Marvel/DC Universe Gathering 2014

Started by bahamutknightzero, November 16, 2010, 04:58:25 PM

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Legendary Hero

So I realize we have just a month until Fanime pretty much. Anymore takers?
Fanime 2012 cosplays:
MK9 Stryker


Updated gathering list, this is looking to be pretty awesome and this isn't even taking into account people that may show up that didn't post in either topic.


heres a teaser to something I been working on while I was making my spidy costume. :)

oh btw I am defective naruto in the website, just wanted to let you know and not confuse ya.

check out our site, we cover all the latest news on both anime and video games and also we have a podcast


Quote from: kane64 on April 11, 2012, 02:54:36 AM
Guess I should at least add in on here.

I am currently working on my outfit, and trying to convince 2~3 of my friends to dress up as well. So far we know one of us will be Spider-Man, who is still being worked out. Still working out the details on everyone else in my group. Once we know for certain who is going, and is willing to dress up, I will post again with the details.
Me again. So, it's a bit more official. One of my friends will be dressed up as Symbiote Spider-Man and I will be Spider-Man from the Mangaverse.
"I'm addicted to Star Trek
"I'm a Klingon speaking federation freak
"I find I'm more inclined
"To spend the bulk of my time
"On the starship Enterprise
"Than talking to girls I meet"
-Deaf Pedestrians


clawmaster: Got it, made a slight edit to avoid confusion

kane64: Added both ya and your friend


Added a list containing the photo shooting order that will be posted in the Gatherings topic for Confirmation.


Sad to say but I'm 89% sure I wont be able to come like I thought I would be able to. My job isn't letting me get those days off sadly :[  Hopefully I will see you guys next year though! can't wait to see the images of the gathering!

Legendary Hero

Photoshoot suggestions: Justice League, Avengers. JL vs Avengers.
Fanime 2012 cosplays:
MK9 Stryker


I am hoping to come as Jeremy Renner!Hawkeye!

The Crypt

depending on how long this gathering last i'm sad to say i might i have to leave early if i'm to make it to my Assassin's Creed gathering on time. :(
Its the 21st century CURE!!


My friend GK Punk is going as Logan :)
Cosplayer/ Photographer


As of last Saturday I decided to bring my Lady Loki cosplay to con, but because of a conflicting shoot time (Super Sentai/Kamen Rider shoot at 3) I don't know if I'll be able to attend the gathering. Loki takes an inordinate amount of time to put on/take off so I imagine I would have to cut out early in order to make it to the second one. I've got plenty of time to decide how I'm going to do this, though. Hope to see you all there!
Tentative 2015 lineup includes 90's Rogue (X-Men), Historical Rapunzel (Tangled), Maki Nishikino (Love Live), Daedalus F-302 pilot (Stargate Atlantis)


I'll be there as Lady Deadpool :)


I'm wondering if there is going to be a Marvel vs Capcom photo op, or a MK vs DC photo op?
"I'm addicted to Star Trek
"I'm a Klingon speaking federation freak
"I find I'm more inclined
"To spend the bulk of my time
"On the starship Enterprise
"Than talking to girls I meet"
-Deaf Pedestrians


Quote from: kane64 on May 13, 2012, 11:04:52 PM
I'm wondering if there is going to be a Marvel vs Capcom photo op, or a MK vs DC photo op?

I would guess the fighting game gatherings for those two.


Hey everyone since its a week away from fanime I thought I just drop this by. I made this along side with my spider man cosplay, and it was pretty fun making it. ^^b

check out our site, we cover all the latest news on both anime and video games and also we have a podcast


I'm definitely attending as Lady Loki. Can't wait to cow all of you insignificant beings into fearful submission see you all at con!
Tentative 2015 lineup includes 90's Rogue (X-Men), Historical Rapunzel (Tangled), Maki Nishikino (Love Live), Daedalus F-302 pilot (Stargate Atlantis)


A little last minute, but I will be there as batgirl if I can finish sewing in time!  Pulling an old project out of the bottom of the stash is a great idea a week before the con, haha.


Don't know if it matters at this point but I will be going as Nite Owl, the person I asked wasn't able abel to make the Nemesis cosplay.


I'll be coming directly from the Final Fantasy gathering an hour before the shoot, but I'll be there as Ghost Rider