Uh New To Fanime >> Question About Things Sold? -WIGS-.

Started by Melly, May 16, 2010, 10:12:19 PM

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lolol excuse me for my poor sentance structure. -dyslexic-


does anyone sell wigs at fanime?

i wasn't able to get one online >_> /poor

my friend is also looking for one too


I can't recall ever seeing anyone selling wigs.  Hairpieces, yes.  Wigs, no.  Doesn't mean there wont' be one this year.

Out of curiousity what kind of wig are you looking for?
Sometimes I'm glad I became a teacher.  Other times I wish I had simply become a ninja.


Sometimes sellers in the swapmeet will have old cosplay wigs, but I don't recall ever seeing a dealer selling them.


o: this is exciting then :D im not completely out of luck :D

and well... i need a Hachi wig... so basically a short/shoulder length light/medium brown wig o:

that i could hopefully style/heat resistant

my friend wants a shorter red one i think.. dont take my word for it xDDD


Jelly Soup

Quote from: BrightHeart76 on May 16, 2010, 10:34:51 PM
I can't recall ever seeing anyone selling wigs.

Really? I seem to recall seeing a few dealers with a small stock of wigs on sale and at least one person at least years swap meet who had a bunch.


*o* that's fantastic :D ill keep my eye out for someoen selling them @_@ i need one by like 5:30 PM Friday... /gathering at six xD


They have a few vendors that sell wigs, http://www.cosworx.com/home.php being one of them.

You will drop a pretty penny on the wigs in the dealers room though, they aren't cheap party wigs. I think I dropped $35 on a short boys wig for my BF there a few years ago.


Quote from: Melly on May 16, 2010, 10:12:19 PM
lolol excuse me for my poor sentance structure. -dyslexic-


does anyone sell wigs at fanime?

i wasn't able to get one online >_> /poor

my friend is also looking for one too

Hi Everyone,
I'm new to fanime , I was wondering if any deals sell lolita dresses  and hair pieces to go with them :) Thank you!

Jelly Soup

Quote from: xiaoxiaojingjing0309 on May 25, 2010, 12:12:13 PM
Quote from: Melly on May 16, 2010, 10:12:19 PM
lolol excuse me for my poor sentance structure. -dyslexic-


does anyone sell wigs at fanime?

i wasn't able to get one online >_> /poor

my friend is also looking for one too

Hi Everyone,
I'm new to fanime , I was wondering if any deals sell lolita dresses  and hair pieces to go with them :) Thank you!

I seem to have random memories of seeing dealers with gothic lolita products (Lolita Kisama jumps to mind). I think there are a few other dealers who sell gothic lolita inspired products.


Hi Everyone,
I'm new to fanime , I was wondering if any deals sell lolita dresses  and hair pieces to go with them :) Thank you!

I remember quite a few different places with those sorts of things at them last year, but their prices were quite steep.
Cosplay 2013
Friday night: RWBY (incomplete)
Saturday morning: Arrietty
Sunday afternoon: Ruby w/ Adam (RWBY, no scythe)
Monday: Arrietty

Nina Star 9

If you are looking for lolita, that may be tough.

Celga has a lot of used brand, but it's not cheap (especially since they tend to jack up the price a bit). You -might- find something worthwhile in the Artist's Alley for a reasonable price, but that's still a bit of a longshot (I have seen a few sellers around for the past few years with decent enough clothes, but I didn't check the prices). Pretty much anything else very very likely be overpriced, poor quality, and not really the best example of lolita (aka they're doin' it wrong). The Magical Boutique part of the Fantasies event going on at the Fairmont will be open to Fanime attendees, but since it is all new clothing, the prices will be quite steep and there will probably be hoardes of lolis swarming the place.

If you want something nice, the Fantasies event and the Celga booth will be your best bet. Artist's Alley will probably be your second best bet, and anything else in the dealer's room will likely be something you want to avoid. Though, if in doubt about something, nicely ask the nearest well-dressed lolita her opinion on the dress and accessory and she'll probably be glad to help, given that she's not otherwise occupied. I know that I'd gladly help someone out who asked. :D

Eri Kagami

There was a dealer at Anime Central that sells Bodyline Lolita dresses at about $99. They told me they would be at Fanime.

Swap Meet is probably your best bet for wigs. I don't recall wigs being sold at the dealer's hall. It would be nice if they did.

Jelly Soup

Quote from: Nina Star 9 on May 25, 2010, 10:49:00 PM
If you are looking for lolita, that may be tough.

Not at all, actually. Looking at the dealers list for last year, there were at least five vendors selling lolita (three of which specialized in it). Mixed with the randomness of the Swap Meet, I imagine it shouldn't be too difficult (expensive, though).


wigs to Lolita o_o hmmm ... >_>;; //gonna hunt for wigs still :B

Nina Star 9

Quote from: White Rose Assassin on May 26, 2010, 12:44:08 PM
There was a dealer at Anime Central that sells Bodyline Lolita dresses at about $99. They told me they would be at Fanime.

Swap Meet is probably your best bet for wigs. I don't recall wigs being sold at the dealer's hall. It would be nice if they did.
$99 for a Bodyline dress is waaaaaaay overpriced. You can get it for half of that (or less) directly off of their website. Even if you include shipping, it's still a lot cheaper.

Quote from: Jelly Soup on May 26, 2010, 05:51:12 PM
Quote from: Nina Star 9 on May 25, 2010, 10:49:00 PM
If you are looking for lolita, that may be tough.

Not at all, actually. Looking at the dealers list for last year, there were at least five vendors selling lolita (three of which specialized in it). Mixed with the randomness of the Swap Meet, I imagine it shouldn't be too difficult (expensive, though).
I mean that it may be tough to find something worth getting (well-made, aesthetically pleasing) for a good price.

Sure, you will find a little brand, but that will be quite a bit of money. Sure, you will find all sorts of offbrand, but 90% of that will not be worth buying, evenif it were priced to suit the quality of materials and construction because the desings are -generally- bad on anything you'll find at a con.

It's really easy to find "lolita," but it's not easy to find actual lolita/lolita worth buying at a con. That's all I mean.

EDIT: I don't want to come off as mean or an elitist or anything, and offbrand is perfectly acceptable, it's just that at cons, it's -really- hard to find offbrand worth buying, either because the price is way jacked up or because it's not a very good design/not very lolita, or a combination of both. I'm just saying to be careful, because I don't want a bunch of people wasting their money when they could get the same thing or something better for less money elsewhere and so they don't end up with a dress that they later find out is acceptable as lolita. :D