogging the system too LOL Well just crossing my fingers!


How long does the approval stage take, I've read it took a week or so?...
I'm so scared, me and my friends all signed up in a group for this, we even finished our permit, paid for the badge, and prepared so much for this, We had this planned out a whole year ago >.<

It's been a week since I signed up my group...I really hope We make it in
*cross my fingers


Ahh another question! (Didn't want to ask by email ;n; ) If my group is approved, and one of my listed helpers are not there to help sell but to just assist me in taking in names or to just chill around, they won't need a seller's permit of their own will they?


Quote from: ewu on March 31, 2011, 03:13:33 PM
Approvals will START coming in tonight or tomorrow.

Has anyone gotten these approvals in yet? I was looking around on the facebook page and it looks like these haven't been released. Do we have a new ETA?


No approval notice over here...

I can not help but worry... what if my site has too much fan art? What if they decide something of mine breaks AA rules? (though I cannot imagine how) Will I be notified my artwork does not meet the criteria, and lose my table? Or will they email me, saying that it currently does NOT meet criteria, and I have until a specified date to produce proof that what I sell WILL meet criteria? And will they state reasons why for denial?
here lies everything...the world I wanted at my feet... my victory's complete...


Quote from: Zully on April 04, 2011, 07:55:36 AM
Quote from: ewu on March 31, 2011, 03:13:33 PM
Approvals will START coming in tonight or tomorrow.

Has anyone gotten these approvals in yet? I was looking around on the facebook page and it looks like these haven't been released. Do we have a new ETA?

Nope none here TT.TT
I really hope my art does not break AA rules and lag my group


We have approved a small handful of the overwhelming response to the alley. If you have not received an approval, there is likely nothing wrong with your application or art.

We are looking at mostly to see if your items for sale have been mass produced or published.

Other info is forthcoming.
Eric Wu
FanimeCon Chairman
FanimeCon Forums Moderator



Quote from: ewu on April 04, 2011, 08:59:12 AM
We have approved a small handful of the overwhelming response to the alley. If you have not received an approval, there is likely nothing wrong with your application or art.

We are looking at mostly to see if your items for sale have been mass produced or published.

Other info is forthcoming.
ok that's good, thank you for the reply!!!


Thanks for the follow-up! This'll be my first AA in California, so if I'm going to have a booth I need to start planning on the additional costs I'll be shouldering to ship my stuff up from Texas as soon as possible. With the con a little under two months out, we're cutting it close! I'm maintaining a level of hopeful excitement.


we look forward to seeing you at con!
Eric Wu
FanimeCon Chairman
FanimeCon Forums Moderator



Thanks for your quick replies, ewu. I really appreciate the professionalism and promptness. :)


Quote from: VocaloidHaine on April 03, 2011, 06:38:07 PM
Ahh another question! (Didn't want to ask by email ;n; ) If my group is approved, and one of my listed helpers are not there to help sell but to just assist me in taking in names or to just chill around, they won't need a seller's permit of their own will they?

If your helper is not there to sell art, they won't need a seller's permit.

Quote from: darkkako on April 01, 2011, 04:26:15 AM
It' s also possible you may find someone willing to share their table space, Quatrina.

I just want to reiterate this for everyone! Even if you didn't get your own table, there is always someone willing to share. (:
FanimeCon Artist Alley Staff 2011
Anime Expo LPTS Staff 2011
Fanimaid Cafe Maid 2011
Cafe Kintoki Maid/Host, Co-Manager 2011


Okay so I tried emailing staff about this but both times gmail told me the email(s) don't exist (I say emails because I saw two different ones and neither of them worked sooo)

I'd like to know if we're allowed to use clamps on our table displays at all? I know there is a rule about not having anything attached to the table and I wanted to be sure if this also included clamps. Not sure if this was already answered or not, but I've been looking around and got mixed messages, so I kinda just wanna clear up some confusion I have. Thanks!


This sort of question has been asked by a couple of people on the Facebook page and hasn't gotten a response. Thought I'd post it here to see if there's any information I can pass along.

QuoteI have a question that was never answered. So I'll ask again. I know that it's first come first serve with regards to table registrations, but how is seating going to be determined? What about groups that have a leader who registers before me, but the rest of the 7 tables register after me? It won't be fair that they get to choose where they sit, and I get pushed back to a less than desirable location based on that system. How will you guys handle this so that it's the most fair to all artists involved? (That was a concern of mine last year too, with groups getting ten that point, I'm starting to wonder if it wouldn't be more plausible for them to start getting dealer hall booths since that would consist of about 18-20 people)...


