Activities outside of anime and game

Started by prototypem, March 13, 2010, 07:05:46 PM

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What do you guys do that is not anime or gaming related?

I'm on a dragon boat team. This will be my third year with them.
I'm also training for a half marathon right now.



I used to scull competitively, but I have too many health problems now. :( I miss it.

I do a fair bit of photography, mostly personal but I've shot weddings and proms and stuff, and my biggest hobby is collecting and wearing kimono. I have a blog about it -


I daydream ALOT.Even when I drive I daydream.And I just woke up from a small nap with images of me with some girl I knew years ago.>.>
Other then that I just shop.And stay home.

Sunara Ishi

"Doesn't break even when run over by a tank! The most durable ballpoint pen in world!"-Nebula

michiko nakano

i do stuff with my sewing machine, from mending my friends' clothes to sewing my pointe shoes (ballerina!!) to working on renaissance faire garb and cosplays. 


I run, act, make movies, watch movies, do community service, and spend unhealthy amounts of time on the internet.  :P


Sculling seems fun, but I'll stick to one water sport for now. I see people scull on the other side of the lake when I'm at dragon boat practice.

@Sunara Ishi
Reading is fun if it is an awesome book. What kinds of books do you read. I mostly read books from games. I just finished reading Blood of Elves which is what the game The Witcher is based from. Going to start Dragon Age: The Stolen Throne soon.

@michiko nakano
I wish I can sew so I can make some costumes for cosplaying.

I spend a lot of time on the internet too. I can't live a day without being online.
What kind of movies do you make? What part do you have in making them? Writing, directing, filming, editing, etc.


I've been doing dance for 15 years.  (I turned 17 in January.)  And I recently picked up figure skating.   :P


Quote from: Moonblossom on March 13, 2010, 07:22:29 PM

I used to scull competitively, but I have too many health problems now. :( I miss it.

I do a fair bit of photography, mostly personal but I've shot weddings and proms and stuff, and my biggest hobby is collecting and wearing kimono. I have a blog about it -

AH!  So you did crew/rowing?!  I love sculling more than sweeping.


I think I know what lake you practice at...

And rowing > dragon boat.


Dragon boat is awesome. Where else is there a sport where it is 22 people on a team?
Well I did see a similar sport to where there were 100 paddlers on a boat. It requires a lot of work to keep in sync.


Quote from: chococlatte on March 15, 2010, 11:18:54 AM
Quote from: Moonblossom on March 13, 2010, 07:22:29 PM

I used to scull competitively, but I have too many health problems now. :( I miss it.

I do a fair bit of photography, mostly personal but I've shot weddings and proms and stuff, and my biggest hobby is collecting and wearing kimono. I have a blog about it -

AH!  So you did crew/rowing?!  I love sculling more than sweeping.


I think I know what lake you practice at...

And rowing > dragon boat.

Yeah, I used to. We did sweep just to practice as well, but my favourite was always the one-man or two-man sculling. I miss it, but I've got horrible back and muscle problems, cardiac issues, and a mild deformity in my brain, so it's probably not a good idea to be out on a boat by myself XD


I mostly play my guitar or my piano, singing, write lyrics, or just download songs from new bands or new songs from already known bands and just listen and see if I like it or not.
Occupation: Musician/singer/nurse/student/cashier/cosplayer/otaku/poet/writer/cook/lover/gamer/artist/maniac/woman/foodie/DDRist
In other words, I'm one busy mofo!

Fanime 2012 Cosplays:
Kagome (Inuyasha) <all weekend>


A huge portion of my time is spent being completely awsome.


Quote from: Glitch on March 15, 2010, 07:28:04 PM
A huge portion of my time is spent being completely awsome.

What's it like being awesome all the time?


Quote from: prototypem on March 17, 2010, 10:20:49 AM
Quote from: Glitch on March 15, 2010, 07:28:04 PM
A huge portion of my time is spent being completely awsome.

What's it like being awesome all the time?
Not easy my friend. There's so much effort I have to put into it. But I suppose it's better than being lame. I tried being lame for a week or so. It didn't work out all that great as I thought.


I dabble in art, I manage an artist/artshop (selling at fanime again woo!) somewhat of an Audiophile and commonly go on very very long walks with friends talking about life and the things that come along with it.  Also i'm in the process of writing a manga...
Know much about purgatory? It's the world we live in now, and Halloween is the day a damned soul in purgatory can be released into heaven, if he prays hard enough. Say your prayers. - Vincent Volaju


Hey, I see rowers here! :D

I row, I used to dance (but am trying to get back into it; darn school), draw, write some fanfic, write some original stuff, and read like whoa when able to.


I kayak. (yes I know how far down I am in the hierarchy Lol) Read a ridiculous amount. Go to performances in whatever media. Dance. (Salsa is my favorite! Though modern is ... interesting) Travel as much as I can.


Back in my nerdy high school/college hay days ---

i used to be into sports believe it or not. i wasnt a scrawny nerd.

Sports participated - Tennis, badminton, Track & Field, Cross Country, Football.

Extra Curricular -  Community Service, Soup Kitchens, assisting the elderly, donations [food drives etc], Theater, and believe it or not even Glee club [Choir & dance perfomances].

I was a pretty well balanced nerd back in the day.  ;)

Games, Friends & Fanime oh my! :D


I play the cello, sail lazers and picos, and vault.  If you have no clue what vaulting is, click that-->
2012 YO.
Friday: Yin (Darker than black)
Saturday: Alibaba (Magi); Sheryl (Macross Frontier); CC (Code Geass)
Sunday: Ikuto Tsukiyomi (Shugo Chara); Peter Pan (Disney)
Monday: Panda Kigurumi