Keeping In Touch With People You Met

Started by Yuki Valentine, June 01, 2010, 09:52:37 PM

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Quote from: Aeredon on June 02, 2010, 01:22:37 PM
To those that played ninja, my name is Robin. I was the pikachu with the headphones and green/yellow bandanas. I'd like to keep in contact with all of you for future news of ninja gaming and just random gathering/hangouts. I'm also trying to find the Ibuki and her friend who were hosting/reffing the games on Saturday afternoon. Thank you!

Robin it was awesome to see you here at fanime after seeing you at the dub-step rave in santa cruz :D

i wish i could of found you on sunday to ask for a light show Dx

Keep up the good work bro :3


Quote from: angodian299 on June 02, 2010, 06:54:12 PM
Hello! My name is Angelica and I went on Sunday and Monday. If you recognized me, talk to me! ;) This is what I wore (P.S. I look bad in all my fanime pictures).
you dont look bad, you actually look really pretty! i think i saw you but not too sure though haha too many maids D:



Danced with a people during Argentina Salsa on Sat. Helped various artists with things on Friday like watching their booths while they went to go look around or take a break. 
Taught a few girls how to salsa dance during the black and white ball. Played Ninja in a chair after getting some injuries past midnight on Sunday, on the cosplay chess board and worked at Dealer's Hall, near the exit, and joked with my customers most of the time.

Email/PM/Facebook me for whatever, prices of stuff, general chat, etc.
Friday I encouraged some of the artists. Saturday I worked as a dealer. Sunday, I taught a few people how to Salsa. After midnight I played NINJA in a chair due to injury. Monday I worked as a dealer again and all through out the weekend helped ppl.

Aoi Memori

I'm looking for the fellow girl Ichimaru cosplayer that I met at the Bleach gathering on Saturday. I'm sad to say that I didn't make as many new con friends this time around but I did see a lot of the ones I already knew so yeah o-o I'm always up for new friends so if you'd like, I can be found on Facebook with the AoiMemori link ox <3
Fanime 2013 Line-up
FFX Yuna - Friday
Umineko Maria/KH Xion - Saturday
Evangelion Sun dress Asuka- Sunday
KH Xion - Monday


Oh i want to find people who were in the hug line with me heres a pic :D 

Uploaded with


Hey guys, this is Riku from Fanimecon 2010.
Well, I haven't been around the Kh gathering
as much because I was a little late to it, but
I was waundering around the convention with
my cousin Brittny and didn't have much time to
talk to people and take pictures with cosplayers
I wanted to take pictures with cause I had to
watch my cousin the whole time.
But, If your a Kh cosplayer on these forums, or
someone who has saw me at the convention then
I'd love to hear from you and become friends with
you, since I haven't got the chance...:3
~Current Cosplays~ ~%Progress~

KH2 Riku: 100% Finished!
Alois Trancy: 100% Finished!

~Cons Attended~   ~Cons Attending~

-Yaoi Con 2009          Fanime 2012
-Fanime Con 2010
-Sac Anime Con 2010
-Fanime Con 2011 

I<3 Sora & Ciel Phantomhiv


//tries this thread as well then 8D

hey everyoneeeeee... so i kinda fell in love with some guy at Fanime. and i kept following him around like a little puppy the whole time...

and i was wondering if anyone knows his name or contact information i didn't really know where else i could ask forum wise ;__;....

and i was too nervous to ask him cause i had butterflies and giggles and stuff xDDDDDDDD

i'm also looking for other pictures of him D< cause i only got like um... 5 ;~;...

he was wearing that outfit the whole time but sunday night he had his pantlegs all the way down and took off his shades :3~ i think his first name is Louis or Louise or Lewis.. //doesn't know ;__; HALP. ;__;


I met this really nice girl I think her name was Robin, she took a picture of my friend Sylvan and I on Friday and we ran into her again at an 18+ panel. :D She seemed really friendly and I would love to talk to her again.
Granny Weatherwax didn't hold with looking at the future, but now she could feel the future looking at her. She didn't like its expression at all.
-Wyrd Sisters


Hey Whats up people! Who has a Myspace?
Who wants to be my friend?!? -Randum- xD
~Current Cosplays~ ~%Progress~

KH2 Riku: 100% Finished!
Alois Trancy: 100% Finished!

~Cons Attended~   ~Cons Attending~

-Yaoi Con 2009          Fanime 2012
-Fanime Con 2010
-Sac Anime Con 2010
-Fanime Con 2011 

I<3 Sora & Ciel Phantomhiv


Quote from: angodian299 on June 02, 2010, 06:54:12 PM
Hello! My name is Angelica and I went on Sunday and Monday. If you recognized me, talk to me! ;) This is what I wore (P.S. I look bad in all my fanime pictures).
As some other people mentioned, I don't think you look bad at all ( ´ ▽ ` )


There was a few ppl. There was the wikied Kakashi that played ninja, a Xatu at Cosplay chest. And ff4 whm, ff11 blm in relic and ff11 rdm in relic


Jelly Soup


Quote from: Jelly Soup on June 03, 2010, 07:52:56 PM
Quote from: Melly on June 03, 2010, 02:01:47 AM
i'm also looking for other pictures of him D< cause i only got like um... 5 ;~;...