@ewu - I supplied a link to my website that contain artworks, but I failed to notify where to look the area that im going to sell. uhm What should I do? I already supplied a special link labeled " Artist alley " and have the items that i will be expecting to sell, but I cannot post any more because i fear that most of the artworks might be taken, trying to do something different here!...


In 2009 the tables are set in random order... if there is something you want on a specific spot, you will have to ask permission if you would like to trade spots..

not sure how 2010 goes since I cannot be there in that Vicinity.

if you pushed back into the wall try not feel discourage.. there is a drawback to the back side..
1) autograph sessions, sometimes you might get noticed by an actor..
2) a reasonable excuse to have people stay there and avoid frustrations..
3) you can actually have a banner up and post things you would like to sell, erh banners are nice way to add a notified spot..
4) **i will send you a note about this one**
5) mostly all the best people are placed in the back such as those guys who made cat tails.


Quote from: haircurl on April 04, 2011, 08:47:38 PM
Okay so I tried emailing staff about this but both times gmail told me the email(s) don't exist (I say emails because I saw two different ones and neither of them worked sooo)

I'd like to know if we're allowed to use clamps on our table displays at all? I know there is a rule about not having anything attached to the table and I wanted to be sure if this also included clamps. Not sure if this was already answered or not, but I've been looking around and got mixed messages, so I kinda just wanna clear up some confusion I have. Thanks!

Clamps are definitely okay! In fact, they are encouraged rather than artists use something like, say, duct tape to attach displays to the tables.

The correct email should be artistalley[at]

Quote from: Zully on April 04, 2011, 10:13:03 PM
This sort of question has been asked by a couple of people on the Facebook page and hasn't gotten a response. Thought I'd post it here to see if there's any information I can pass along.

QuoteI have a question that was never answered. So I'll ask again. I know that it's first come first serve with regards to table registrations, but how is seating going to be determined? What about groups that have a leader who registers before me, but the rest of the 7 tables register after me? It won't be fair that they get to choose where they sit, and I get pushed back to a less than desirable location based on that system. How will you guys handle this so that it's the most fair to all artists involved? (That was a concern of mine last year too, with groups getting ten that point, I'm starting to wonder if it wouldn't be more plausible for them to start getting dealer hall booths since that would consist of about 18-20 people)...

One of the benefits of registering as a group is to be able to have your entire group of friends sit together. It's not necessarily something that should be going to dealer's instead because they may just be a group of friends who want to be together, and not a group of friends who are all selling the same thing or type of thing. Because members of a group are pretty much guaranteed to be able to sit next to each other, the group leader can pick out the tables for their entire table block. I guess, if you will, it can be treated like a group of 8 is still a group of 8 and a solo artist is like a group of 1.

I hope that made some sense!
FanimeCon Artist Alley Staff 2011
Anime Expo LPTS Staff 2011
Fanimaid Cafe Maid 2011
Cafe Kintoki Maid/Host, Co-Manager 2011


Thanks for the reply! I'll post it up on the facebook group. Just relaying messages from there, since we seem to have a larger database of mod responders here. :)


And actually, since you guys are so awesome at replies, here's another one that hasn't gotten a response yet. And no worries, it's not three questions-- just three of the comments on the original question to help clarify it. :)

Quote from: Brian WuSo for those of us who were registering as a group, and had server problems yesterday, would we be less likely to get a table considering the first-come, first-serve basis?

Quote from: Red ShirtI think that registering this year has been much smoother than the past few and I have no doubt everything will be worked out. The past years have had more than enough tables (with about 20% still empty at con time) but just to clarify some fears, I believe the question pertained more to those that waited for the server to stop crashing and actually registered a group. Those that did this were delayed by up to an extra half hour over those that did individual registration and are worried that there will be no tables left when the first-come first-serve list gets to them.

Quote from: Natalie SlaughterMy concerns are in line with what Red Shirt explained. Can it be confirmed that this won't be an issue when it comes to securing tables? IE, those who had to wait as a group rather than signing up as individuals as the prompt said was required will not be penalized for having done so?


Honestly I'm concerned about the groups time frame too. With the updates to the Fanime website when we check our accounts, it gives the number your account was assigned. Seeing as groups signed up AFTER all the single artists because of server issues, it's making me incredibly nervous about the whole first come first serve idea. My account number was well into the 200's, and I'm certain there isn't enough room for all those people ahead of me, let alone groups who were larger that registered behind me.

Is there any more word on how they're handling the idea that groups were forced farther back in line due to server issues?


fyi, accounts did not start from the #1
Eric Wu
FanimeCon Chairman
FanimeCon Forums Moderator
