Starcraft 2?

Started by Sherbert, October 04, 2010, 07:27:41 PM

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Diamond league player here, ranked 100/100 in my division though so I'm not a "good" diamond player. :P Division is Void Ray Beta, and I'd love to find some people to practice with. I hardly play it because I'm too scared to do anymore ranked matches, scratched and clawed my way into diamond after 25 matches and out of the 7 I've played in there I've only won 1 I believe so I don't want to get knocked out of there! T.T I'd love to help new players too! So if you're into Starcraft at all send me a PM or even just add me: Sherbert Character code is: 170 :D

I was Snow Villiers from FFXIII accompanied by a Sazh Kastroy from the same game at Fanime 2011. If you have pictures of either of us send me a pm or email! Thanks!

TC X0 Lt 0X

It's unfortunate that SC2 games are garbage compared to SC1.

"Never beg. You earn. By Winning.
Or else you won't get anything..."

Pro-Pocky Movement



Oh? Why do you say that? I watch a lot of pro replays and the level of the game and the intensity is similar, and we really needed a new starcraft, over a decade later! XD I've been pretty happy so far, a lot of players use very cheap strategies however, which I've been trying to learn how to counter.

I was Snow Villiers from FFXIII accompanied by a Sazh Kastroy from the same game at Fanime 2011. If you have pictures of either of us send me a pm or email! Thanks!

TC X0 Lt 0X

Games seems to end to quickly and lack much excitement. The best I've seen was a Protoss Guy shuffling Stalkers through dropships to spread damage through his units for half a game.

"Never beg. You earn. By Winning.
Or else you won't get anything..."

Pro-Pocky Movement


xxxplizit (pogi1kenobi)

Quote from: TC_X0_Lt_0X on October 05, 2010, 12:36:30 AM
Games seems to end to quickly and lack much excitement. The best I've seen was a Protoss Guy shuffling Stalkers through dropships to spread damage through his units for half a game.

Pre-Patch1.1 or post-Patch1.1?
eGaming Head / FanimeCon, SacAnime, Y-Con, Kintoki-Con, Deceptikon
Tournament Director / AOD
Anime + Gaming Article Lead / GreenTeaGraffiti
Cosplays: Wii Remote, Pink DS Lite

TC X0 Lt 0X

Not sure.
I don't play just watch Youtube games.

"Never beg. You earn. By Winning.
Or else you won't get anything..."

Pro-Pocky Movement



I always enjoy games from HuskyStarcraft and HDStarcraft, they are some awesome commentators, some of the games from the HDH were amazing and they just had MLG and I believe Husky went to PAX as well. I love watching games with HuK, LiquidTLO, Dimaga, Idra (lol gotta love the Ragemaster) Fruitseller, WhiteRa, and sooo many more! If you want some big epic battles I know LiquidTLO and Madfrog had quite a matchup a while back that Husky casted, look up those games on his channel, they were pretty epic, long games with very large encounters!

I was Snow Villiers from FFXIII accompanied by a Sazh Kastroy from the same game at Fanime 2011. If you have pictures of either of us send me a pm or email! Thanks!


Best advice I can give is play ranked to level up your game. I started off as Bronze and now I'm #6 Diamond. You learn a lot from just practicing in ranked, simply because there are so many versatile strats out there (most of them cheese unfortunately..).

Still, if you're scared of getting kicked out of Diamond, chances are you don't belong there anyway.


Haha, I've been playing a bit more and playing a lot with my friends. I've been concentrating on mainly stopping the cheesy all-ins and going into a later macro game. Since a lot of the players out there win most of there games using all-ins if I can defend against them well and hold out I can usually beat them since I have more experience in games like that. Besides, they're called all-ins for a reason, if you defend against it then it's game over for the other player. And so far it's been working not too bad, still having trouble against a very crazy 4 roach early push but I have some tricks up my sleeve if I manage to scout the Zerg soon enough. I've actually been doing a heavy Zealot+Sentry combo and using force fields and I can totally shut down a large MM ball and any tier 1 zerg pushes. Then if that doesn't finish them off I go into an expansion and play the game from there and it works surprisingly well, it's gotten really easy to trap people with force fields since a lot of protoss goes mass stalkers, they don't expect it since MM's and Roaches completely shut down zealots since they don't have range.

I was Snow Villiers from FFXIII accompanied by a Sazh Kastroy from the same game at Fanime 2011. If you have pictures of either of us send me a pm or email! Thanks!


Anyone want to swap real ids? I just started 2 days ago, got placed into Silver after ranking because I was semi-competent (but not very fast) and won 3 games (the truth was I 6 pool trolled someone because my friend wanted me to)


ahhhh they nerfed void rays


We should all add each other.

I don't play very often but I'm a 36 Diamond I think.

Not that big a deal consider the fact that there's two tiers above Diamond now.


Is there a trick to recognizing downloaded third party replays from within the game or do they have to be dragged onto the sc2 icon to be launched?


We can always play on the 1v1 obs map for practice.