That's an adorable picture. :3

DO YOU KNOW WHO HE IS?!?!?! djsfaioewoiaoifeaf

you don't know how badly i wanna talk to him again ;__; /CRUSHED. me and my dumbdumb nerves >_>; ;~~~~~~;

Jelly Soup

Quote from: Melly on June 03, 2010, 08:12:17 PM
Quote from: Jelly Soup on June 03, 2010, 07:52:56 PM
Quote from: Melly on June 03, 2010, 02:01:47 AM
i'm also looking for other pictures of him D< cause i only got like um... 5 ;~;...

That's an adorable picture. :3

DO YOU KNOW WHO HE IS?!?!?! djsfaioewoiaoifeaf

you don't know how badly i wanna talk to him again ;__; /CRUSHED. me and my dumbdumb nerves >_>; ;~~~~~~;

No, but I recall seeing him around.

Assuming that's you, you look so adorable in that pic. XD


Quote from: Jelly Soup on June 03, 2010, 08:30:16 PM
Quote from: Melly on June 03, 2010, 08:12:17 PM
Quote from: Jelly Soup on June 03, 2010, 07:52:56 PM
Quote from: Melly on June 03, 2010, 02:01:47 AM
i'm also looking for other pictures of him D< cause i only got like um... 5 ;~;...

That's an adorable picture. :3

DO YOU KNOW WHO HE IS?!?!?! djsfaioewoiaoifeaf

you don't know how badly i wanna talk to him again ;__; /CRUSHED. me and my dumbdumb nerves >_>; ;~~~~~~;

No, but I recall seeing him around.

Assuming that's you, you look so adorable in that pic. XD

AW DAMNIT D: ;~; my friends.. that were trying to get me away from him >_>.. saw him a few times too.. i only saw him like 5 times and each time i was like CAN I HUG YOU or CAN I GET ANOTHER PICTURE WITH YOU <3333 /SWOON then monday i forgot my camera i was so crushed ;__;.....

and why thank you 8D you should help me on my hunt for my Takumi... xD... i was cosplaying Hachi and Takumi is Hachi's wife and i'm already in love the Charcther enough as is ;_; he wasn't even cosplaying he just.... WAS ACTING SO MUCH LIKE HIM .jsdfaiojeoiwajaiodsjfoiaewfojew /SPAZZZZZZZZZZES XD


Thought I wouldn't do this, but I guess it wouldn't hurt. *shrug*

My name is Joshua. I went as Kenshin for the past 6 years but was sadly unable to this year. Most of the time this year I was wearing a Triforce beanie, Twilight Princess design. There were a couple of people I met that I would hope to get in contact with. One would be this girl I met at the Argentine Tango session on Saturday. I believe her name was Thea (not sure of the spelling and I'm bad with names of people I just met), had her dark brown hair tied back each time I saw her. She was an awesome dancer and didn't get a chance to dance/speak with her during the B&W ball and anytime after (respectively). The times I did spot her at the B&W ball, she was wearing a black and white dress. Since I'm bad at descriptions as well, that's as detailed as I can get. :-[ Another would be the Harry Dresden cosplayer I ran into. IIRC, he was part of the staff. I would have liked to talk a lot about the Dresden Files, but I was too shocked to see both a Harry cosplayer and Dresden Files fan irl. He had the black glove for his character's burnt left hand and was asked about Bob the skull.<---Pic of Harry Dresden cosplayer <---Pic of me with the Triforce beanie on the left. Will post up the pic with my suit if I can find it.
"All you can do is keep on keeping on, and try to believe that tomorrrow will be what it should be - even if it isn't what you expected." -Harry Dresden


Oh! If anyone wants to be my facebook friend find me at:  Just mention Fanime in the request.
Granny Weatherwax didn't hold with looking at the future, but now she could feel the future looking at her. She didn't like its expression at all.
-Wyrd Sisters


Quote from: Aoi Memori on June 02, 2010, 10:27:42 PM
I'm looking for the fellow girl Ichimaru cosplayer that I met at the Bleach gathering on Saturday. I'm sad to say that I didn't make as many new con friends this time around but I did see a lot of the ones I already knew so yeah o-o I'm always up for new friends so if you'd like, I can be found on Facebook with the AoiMemori link ox <3

I remember you.  I was Hitsugaya taking pics during the gathering p:>  PM your email address and I forward to a friend who knows her.

BTW, I met less new people this year compared to past years, too.


Halloooo I met so many people on the Marriott elevators, any other people who stayed on the 25th floor at teh Marriott?  ;D