First time going to a con and i need some people to talk to :)

Started by RyanNulph, December 27, 2010, 12:57:40 AM

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Fanime '07-'09 ~ Attendee
Fanime '10       ~ Panels General Staff
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Fanime '14-'15 ~ Panels General Staff

Otakon '08-'09 ~ Attendee


In my left brain, there's nothing right & in my right brain, there's nothing left.

Luca Cantellano

LOL, well, I find making friends at Fanime isn't that hard if you wait in line at the Badge-Pickup day!

Having to stand there for hours, I made about 10 new friends!!! ♥ ♥ ♥

People are generally reaaaally nice, so just be open and have fun!

People cultivate to people that are having fun! ;3

It's one of my favorite things about Fanime~

2015 cosplay(s): Lady Deadpool (realistic interpretation)


Fanime is my favorite convention that I go to.  People are far more relaxed here, but I feel that that's because things are better run at this convention than certain other California conventions that are run on the fourth of July weekend....But I think Fanime is a good first convention since it's not too large.  Large conventions can be very overwhelming for the first timer.

People are very friendly at Fanime, and you'll find no shortage of people to talk to in lines.  I bring Japanese snackies to share with others and my Pokewalker.  Getting a little electronic gift while waiting in a long line can make things a bit brighter.  Other people bring stuff to give to others - last year there was a girl who handed out glow sticks to the first few people in line for the FLOW concert.  I love to talk about stuff people collect, and you'll find no shortage of people that will enjoy talking about their collections.  Just keep an open mind, relax and drink lots of fluids.  It can be warm in San Jose in late May.


if anything, it's pretty easy to get a conversation going with somebody & later befriending them. Just go up to them & ask who they're cosplaying as & one thing will lead to another. Just some advice you could use...
~Swap Meet staffer: '10, '11, '12, '14

Luca Cantellano

My conversation starter is to ask if I can have a picture with them!

Then we talk about who we are cosplaying as,

what events we're going to,

and the gatherings that are happening that day.

Fanime really is a friendly place that is easy to make friends at!

2015 cosplay(s): Lady Deadpool (realistic interpretation)


based on what luca said, starting a conversation is easy peasy

if they're cosplaying, ask them wat they're cosplaying as and then ask questions about what anime they like and so on and so forth

if they're NOT cosplaying, ask them where they're from, how long they've been to fanime and what are some of their favorite events, if they have any, or what they're looking for

sometimes, the best way to start a conversation is just to say 'hi' :D

hope to meet u there! :)
Fanime attendee since 2006
2012 Black & White Ball volunteer
2013-now Black & White Ball Staff

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Meow <3



Well things are interestingly complicated in virginia ;-; i miss california xD lol how is everyone and ooo my thread is close to reaching 1337 posts xD

Add me on facebook if you want anyone :P
maybe will go to the next fanime con